Linked List- Insert delete operations


Слайд 2

Array Limitations

What are the limitations of an array, as a data structure?

Array Limitations What are the limitations of an array, as a data
Physically stored in consecutive memory locations
To insert or delete items, may need to shift data

Слайд 3

List Overview
Basic operations of linked lists
Insert, find, delete, print, etc.
Variations of linked

List Overview Basic operations of linked lists Insert, find, delete, print, etc.
Linear Linked list
Circular linked lists
Doubly linked lists

Слайд 4

Conceptual Diagram Singly-Linked List

Conceptual Diagram Singly-Linked List

Слайд 5

Advantages of Linked Lists

The items do not have to be stored in

Advantages of Linked Lists The items do not have to be stored
consecutive memory locations: the successor can be anywhere physically
can insert and delete items without shifting data
can increase the size of the data structure easily
Linked lists can grow dynamically (i.e. at run time) – the amount of memory space allocated can grow and shrink as needed

Слайд 6

Disadvantages of Linked Lists

A linked list will use more memory storage than

Disadvantages of Linked Lists A linked list will use more memory storage
arrays. It has more memory for an additional linked field or next pointer field.
Arrays elements can be randomly accessed by giving the appropriate index, while linked list elements cannot randomly accessed.
Binary search cannot be applied in a linked list.
A linked list takes more time in traversing of elements.

Слайд 7



A linked list is an ordered sequence of items called nodes
A node

4- Nodes A linked list is an ordered sequence of items called
is the basic unit of representation in a linked list
A node in a singly linked list consists of two fields:
A data portion
A link (pointer) to the next node in the structure
The first item (node) in the linked list is accessed via a front or head pointer
The linked list is defined by its head (this is its starting point)

Слайд 8

Linked List Operations

Following are linked list operations:
Add an item to the linked

Linked List Operations Following are linked list operations: Add an item to
Delete an item from the linked list
Add an item to the linked list
We have 3 situations to consider:
insert a node at the front
insert a node in the middle( at particular position)
insert a node at the end
Delete an item from the linked list
We have 3 situations to consider:
delete the node at the front
delete any interior node
delete the last node

Слайд 9

A Simple Linked List Class

We use two classes: Node and List
Declare Node

A Simple Linked List Class We use two classes: Node and List
class for the nodes
data: int-type data in this example
next: a pointer to the next node in the list

class Node {
int info; // data
Node* next; // pointer to next

Слайд 10

A Simple Linked List Class

Declare List, which contains
head: a pointer to the

A Simple Linked List Class Declare List, which contains head: a pointer
first node in the list.
Since the list is empty initially, head is set to NULL
Operations on List

class List {
List(void) {head = NULL;} // constructor
~List(void); // destructor
Node* head;

Слайд 11

A Simple Linked List Class

Operations of List
IsEmpty: determine whether or not

A Simple Linked List Class Operations of List IsEmpty: determine whether or
the list is empty
InsertNode: insert a new node at a particular position
FindNode: find a node with a given value
DeleteNode: delete a node with a given value
DisplayList: print all the nodes in the list

Слайд 12

Inserting a new node

Possible cases of InsertNode
Insert into an empty list
Insert in

Inserting a new node Possible cases of InsertNode Insert into an empty
Insert at back
Insert in middle
But, in fact, only need to handle two cases
Insert as the first node (Case 1 and Case 2)
Insert in the middle or at the end of the list (Case 3 and Case 4)

Слайд 13

Insertion at the Start

It is just a 2-step algorithm which is performed

Insertion at the Start It is just a 2-step algorithm which is
as follows
node points to the new node to be inserted
front points to the first node of the linked list
Make the new node point to the first node
(i.e. the node that front points to)
2. Make front point to the new node
(i.e the node that node points to)

Слайд 14

Inserting a Node at the Front

Inserting a Node at the Front

Слайд 15


void insert_beg(int val)
{ node *temp=new node;
{ head=temp;

Algorithm void insert_beg(int val) { node *temp=new node; temp->info=val; If(head==NULL) { head=temp;
head=temp; }

Слайд 16

Insertion at the End

else { Node *cur =new Node();

Insertion at the End else { Node *cur =new Node(); cur=head; while(cur->next!=NULL)

void Insert_End(int val)
{ node *temp=new node;
temp->next= NULL

Слайд 17

Insertion at Particular Position

In this case, a new node is inserted between

Insertion at Particular Position In this case, a new node is inserted
two consecutive nodes.
Here, We call one node as current and the other as previous
Now the new node can be inserted between the previous and current node by just performing two steps:
Pass the address of the new node in the next field of the previous node.
Pass the address of the current node in the next field of the new node.
OVERFLOW. Overflow is a condition that occurs when we try to create a node but there is not a sufficient memory available.

