Occlusive diseases of arteries of lower extremities


Слайд 2

It is a common disorder, characterized by a specific lesion of the

It is a common disorder, characterized by a specific lesion of the
arteries elastic and muscular-elastic types in the form of focal proliferation of connective tissue lipid infiltration of intima.

Obliterative atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremeties

Слайд 3

Atherosclerosis of the aorta and great vessels of the lower extremities in

Atherosclerosis of the aorta and great vessels of the lower extremities in
the first place among the other peripheral arterial disease.
Mostly common in men over 40 years, which often leads to severe limb ischemia, due to which patients lose their ability to work

Obliterative atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities

Слайд 4

Etiology and pathogenesis
Among the basic concepts of the development of atherosclerosis is

Etiology and pathogenesis Among the basic concepts of the development of atherosclerosis
the theory of cholesterol-lipid infiltration. It is based on changes in the composition of blood plasma - hypercholesterolemia, dyslipoproteinemia - and a violation of the permeability of the arterial wall

Слайд 5

Classification of Obliterative atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities (by Fontane, 1954)


Classification of Obliterative atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities (by Fontane, 1954)
degree - full compensation (to cold, fatigue, paresthesia);
2 degree - circulatory failure in functional load (the main symptom - intermittent claudication);
3 degree - limb arterial insufficiency at rest (the main symptom - continuous or nocturnal pain);
4 grade-marked tissue destruction of the distal extremities (ulcers, necrosis, gangrene)

Слайд 6

Classification of Obliterative atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities by (Shalimov and

Classification of Obliterative atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities by (Shalimov and
Druk 1977)

Segment of cervical aorta and iliac artery) divided:?
A1 - stenosis or occlusion of the iliac arteries, the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta (Leriche syndrome);
A2 - occlusion of the terminal abdominal aorta to the level of divergence lower mesenteric artery from being stored in circulation;
A3 - stenosing lesions of the abdominal aorta to the level of origin of the renal arteries and the place of origin of the lower floors mesenteric artery;
A4 - constrictive process at the level of intrarenal or suprarenal segment of the abdominal aorta to the level of the top mesenteric artery with involvement in the process of the renal arteries and the clinical syndrome of renovascular hypertension;
A5 - constrictive process suprarenal abdominal aorta top mesenteric artery
A6 - constrictive process suprarenal abdominal aorta with occlusion of the abdominal hole (signs of chronic abdomenal ischemia)
B - femoral segment;
C - segments of the popliteal and tibial

Слайд 7

Signs and symptoms

Periodic symptoms of ischemia. During exercise on the leg muscles

Signs and symptoms Periodic symptoms of ischemia. During exercise on the leg
(fast walking, running) deficiency symptoms usually occur muscle blood flow, called claudication. Due to the emergence of intense pain in the leg muscles, the patient is forced to stop. After a few minutes the pain disappeared and he can go back the same distance.
Constant pain (pain rest) occurs in a significant expression of heart failure in his legs in a state of functional rest.

Слайд 8

Destructive changes of the distal extremities should be considered the final manifestation

Destructive changes of the distal extremities should be considered the final manifestation
of severe tissue ischemia. It can manifest as focal necrosis, trophic ulcers and gangrene of fingers or feet. Development of such changes usually precedes a long period of illness, with intermittent claudication, discoloration and skin temperature and trophic disorders in the form of its muscle atrophy feet and legs, hair loss, malnutrition and impaired growth of nails. Necrotic changes first, as a rule, occur on toes. Before that, the majority of patients can be seen spotted cyanosis of the skin, which does not change the color of the position of the limb.

Слайд 9



Слайд 10

Treatment of Lerish’s syndrome

Treatment of Lerish’s syndrome

Слайд 11

Laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis of arteriosclerosis obliterans of lower extremities


Laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis of arteriosclerosis obliterans of lower extremities
2. Urine analysis.
3. Biochemical analysis of blood to the definition of lipid metabolism, total cholesterol, triglycerides.
4. Coagulogramma
5. Capillaroscopy.
6. Rheovasography.
7. Oscilloscope.
8. Aortoarteriography
9. Doppler.
10. Thermography.
11. ECG.

