Слайд 2

The essence and variety of normative materials
The basic requirements to the normative materials

The essence and variety of normative materials The basic requirements to the normative materials

Слайд 3

I. The essence and variety of normative materials

Normative materials for the  labor normalization is a regulated values

I. The essence and variety of normative materials Normative materials for the
of operation modes of equipment and labor expenditure, time for breaks in work, designed according to different production factors and intended for repeated use while establishing the specific norms of labor expenditures in relation to specific organizational and technical conditions.
Normative materials developed on the basis of complex researches carried out on a leading enterprises, and consequently their introduction at other enterprises ensures the distribution of more advanced organizational and technical conditions of production.

Слайд 4

According to the centrally developed standards  technically valid norms are calculated.
They are the basis for implementation of the most productive modes

According to the centrally developed standards technically valid norms are calculated. They
of operation of the equipment, improve the organizational and technical conditions of production and labor processes. Application of standards for the labor normalization ensures the unity of labor norms for similar works performed by different departments (sections) of the enterprise. In addition, establishment of norms, based on existing standards significantly reduces the volume of work on labor normalization.

Слайд 5

Classification of normative materials

According to the degree of differentiation:
Differentiated standards:
microelement (provide a time

Classification of normative materials According to the degree of differentiation: Differentiated standards:
to perform a separate movements or complex of movements);
element (provide a regulated values to perform a techniques or complex of techniques);
Enlarged standards (regulate a time for execution a complexes of techniques, and is applied to calculate norms in terms of serial and single production. Their use accelerates the calculation of norms and reduces the risk of mistakes in calculations, but at the same time, reduces the accuracy of norms in comparison with the differentiated standards)

Слайд 6

According to the scope of application:
Intersectoral (intended for labor normalization of typical works executed at enterprises of different

According to the scope of application: Intersectoral (intended for labor normalization of
Sectoral (have a more narrow direction and are intended for a normalization of works that are specific for a particular industry. While their development, researches at companies of the same industry are carried out, so these standards reflect the typical works for the industry, organizational and technical conditions of their implementation);
Local (developed directly within enterprises to those kinds of works which are specific to the company and are not included in the intersectoral and sectoral standards)

Слайд 7

According to the appointment:
Standards of operation modes of the equipment (regulated parameters of the equipment

According to the appointment: Standards of operation modes of the equipment (regulated
work to ensure its most effective use. They are used to calculate the length of the main (technological) time);
Standards of time;
Standards of labor service;
Standards of number of employees.
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