Молодёжные субкультуры

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Types of subcultures

Types of subcultures Hippie Punks Emo Goths Metal Ultras

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Hippie always wear long hair with a headband, men often grow a

Hippie Hippie always wear long hair with a headband, men often grow
beard. Features of the subculture are manifested in the style of clothing: loose canopies, bright and informal, with patches and holes. They are romantics who are addicted to philosophy East and like soft rock.

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The movement was formed in the 70s of the last century in

Punks The movement was formed in the 70s of the last century
the USA, Canada, UK, Australia. His representatives listened to punk rock. Advocated freedom and personal independence. The representatives of this movement have their own philosophical concept of subculture and its ideological direction. Many punks profess anarchism, antisexism, anti-militarism. They are against social inequality, oppression of blacks and members of other races.

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Subculture became popular in Russia in 2000. Its members love hardcore music,

Emo Subculture became popular in Russia in 2000. Its members love hardcore
for them it is the meaning of life. The essence of this movement – the struggle against injustice, the open expression of emotions. But often representatives of emo simply do the external trappings, without delving into the ideology. They are called "posers" or imitators. In contrast, real emo very vulnerable and sensitive

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They have a mysterious appearance and a dismal expression. What the Goths

Goths They have a mysterious appearance and a dismal expression. What the
gave rise to such movements as Satanism. This branch separated from its "ancestor", but took a lot from it: the color black in clothing, hard rock music, heavy metal, charges for the cemeteries.

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The main concept of the subculture, its main attribute and characteristic feature

Metal The main concept of the subculture, its main attribute and characteristic
– heavy rock music. Metalheads are divided into two groups: radical and normal. The first group includes teenagers, who often inherent in the spirit of rebellion and aggression. They were drinking alcohol, arrange riots and fights. Members of the second group are more loyal and calm. They did not interfere and just enjoy the music.

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Ultras - it has long been a real subculture with a clear

Ultras Ultras - it has long been a real subculture with a
hierarchy and their own attributes. Its representatives always go to the match for his team, even if it is held at the other end of the planet. In case of victory, they walk through the night and celebrate to the fullest, if the club lost, ultras can come together in a mass fight with fans who trashed their team.

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Sources http://fb.ru/article/163721/vidyi-subkultur-primeryi-subkultur#image592401 https://yandex.ru/search/?text=субкультура%20картинки&lr=13
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