Слайд 12



Слайд 13

Therapeutic tactics and choice of treatment.

Conservative treatment
It is advisable for the I-II

Therapeutic tactics and choice of treatment. Conservative treatment It is advisable for
degree of chronic ischemia, as well as patients at high risk for complications of atherosclerosis and arterial system of the lower extremities, which are not subject to surgery.

Слайд 14

Surgical treatment

Vascular reconstruction is carried out, usually at IІ-III degrees, sometimes-IV degree

Surgical treatment Vascular reconstruction is carried out, usually at IІ-III degrees, sometimes-IV
of ischemia. The evaluation criteria for surgical treatment is carried out on the basis of the aorto-arteriography, ultrasound great vessels and transoperative audit of vessels.

Слайд 15

Surgical treatment

With a combination of aorto-iliac (type A1) and femoral-popliteal-Goleneva (type B

Surgical treatment With a combination of aorto-iliac (type A1) and femoral-popliteal-Goleneva (type
i C) occlusion of aorto-femoral reconstruction wire segment provided cross one of the two femoral arteries or complete reconstruction of the main arteries of the thigh. To this type of operations include bypass surgery and prosthetics.

Слайд 16

Surgical treatment

When isolated, segmental, limited occlusion of the aorta and the bifurcation

Surgical treatment When isolated, segmental, limited occlusion of the aorta and the
of the common iliac arteries, and other perform endarterectomy. Endarterectomy can be performed semi-open, open, and eversion techniques. It can also be done using ultrasound and laser technology. Regardless of the method of implementation, the side plastic endarterectomy end of the arterial wall through autovenous patches.

Слайд 17

Surgical treatment

Endarterectomy of deep femoral artery with further profundoplasty. Last performed with

Surgical treatment Endarterectomy of deep femoral artery with further profundoplasty. Last performed
arteriotomy in a discharge of the deep femoral artery and after removing atherosclerotic plaque complete obliteration autovenous side plastic.

Слайд 18

Surgical treatment

In patients with necrotic changes of course have to give preference

Surgical treatment In patients with necrotic changes of course have to give
autoplastic reconstruction methods (endarterectomy autovenous bypass).
In senior patients age in the presence of severe comorbidities reconstruction of aorto-femoral segment associated with high risk. Limb salvage with the threat of amputation in patients with severe ischemia (III, IV degree) will be achieved by suprapubic arterio-femoral-femoral or arterio-inguinal-femoral bypass.

Слайд 19

Surgical treatment

Isolation of the abdominal aorta

implantation of the prosthesis

Surgical treatment Isolation of the abdominal aorta implantation of the prosthesis

Слайд 20



Proteses Angiogramm

Слайд 21

Obliterative endarteriitis

Obliterative endarteriitis - a disease of vascular neurohumoral genesis which begins

Obliterative endarteriitis Obliterative endarteriitis - a disease of vascular neurohumoral genesis which
with peripheral channel, mainly arteries and leads to the obliteration of the lumen.
Occlusive disease is the second most other peripheral arterial disease. The disease is more common in men aged 20-30 years.
Male to female ratio is 99:1.

Слайд 22

Etiology and pathogenesis
Factors: low temperatures, nicotine intoxication, mechanical injury, etc.
Changes in the

Etiology and pathogenesis Factors: low temperatures, nicotine intoxication, mechanical injury, etc. Changes
walls of blood vessels lead to autoimmune processes that significantly enhance the proliferative processes of the vascular intima. The first affects the blood vessels that nourish the arteries, which leads to disruption of blood flow to the intracapillary leaky walls. There comes a spasm of regional vessels, slowing blood flow, hypercoagulability and the end result-tissue necrosis.

