Market research on assistive driving devices for drivers with physical disability in ChinaZiqian WANGStudent at HEC Paris

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Market Size

Total population of the disabled in China: 85 020 000, representing

Market Size Total population of the disabled in China: 85 020 000,
around 6% of the total population till 2010 in China
The number of the physical disability represents 29% of the total population of the disabled
The total population in China is expected to reach 1 401 810 000 in 2019; the estimated number of physical disabilities could reach 25 218 400 at that time.

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Distribution of the disabled population

Three regions with the largest number of population

Distribution of the disabled population Three regions with the largest number of
in all forms of disabilities are:
Thus, we can speculate that there could be more people with the physical disability in these three regions. In particular, due to the serious earthquake which happened a few years ago in Sichuan, it is very likely a large portion of the disabled population in this region is those with physical disability.
The urban disabled population amounts to 20 710 000, representing 24.96% of the total disabled population; The rural disabled population amounts to 62 250 000, representing 75.04%.

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General Info of the major players on the market

General Info of the major players on the market

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Detailed info of the major players

Some Highlights:
Beijing Mobility and WenXinShou, the

Detailed info of the major players Some Highlights: Beijing Mobility and WenXinShou,
two pioneers coming into the market, possess the largest distribution network on Chinese market.
JinTong, a company recently coming into the market, is on its way to expand its market presence. However, there are some main provinces with a large number of the disabled, such as Henan, are not yet conquered by JinTong.
The German company, Handicap Mobil, leverages the existing distribution channels developed by the other players on the market

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Marketing channels implemented by major players
Some highlights:
- PR events such as

Marketing channels implemented by major players Some highlights: - PR events such
approaching the specific associations for the disabled are intensively used by Beijing Mobility and WenXinShou.
- Most of the major players expand their market coverage through affiliations
- Partner sales also plays a key role in publicizing the products, especially through the partnership with driving schools.
- Digital marketing strategies have not yet been widely used.
Имя файла: Market-research-on-assistive-driving-devices-for-drivers-with-physical-disability-in-ChinaZiqian-WANGStudent-at-HEC-Paris.pptx
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