Слайд 2A brief history of mineral information publishing

Слайд 4The Printing Press
Invented by Gutenberg
~ 1450
Information could be distributed cheaper than ever

Слайд 5Mineral Books
Books on minerals and mining followed
1556 De Re Metallica first book

on mining
Слайд 6Partwork Publications
James Sowerby, British Mineralogy 1802-1817

Слайд 7Mineral Magazines
Rocks and Minerals magazine published since 1926
Now many other regular mineral

Слайд 8The World Wide Web
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, 1993

Слайд 10Advantages of Online
Free to access
Available on computer, tablet, phone
Updated every day
100x more

data than magazines
Easily searchable
Слайд 11Advantages of Print
Paid for content
Do not need internet
More detailed and comprehensive articles

Physical items more desirable
Слайд 13Co-operation
Out of print issues available online
Short articles online, deeper versions in print

indexes of articles in different magazines
Electronic download (paid) of recent issues
Слайд 14mindat.org and magazines
Live show reports
Encourage more new article authors
Build an index of

ALL mineral magazine articles
Conferences such as this
Слайд 15Other New Developments
Mindat.org is now a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit
Directory of mineral shows
Ultra-high resolution

New Chemical Elements section
Слайд 20And finally…
1st Mindat Conference (2011) - Poland
2nd Mindat Conference (2012) - Morocco

Mindat Conference (2014) - Madagascar
4th Mindat Conference (2016) - ??????