Слайд 23

During obliterating endarteritis there are following stages:

1— ischemic;
  2 —

During obliterating endarteritis there are following stages: 1— ischemic; 2 — trophic disorders; 3—ulcerative-necrotic; 4—gangrenous.
trophic disorders;

Слайд 24

Stages by Kuzin:

1 stage - the stage of functional compensation. Patients report

Stages by Kuzin: 1 stage - the stage of functional compensation. Patients
coldness, paresthesia in the toes, fatigue, intermittent claudication in passing distance of 1000 m at a speed of 4-5 km / h.
II stage - stage subcompensation. Characteristic appearance of claudication after passing 200 m (II A) or less (II b). The skin of feet and legs becomes dry, flaky, there is hyperkeratosis. Slowing the growth of hair on the legs, starting to develop atrophy of the subcutaneous tissue and the small muscles of the foot.
III stage - the stage of decompensation. The typical onset of pain in the limbs at rest, inability to walk more than 25-50 meters progressive atrophy of leg muscles and feet, forced the patient to reduce pain in the limbs lower them.
 IV stage - the stage of destructive changes
     Pain in the feet and toes is unbearable. Joins swelling of feet and legs, ulcers appear, further gangrene toes and feet, which usually takes place on a wet type.

Слайд 25

Destructive form

Destructive form

Слайд 26



Слайд 27

Functional probes

Symptom of plantar ischemia Opel is blanching the sole of the

Functional probes Symptom of plantar ischemia Opel is blanching the sole of
foot of the affected limb, lift up. Depending on the rate of appearance of blanching can judge the degree of impaired circulation in the limbs, with severe ischemia, it occurs over the next 4.6 seconds.
Shamova sample. The patient was offered to lift up to 2-3 minutes. straightened his leg at the knee joint and in the middle third of the thigh cuff is applied to the device Riva-Rocci, which creates a pressure that exceeds the systolic. After this step is lowered to a horizontal position, and after 4-5 minutes. cuff removed. In healthy people, an average of 30 seconds. appears reactive hyperemia dorsum of fingers. If it comes in 1-1.5 min., That is a relatively small limbs, circulatory failure, the delay it to 1.5-3 min. - Greater and greater than 3 min. - Significant.
Knee phenomenon Panchenko. Patient sitting, scores injured leg to a healthy and soon begins to feel the pain of leg muscles, numbness in the feet, creeping sensation in the fingertips of the affected limb.

Слайд 28

Therapeutic tactics and choice of treatment.

Conservative treatment.
Injected vasodilators myotropic action
The ineffectiveness of

Therapeutic tactics and choice of treatment. Conservative treatment. Injected vasodilators myotropic action
conservative therapy surgical treatment.

Слайд 29

Surgical treatment

Ganglionic sympathectomy solves this problem: for a long time relieves vasospasm,

Surgical treatment Ganglionic sympathectomy solves this problem: for a long time relieves
eliminates or significantly reduces the intensity of pain.
Operation is effective especially in the beginning of the disease. The next stages of sympathectomy loses Analgesic effect. The operation was performed on the background of conservative treatment has to be continued in the postoperative period. When lumbar simpatectomy be removed 3.1 sympathic ganglia.

Слайд 30



Слайд 31

Acute arterial occlusion of the lower limbs

Acute arterial obstruction believe sudden cessation

Acute arterial occlusion of the lower limbs Acute arterial obstruction believe sudden
of blood circulation in the main artery due to embolism or thrombosis compared to other diseases.

Слайд 32

Classification of acute limb ischemia.

Classification of acute limb ischemia.

Слайд 33

Therapeutic tactics and choice of treatment.

In acute arterial obstruction of the indications

Therapeutic tactics and choice of treatment. In acute arterial obstruction of the
for conservative treatment there may be a contraindication to surgery.
Absolute contraindications are agonal state of the patient, total ischemic contracture of the limbs (acute ischemia in the III degree), very severe condition of the patient with pulmonary ischemia (acute ischemia I AI B level).

Слайд 34



Слайд 35

Leriche’s syndrome

Leriche's syndrome is one of the most common diseases of the

Leriche’s syndrome Leriche's syndrome is one of the most common diseases of
arterial system due to occlusive lesions (occlusion) of aorto-iliac segment.
Poor circulation of the pelvis and lower extremities leads to a characteristic triad of symptoms described in detail Leriche already in 1923: intermittent claudication, absence of pulse in the arteries of the lower limbs and impotence.
Accurate data on the incidence of the disease is not present, but his high incidence can be judged by the number of indirect restorative operations on the abdominal aorta. In the USA, the annual production 37OOO occlusion of the abdominal aorta.

