Mixing rate of formula and raw feed

Слайд 2

Mixing of the mechanical effects, generally be accompanied by changes in the

Mixing of the mechanical effects, generally be accompanied by changes in the
level and stability of dispersed fat’s phase.

Слайд 3

In 1936 V.N. Sirick and M.M Kazanskyi drew attention to the mixing

In 1936 V.N. Sirick and M.M Kazanskyi drew attention to the mixing
factor in the first and found that agitation cooled down to 2-8º C the milk for 3-5 minutes is equivalent to their prolonged maturation at the same temperature for 16-18 h. Stirring cream accelerates the cooling process 3 times, the degree of curing is increased by 6-10%. The lower the cooling temperature, the more the degree of mixing promotes curing and before equilibrium is established between the liquid and the solidified fat.

Слайд 4

Table of contents of the glycerides in milk fat (in %) ,depending

Table of contents of the glycerides in milk fat (in %) ,depending
on age and the presence of mixing.

Слайд 5

Especially , effective mixing during the formation of seed crystals, the crystallization

Especially , effective mixing during the formation of seed crystals, the crystallization
mass when there glycerides with an average stirring rate is increased to 2 times, and takes 10-16 minutes.
Имя файла: Mixing-rate-of-formula-and-raw-feed.pptx
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