Слайд 18

Inserting a Node in the Middle



Let's insert the new node after the

Inserting a Node in the Middle front node Let's insert the new
third node in the linked list



1. Locate the node preceding the insertion point , since it will have to be modified (make current point to it)


insertion point

Слайд 19



2. Make the new node point to the node after the insertion

front node 2. Make the new node point to the node after
point (i.e. the node pointed to by the node that current points to)




3. Make the node pointed to by current (i.e. current point to the new node



Слайд 20


void insert_position(int pos, int val)
{ node *pre;
node *cur;

Algorithm void insert_position(int pos, int val) { node *pre; node *cur; node
node *temp=new node;
for(int i=1;i { pre=cur; cur=cur->next; }
temp->next=cur; }

Слайд 21

Algorithm--Insertion after a specific value

void insert_specificValue(int sp_val, int data)
{ node *pre;

Algorithm--Insertion after a specific value void insert_specificValue(int sp_val, int data) { node

node *cur;
node *temp=new node;
while (cur->data!= sp_val)
{ pre=cur; cur=cur->next; }

Слайд 22

Comparison --- Insertion in between two nodes

void insert_specificValue(int sp_val, int data)

Comparison --- Insertion in between two nodes void insert_specificValue(int sp_val, int data)

{ node *pre;
node *cur;
node *temp=new node;
while (cur->data!= sp_val)
{ pre=cur; cur=cur->next; }

void insert_position(int pos, int val)
{ node *pre;
node *cur;
node *temp=new node;
for(int i=1;i { pre=cur; cur=cur->next; }
temp->next=cur; }

Слайд 23

Deleting a Node from a Linked List
We will consider three cases and

Deleting a Node from a Linked List We will consider three cases
then see how deletion is done in each case.
Case 1: The first node is deleted.
Case 2: The last node is deleted.
Case 3: The node after a given node is deleted.
A condition that occurs when we try to delete a node from an empty linked list
This happens when Head = NULL or when there are no more nodes to delete.
Note that when we delete a node from a linked list, we actually have to free the memory occupied by that node. The memory is returned to the free pool so that it can be used to store other programs and data.

Слайд 24

Deleting the First Node from a Linked List

To delete a node from

Deleting the First Node from a Linked List To delete a node
the beginning of the list, then the following changes will be done in the linked list
Step 1: check if the linked list exists or not.
If Head = NULL, then there are no nodes in the list and the control is transferred to the last statement of the algorithm. (UNDERFLOW)
Step 2: However, if there are nodes in the linked list,
A pointer variable PTR is set to point to the first node of the list.
(i.e. initialize PTR with Head that stores the address of the first node )
Step 3: Head is made to point to the next node in sequence
Step 4: Finally, the memory occupied by the node pointed by PTR (initially the first node of the list) is freed and returned to the free pool.

Слайд 25

if (head==NULL)
node *ptr;
ptr = head;
delete ptr;


if (head==NULL) cout else node *ptr; ptr = head; head=head?next; delete ptr; Deleting the First Node
the First Node

Слайд 26

Deleting the Last Node from a Linked List

Following steps will be required

Deleting the Last Node from a Linked List Following steps will be
1: check if the linked list exists or not.
If Head = NULL, then there are no nodes in the list and the control is transferred to the last statement of the algorithm. (UNDERFLOW)
Step 2: take a pointer variable PTR and initialize it with head.
That is, PTR now points to the first node of the linked list.
Step 3: take another pointer variable PREPTR
In the while loop, we take another pointer variable PREPTR such that it always points to one node before the PTR.
Once we reach the last node and the second last node, we set the NEXT pointer of the second last node to NULL, so that it now becomes the (new) last node of the linked list. The memory of the previous last node is freed and returned back to the free pool.

Слайд 27

NOTE: Here START means Head.

NOTE: Here START means Head.

Слайд 28

Deleting the Specific Node in a Linked List

Then the following changes will

Deleting the Specific Node in a Linked List Then the following changes
be done in the linked list:
Step 1: check if the linked list exists or not.
If START = NULL, it signifies that there are no nodes in the list and the control is transferred to the last statement of the algorithm.
Step 2: we take a pointer variable PTR and initialize it with START.
That is, PTR now points to the first node of the linked list. In the while loop, we take another pointer variable PREPTR such that it always points to one node before the PTR.
Once we reach the node containing VAL and the node succeeding it, we set the next pointer of the node containing VAL to the address contained in next field of the node preceeding it. The memory of the node succeeding the given node is freed and returned back to the free pool.
Имя файла: Linked-List--Insert-delete-operations.pptx
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