Слайд 2How do you want to be always in good shape, in a

good mood, enjoy life and delight friends and relatives? That, in my opinion, is the main components of our health. After all, if we have something hurts, and the mood is not that, and do not want to smile, and nothing pleases. I'm not going to talk about some serious and scary diseases, but what will tell, will help everyone on the road to health.
Слайд 3So, step one. Our body consists of 80% of the water. I

vital. To be slim and beautiful, you need to consume 30 ml. water per kg. Weight permanently. It is only water. Not about tea, juice, coffee and other liquids. Water can not be replaced by anything. She alone carries enormous benefits for our body. So drink plenty of water. Do not give yourself a "dry up."
Слайд 4Step Two. Eat right. Food should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals,

and water. As they say: have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper. Eat more fruits and vegetables, boiled or steamed meat, fish; give up sausages, smoked meats, canned foods. At least try to eat them less often. Let your food be healthy.
Слайд 5Step Three. Love walking outdoors in any weather. If you do not

always have time for a walk, go walk home from work, at least a few stops. This will help relieve stress hard day's work and see how beautiful and diverse world in which we live.
Слайд 6Step Four. Communicate more with their children. Play with them in the

game. It is the children teach us to be cheerful and direct, sincere and kind. They charge us, the adults, positive emotions, and it is very important for health.
Слайд 7Step Five. Read more. Read more books this year than last. Reading

not only expands our knowledge, but also trains the brain, memory, imagination. Read more interesting books. If up to the 50th page of the book you are not interested, drop it, do not waste her time and vision.
Слайд 8Step Six. Healthy sleep. They say a woman as old as she

looks before breakfast. Your sleep should last at least 7 hours. Give rest to your body. Alternation of sleep and wakefulness - a necessary condition for life in our body. Wake up in a good mood and success in everything you provided.
Слайд 9Step Seven. Move it. No matter how you feel, get up and

go. Life is movement. Play sports. Recently found that exercise a positive influence on human intelligence. Presence of mind - a sign of health.
Слайд 10Step Eight. Smile. The smile never leaves me cold: beautiful, intriguing, and

modest - touches, kind, happy, happy - charms, sincere-inspiring. It is believed that a smile extends live. Be positive. Remember that people are sullen look and live much worse than optimists.
Слайд 11Step Nine. Get rid of all that oppressed you that is not

helpful for you, beautiful, that does not please you. Throw away those things that you did not need during the year. Do not clutter up your living space.
Слайд 12Step Ten. Learn to love yourself, enjoy life and feel happy! Then

you definitely will be healthy!