How Does Fishing Work


Слайд 2


Fish или Junk
буровой инструмент, упавший в скважину  
предмет, оставленный в скважине, слом ; 

Glossary Fish или Junk буровой инструмент, упавший в скважину предмет, оставленный в
трубы оставшаяся в скважине ниже срезающих плашек превентора;
оставленная в скважине часть инструмента.
Fishing - ловильные операции

Слайд 3

There are a number of problems that can occur while drilling a

There are a number of problems that can occur while drilling a
well. Whether a drill string breaks and falls to the bottom of the wellbore or a bit breaks, accidents happen. Even pipe or a tool can fall from the rig floor into the bottom of the well.
This stray equipment that has fallen into the well is referred to as fish or junk, and regular drill bits cannot drill through it. Should a fish fall into a well, fishing is required to remove it.

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In order to perform fishing on a well, drilling must be shelved

In order to perform fishing on a well, drilling must be shelved
and special fishing tools employed. Each tool is specially crafted to perform a specific function, or retrieve a certain type of fish. Most fishing tools are screwed into the end of a fishing string, similar to drillpipe, and lowered into the well.

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Spear - труболовка; ловильный крючок (в канатном бурении); однорогий ёрш;
Overshoot – деталь труболовки, которая «захватывает»

Glossary Spear - труболовка; ловильный крючок (в канатном бурении); однорогий ёрш; Overshoot
«обхватывает» трубу в скважине.

Слайд 6

There are two options to recover lost pipe. The first is a spear,

There are two options to recover lost pipe. The first is a
which fits within the pipe and then grips the pipe from the inside.
On the other hand, an overshoot may be employed, and this tool surrounds the pipe and grips it from the outside to carry it up the wellbore.

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A washover pipe – труба для улавливания шлама, мелкого мусора с забоя;

Glossary A washover pipe – труба для улавливания шлама, мелкого мусора с забоя;

Слайд 8

When a fish is difficult to grip, a washover pipe or washpipe is used.

When a fish is difficult to grip, a washover pipe or washpipe
Made of large-diameter pipe with a cutting surface at the tip, washpipe is run in the well and then the cutting edge grinds the fish to a smooth surface. Then drilling fluids are pumped into the well to remove debris, and another tool is used to retrieve the remaining fish.

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a junk mill – сплошной торцовый фрезер; металлоизмельчитель;
boot basket - ловушка для

Glossary a junk mill – сплошной торцовый фрезер; металлоизмельчитель; boot basket -
крупного шлама (устанавливаемая над долотом).

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Sometimes, a junk mill and boot basket are used to retrieve fish from the wellbore. In

Sometimes, a junk mill and boot basket are used to retrieve fish
this instance, a junk mill is lowered into the well and rotated to grind the fish into smaller pieces. A boot basket, also known as a junk basket, is then lowered into the well. Drilling fluid is pumped into the well, and the ground parts of the fish are raised into the basket and then to the surface by the boot basket.

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a tapered mill reamer – торцово-конический (комбинация торцовой и цилиндрической истирающе-режущих поверхностей с

Glossary a tapered mill reamer – торцово-конический (комбинация торцовой и цилиндрической истирающе-режущих
конической режущей фрезер; металлоизмельчитель;
a wireline spear – инструмент для «ловли» каната, проволоки, кабеля. Также можно отнести удочку и штопор (для растаскивания в колонне запутанных клубков кабеля, каната и т. п.)

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In order to recover casing that has collapsed within the well or

In order to recover casing that has collapsed within the well or
irregularly shaped fish, a tapered mill reamer can be used. Permanent and magnetic magnets are employed to reclaim magnetic fish, and a wireline spear uses hooks and barb to clasp broken wireline. Additionally, an explosive might be detonated within the well to break the fish up into smaller pieces, and then a tool such as a junk bucket is used to retrieve the smaller items.

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wireline spear

wireline spear

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an impression block – печать (торцевая, конусная и боковая гидравлическая);

Glossary an impression block – печать (торцевая, конусная и боковая гидравлическая);

Слайд 15

When a fishing professional is unable to determine which fishing tool might

When a fishing professional is unable to determine which fishing tool might
work best to retrieve the fish, an impression block is used to get an impression of the fish and allow the professional to know with what exactly he or she is dealing.
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