Слайд 36

Etiology and pathogenesis

The etiology of occlusive lesions of the aorta varies atherosclerosis,

Etiology and pathogenesis The etiology of occlusive lesions of the aorta varies
nonspecific aortoarteriitis, postembolic occlusion, traumatic thrombosis, fibromuscular dysplasia (mainly affects the iliac arteries), congenital hypoplasia or aplasia of the aorta. Most common atherosclerosis (94%), followed by non-specific aortoarteriitis (5%) and 1% falls on the rest of the pathology.
The natural course of the disease is associated with progressive deterioration. Ischemic symptoms usually increase is slow, but this is true only so long until a thrombosis. Then, the clinical course could rapidly deteriorate. Conservative treatment does not stop the progression of the disease and approximately 25% of patients amputation of limbs. The peak of the disease is on 6 decades of life, with the most common in men than women.

Слайд 37

Signs and symptoms

Is reported as the pain of the lower limbs due

Signs and symptoms Is reported as the pain of the lower limbs
to chronic ischemia. Depending on the severity of ischemia of the lower limbs can be divided into four stages of the disease (classification AVPokrovsky): Stage 1 - Pain in the lower extremities appear only at high physical activity, such as walking more than 1 km, Stage 2 - Leg Pain walking in a shorter distance. If the patient is at a normal pace without pain 2oo m, this Article 2A., If pain occurs earlier - Article 2B, 3 stage - the appearance of pain in the legs at rest, 4 stage - previous complaints join gross tissue trophic disorders of the lower extremities (ulcers , necrosis, gangrene). Occlusion of the aorta pain occurs in the gluteal muscles, lower back and hip muscles - the so-called high intermittent claudication. Some patients the so-called intermittent claudication anal sphincter that results from ischemia of the pelvic floor. Characteristic numbness, cooling of the lower extremities (feet), hair loss, brittle nails and slow growth. Fairly common symptom is impotence. It develops not only due to ischemia of the pelvic organs, and spinal cord.

Слайд 38

Laboratory-instrumental diagnostics

Additional survey includes a set of methods aimed at establishing the

Laboratory-instrumental diagnostics Additional survey includes a set of methods aimed at establishing
location and extent of occlusion (and isotopic angiography, computed tomography) and hemodynamic (USDG, duplex scanning). Currently, functional hemodynamic changes in aortoiliac occlusive lesion segment quite accurately detected using non-invasive ultrasound examination. When Doppler ultrasound (USDG) the nature of the blood flow (main or collateral) can be defined cross the great arteries, the approximate level of occlusion, to measure the speed of blood flow and pressure in the various segments. Most use the ankle pressure index (LEAD) - the ratio of the pressure in the ankle to brachial pressure. Normally it is just above 1, O. The lower it is, the greater hemodynamic disturbances and severe ischemia.
The task is also asking aortography state distal vascular bed (outflow tract). With combined occlusion of the superficial femoral artery is important to determine the condition of the deep femoral artery. Her stenosis, especially the mouth, poorly detected on the pictures in the anteroposterior projection, since in this area the femoral artery are superimposed on one another. Expansion of the information given in the pictures side or oblique.

Слайд 39

When occlusive lesions of the aorta may, though rarely, meet syndrome "blue

When occlusive lesions of the aorta may, though rarely, meet syndrome "blue
fingers." He called ateroemboly of distal arteries and shows the typical skin changes as purpur-like rash speckled or reticulated pattern of red, very tender to palpation. This maintains the ripple on the arteries of the foot and ankle pressure is normal. Source of embolism syndrome "blue fingers" usual infrarenal segment of the aorta, and in disseminated ateroembolii (simultaneous failure of internal organs) - thoracoabdominal aorta.

Слайд 40


The main indication for surgery is chronic lower limb ischemia 2B -

Treatment The main indication for surgery is chronic lower limb ischemia 2B
4 tbsp. Reconstructive vascular surgery is contraindicated: with fresh myocardial infarction or stroke, brain (up to 3 months.), Decompensated cardiac or respiratory failure, renal failure, hepatic, cancer, irreversible contraction of large joints, gangrene of the foot with the transition to the shin. The basic condition for the operation is the availability of satisfactory outflow tract.
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