- 2. Array Limitations What are the limitations of an array, as a data structure? Fixed size Physically
- 3. List Overview Basic operations of linked lists Insert, find, delete, print, etc. Variations of linked lists
- 4. Conceptual Diagram Singly-Linked List
- 5. Advantages of Linked Lists The items do not have to be stored in consecutive memory locations:
- 6. Disadvantages of Linked Lists A linked list will use more memory storage than arrays. It has
- 7. 4- Nodes A linked list is an ordered sequence of items called nodes A node is
- 8. Linked List Operations Following are linked list operations: Add an item to the linked list Delete
- 9. A Simple Linked List Class We use two classes: Node and List Declare Node class for
- 10. A Simple Linked List Class Declare List, which contains head: a pointer to the first node
- 11. A Simple Linked List Class Operations of List IsEmpty: determine whether or not the list is
- 12. Inserting a new node Possible cases of InsertNode Insert into an empty list Insert in front
- 13. Insertion at the Start It is just a 2-step algorithm which is performed as follows Assume
- 14. Inserting a Node at the Front
- 15. Algorithm void insert_beg(int val) { node *temp=new node; temp->info=val; If(head==NULL) { head=temp; temp->next=NULL} else{ temp->next=head; head=temp;
- 16. Insertion at the End else { Node *cur =new Node(); cur=head; while(cur->next!=NULL) { cur=cur->next; } cur->next=temp;
- 17. Insertion at Particular Position In this case, a new node is inserted between two consecutive nodes.
- 18. Inserting a Node in the Middle front node Let's insert the new node after the third
- 19. front node 2. Make the new node point to the node after the insertion point (i.e.
- 20. Algorithm void insert_position(int pos, int val) { node *pre; node *cur; node *temp=new node; temp->data=val; cur=head;
- 21. Algorithm--Insertion after a specific value void insert_specificValue(int sp_val, int data) { node *pre; node *cur; node
- 22. Comparison --- Insertion in between two nodes void insert_specificValue(int sp_val, int data) { node *pre; node
- 23. Deleting a Node from a Linked List We will consider three cases and then see how
- 24. Deleting the First Node from a Linked List To delete a node from the beginning of
- 25. if (head==NULL) cout else node *ptr; ptr = head; head=head?next; delete ptr; Deleting the First Node
- 26. Deleting the Last Node from a Linked List Following steps will be required Step 1: check
- 27. NOTE: Here START means Head.
- 28. Deleting the Specific Node in a Linked List Then the following changes will be done in
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