the mid-fifteenth century when two great – grandsons of Genghis Khan, Janibek and Kerei broke away from Abulkhair Khan, a ruler of independent Khanate known as Mogolistan. Janibek and Kerei created a new Khanate, Kazakh Khanate.
A bit later the three Juzes were appeared. This was an essentially peaceable division of political management. It would give further stability to Kazakh presence. In the last years of 17th century Jungar campaigns pressed on the Kazakh Khanate with a vengeance.
Tsarist Kazakhstan
In 1731 the Lesser Juz under Abulkhair Khan
became the part of Russian empire, in order to protect
and defend its territory from Jungars. Later in 1741
the Middle and Great Juzes joined to Russian empire.