Palace and Park Ensemble Tsarina

Слайд 2

Palace and Park Ensemble "Tsarina" was built by Catherine II, architects V.

Palace and Park Ensemble "Tsarina" was built by Catherine II, architects V.
Bazhenov and M. Kazakov in the Gothic Revival style.

Слайд 3

History and Owners The area was first mentioned as part of the

History and Owners The area was first mentioned as part of the
palace estate Kolomenskoye. In the 1590s the land from Kolomna to the mouth of the Godunov family owned Pakhra. At that time belonged to the black dirt sister of Boris Godunov queen Irina Fedorovna. From 1633 to mid 1680's mansion owned Streshneva. Then in 1680, e Golitsyn. Further, court administration. At 1711g barony granted to D. Cantemir. After the death of D. Cantemir went to his son Alexander Cantemir. In 1775, Black Dirt was bought by Catherine II, who decided to arrange this royal residence near Moscow. Barton was given a new name - the Tsarina. In the XIX century in the possession of Specific department.

Слайд 4

Architects Vasily Bazhenov. The prototype for the Palace Tsaritsyn VI Bazhenov served

Architects Vasily Bazhenov. The prototype for the Palace Tsaritsyn VI Bazhenov served
as the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomna. From 1787 to 1793 he worked in Tsaritsyno M. Kazakov. Part of the park pavilions built in Tsaritsyno Egotov IV (1756-1815), a pupil of M. Kazakov.

Слайд 5

Tsarina - an extraordinary palace and park ensemble in Moscow. The magnificent

Tsarina - an extraordinary palace and park ensemble in Moscow. The magnificent
palaces in the Gothic style, shady avenues and beautiful ponds have always been a favorite resort of Muscovites and guests. The unique combination of architectural monuments of the 18th century, a remarkable landscape of ponds and make visiting the park Tsaritsyno unforgettable. Tsarina - the largest in Europe, pseudo-gothic building of the 18th century and only the palace complex, designed in this style.

Слайд 6

Cascade ponds 8 km long, without which it is now impossible to

Cascade ponds 8 km long, without which it is now impossible to
provide Tsarina, was created more by Boris Godunov. Earth in the upper reaches this stage belonged to the queen Irina Godunov. Later, Heath "The black mud," owned by the family of boyars Streshneva, Heath moved from their Prince Vasili and Aleksei Golitsyn, the allies of the princess Sophia. After the Prut campaign of the year 1712 and the deposition of Sophia, the property was confiscated by the princes. Black dirt was donated by Peter I the Moldavian Prince Dmitry Kantemir, an ally of Russia.

Слайд 7

In 1775, the year the splendor of black mud was noted by

In 1775, the year the splendor of black mud was noted by
Catherine II, the area was purchased by his son Dmitri Cantemir - Sergei Dmitrievich, and here the construction of an architectural ensemble Caricino, under the leadership of one of the famous Russian architect Vasily Bazhenov.

Москва - Царицыно - Фигурный мост

Слайд 8

in the spring of 1785, when the creation of park landscapes and

in the spring of 1785, when the creation of park landscapes and
most of the facilities is nearing completion, Tsaritsyno visited Catherine II. After inspecting the palaces she ordered to destroy buildings Bazhenov, and then completely remove him from office. According to one version, she did not like the narrow stairs and heavy arches. On the other hand, this was caused by the proximity to the heir to Paul Bazhenov and their relationship both with Freemasonry. Interestingly, when the creation of the park Tsaritsyno great Russian architect VI Bazhenov helped specially ordered from overseas growers F. Reed and I. SANS. The result of their collaboration was great.
Москва - Царицыно - Фигурные ворота

Слайд 9

Catherine II was soon invited architect MF Cossacks. He embodied a draft

Catherine II was soon invited architect MF Cossacks. He embodied a draft
of the Grand Palace in the style of mature classicism. When the Empress died in 1797, construction work in Tsaritsyn were completely collapsed. In the fateful 1860 court administration announced the sale of the complex with the condition of its destruction. But suffered only roof of the Grand Palace and the Tsarina to avoid possible damage. In our time, are preserved: the Grand Palace, Small Palace of Catherine and Paul Bread House with gallery and figural arch, the Opera House, Palace Cavaliers, Figured bridge and many other buildings

Москва - Царицыно - Хлебный дом

Слайд 10

in 1940 was opened to the public "Tsaritsynskaya hotel" - the only

in 1940 was opened to the public "Tsaritsynskaya hotel" - the only
time in the suburbs. At the end of World War II have been allocated for reconstruction in the Tsarina. And since 1984, prides itself on its Tsaritsyno museum of folk and decorative art. Unlike many open-air museums in Tsaritsyn is a research and education.

Москва - Царицыно - Большой Дворец

Слайд 11

There is no doubt that today the park is one of the

There is no doubt that today the park is one of the
Tsarina's best parks, not only in Moscow and throughout Russia.

Москва - Царицыно - Церковь Пресвятой Богородицы Живоносный Источник

Слайд 12

Москва - Царицыно - Овальный зал малого дворца

Москва - Царицыно - Овальный зал малого дворца
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