Слайд 2History
The Ninth fort was built in 1912.
From 1924 - a division of

Kaunas Hard Labour prison.
NKVD prison in 1940-1941.
1941-1944 - a site of execution during the Nazi occupation.
The Ninth Fort Museum was founded in 1958.
In 1984 The Occupations Museum was opened and the monument in extermination site was constructed.
Слайд 12Expositions
Kaunas Fortress & Word War I
The division of Hard Labour Prison
The Ninth

fort in 1940-1941
The Kaunas Ghetto
The Fates of the Prisoners
The Escape of 64 Prisoners from the Ninth fort
Chiune Sugihara – Rescuer of the Jewish people
The Occupations and annexation of Lithuania by the Soviets, by the Nazi ant by the Soviets again.
Слайд 13Museum tourist services
Educational programs
Live historical lessons
Occasions with the former deportees, prisoners of

the ghettos and concentration camps
Exhibitions to commemorate some of historical significance dates
Слайд 16Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum
Museums in Lithuania are separated according to their jurisdiction.

9th Fort Museum - Republic museum founded by Ministry of Culture.
Слайд 18Visitors in Republic museums (2012)

Слайд 19Museum visitors (2012)
Total: 42563 visitors

Слайд 20Museum financing (2012)
Total: 1.864.287 Lt ( ~540.370 € )

Слайд 21Expenditures (2012)
Total: 1.872.079 Lt ( ~542.370 € )

Слайд 22Financing from EU funds
Project “Kaunas 9th Fort Museum tourism services diversity development”

period: 2011-11-30 – 2014-08-31
Renovation of building and installation of new exposition.
2.462.152 Lt (~ 713.667 €)