- 2. Passive voice Passive Voice I am used when the doer of the action is not known
- 3. Active Voice/Passive Voice Active Voice . Jack cuts the bread. Passive Voice. The bread is cut
- 4. The aim of the lesson: The aim of the lesson is to get to know how
- 5. 1) Phonetic drill take-taken-was taken build-is built-were ( was ) built were left- founded-written-made-done must be
- 6. 2) Give English equivalent разрушенный, загрязнённый, выброшенный, спасённый, переработанный, построенный, выращенный, защищённый.
- 7. Cases of Usage: Read the following sentences and explain: Where we use the Active Voice and
- 8. Exercises: Mother always gives me presents for my birthday. The bicycle was repaired by my father.
- 9. 4) Этап тренировки 1) Agree that: Bread is made of flour. Cabbage soup is made of
- 10. Этап тренировки 2) Disagree that: - Chairs are made from glass. - Magazines were bought at
- 11. 5) SPEAKING Say what is happening on our planet.
- 12. 6) What can you recommend to protect our Earth . Use notes. - Put letter ,
- 13. Test. 1. Put the verbs in the Passive form. (cut) trees (throw) waste (destroy) nature (poison)
- 14. Exercise 2 2. Change the sentences into Passive. Nowadays people forecast weather more accurately. Children should
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