Introduction to Law in KZ

Слайд 2

Terms & Translation

Law – Право
Statute - Закон
Offense - правонарушение
Tort – деликт
Felony –

Terms & Translation Law – Право Statute - Закон Offense - правонарушение
Misdemeanor - проступок
Normative – нормативный (обязательный)

Слайд 3


What is Law? (Law vs. Statute)
Legal Acts
Hierarchy of Legal Acts
Scope of Study

Plan What is Law? (Law vs. Statute) Legal Acts Hierarchy of Legal

Слайд 4

I. What is Law?

What is Law?
Law vs.(против) Statute

I. What is Law? What is Law? Law vs.(против) Statute

Слайд 5

I. What is Law?

Law (definition) – set of
compulsory norms of behavior
sanctioned and

I. What is Law? Law (definition) – set of compulsory norms of
enforced by government
to be complied with by all people in the country
Statute – source of law, legal (i.e., binding/то есть, обязательный) act
Hierarchy of legal acts

Слайд 6

II. Legal Acts

Legislative Act (законодательный акт)
vs. or versus (против)
Sub-legislative Act (подзаконный

II. Legal Acts Legislative Act (законодательный акт) vs. or versus (против) Sub-legislative
Why it is necessary to define acts and know the hierarchy?

Слайд 7

II. Legal Acts

Let’s assume that KZ president issued a decree authorizing (уполномачивающий)

II. Legal Acts Example Let’s assume that KZ president issued a decree
the police to make arbitrary (произвольные) arrests of people in KZ without court or prosecutor sanctions.
Let’s assume that it contradicts (противоречит) KZ Criminal Procedure Code?
What act prevails? Code or Presidential Decree?
What act is legislative? What act is sub-legislative?

Слайд 8

III. Hierarchy of legal acts

Legislative acts (законодательные акты)
Constitutional Statute
Presidential Decrees having the

III. Hierarchy of legal acts Legislative acts (законодательные акты) Constitution Constitutional Statute
force of Statute

Слайд 9

III. Hierarchy of legal acts

Sub-Legislative Acts (подзаконные акты)
Presidential Decrees
Acts of Parliament
Acts of

III. Hierarchy of legal acts Sub-Legislative Acts (подзаконные акты) Presidential Decrees Acts
Cabinet of Ministers
Other government acts

Слайд 10

IV. Scope of Study

Theory of State & Law
Criminal Law
Civil Law
Constitutional Law
Labor Law

IV. Scope of Study Theory of State & Law Criminal Law Civil

Слайд 11

V. Offense

Offense (правонарушение) vs.
Felony (преступление) vs.
Misdemeanor (проступок) vs.
Tort (деликт)

V. Offense Offense (правонарушение) vs. Felony (преступление) vs. Misdemeanor (проступок) vs. Tort (деликт)

Слайд 12

V. Offense

What are the differences?

V. Offense What are the differences?
Имя файла: Introduction-to-Law-in-KZ.pptx
Количество просмотров: 160
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