Modern English Phonology


Слайд 2

The unstressed e [ə]

sente → sent
keepen → keep
bookes →books
likes [li:kes] → [laiks]

The unstressed e [ə] sente → sent keepen → keep bookes →books
[stoped] → [stopt]

Слайд 3

When the root vowel was long, the letter ‘e’ at the end

When the root vowel was long, the letter ‘e’ at the end
of the word was still written.
‘mute’ e appeared.
There were some words in which ‘mute’ e was added to the end although it had never been there: ston → stone, bon → bone.

Слайд 4

The Great Vowel Shift

The Great Vowel Shift was a massive sound change

The Great Vowel Shift The Great Vowel Shift was a massive sound
affecting the long vowels of English during the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries.
The long vowels were either narrowed or diphthongized.

Слайд 5

The mid-open and open long vowels were narrowed, thus they became closed.

The mid-open and open long vowels were narrowed, thus they became closed.
narrowing of the closed vowels caused their diphthongization.
NB! The Great vowel shift did not affect spelling.

Слайд 6

Basically, the long vowels shifted upwards; that is, a vowel that used

Basically, the long vowels shifted upwards; that is, a vowel that used
to be pronounced in one place in the mouth would be pronounced in a different place, higher up in the mouth.

Слайд 13

i: → ai time [ti:me] → [taim]
e: → i: keep [ke:p] →

i: → ai time [ti:me] → [taim] e: → i: keep [ke:p]
ɛ: → e: → i: sea [sɛ:] → [se:] → [si:]
a: → ei name
ɔ: → ou go
o: → u: moon
u: → au out

Слайд 14

The process of change was gradual. Each stage took more than 100

The process of change was gradual. Each stage took more than 100 years.

Слайд 15

OE [ǣ ] → ME [ɛ:] → [e:] (XVI c.) → [i:]

OE [ǣ ] → ME [ɛ:] → [e:] (XVI c.) → [i:]
(XVII c.)
ea [i:] ← [e:] ← [ɛ:]
ee [i:] ← [e:]

Слайд 16

Shortening of the long vowels

1. Before [d, t, θ]
[ɛ:] → [e]: breed

Shortening of the long vowels 1. Before [d, t, θ] [ɛ:] →
→ bread
2. Before [v, d, ð]
[u:] → [u]: glove [glu:ve] → [gluv], blood …
Before [k]: book [bu:k] → [buk]

Слайд 17

The development of some long vowels

1) [a] → [a:]
before ‘r’ and voiceless

The development of some long vowels 1) [a] → [a:] before ‘r’
fricatives: hard, fast, path
‘al’ before ‘m, f’: calm, half
2) [ɔ] → [ɔ:] before ‘r’: lord [l ɔ:d]
[ou] → [ɔ:] before ght: brought [brɔ:t]

Слайд 18

3) [ǝ:] was the result of the vocalization of ‘r’ after [i,

3) [ǝ:] was the result of the vocalization of ‘r’ after [i,
e, u]: first [fǝ:st], her, turn ( in the XVI c.)

Слайд 19

Changes of in the system of short vowels

There appeared two short vowels

Changes of in the system of short vowels There appeared two short
[æ, ʌ ]:
[a] → [æ]: land [land] → [lænd]
[u] → [ʌ]: glove [gluv] → [glʌv]
run [run] → [rʌn]
No change took place if [u] followed labial consonants: put, full, bush. But : but, fun.

Слайд 20

New diphthongs

They appeared as the result of the vocalization of ‘r’ between

New diphthongs They appeared as the result of the vocalization of ‘r’
two vowels:
-are care [ka:rə] → [kɛə]
-ere here [he:rə] → [hiə]

Слайд 21

Variant 1
Какие события в экономической жизни английского общества способствовали формированию национального английского

Variant 1 Какие события в экономической жизни английского общества способствовали формированию национального
национального языка?
В связи с чем влияние французского языка на английский оказывается наиболее сильным во второй половине XIV в.?

Слайд 22

Variant 2
По каким причинам восточномидлендский диалект становится основой для национального языка?

Variant 2 По каким причинам восточномидлендский диалект становится основой для национального языка?
языки оказывают сильное влияние на развитие английского языка в эпоху Возрождения? Почему?

Слайд 23

Variant 3
Какие события в политической жизни английского общества способствовали формированию национального английского

Variant 3 Какие события в политической жизни английского общества способствовали формированию национального
национального языка?
Какую реакцию вызвало «наводнение» английского языка латинизмами?
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