People Must Be Clever with Animals


Слайд 2

Организационный момент

Определение темы урока.
Цель урока.
Задачи урока.

Организационный момент Приветствие. Определение темы урока. Цель урока. Задачи урока.

Слайд 3

Фонетическая зарядка

Gregory Grigs, Gregory Grigs
Had 27 different wigs
He wore them up, he

Фонетическая зарядка Gregory Grigs, Gregory Grigs Had 27 different wigs He wore
wore them down
To please the people of the town
He wore them east, he wore them west
But he never could tell which he loved best

Слайд 4

Vocabulary work

animals who can swim
animals who live on land
domestic animals

Vocabulary work animals who can swim animals who live on land domestic animals

Слайд 5

Речевая зарядка

What characteristics do domestic animals have?
What characteristics do wild animals have?

Речевая зарядка What characteristics do domestic animals have? What characteristics do wild animals have?

Слайд 6

Domestic animals Wild animals
- useful - cruel
- kind - strong
- helpful -

Domestic animals Wild animals - useful - cruel - kind - strong
- friendly to people - independent
- give products - can eat other

Слайд 7

Speaking and discussing

Anyone (любой человек) can have any animal at his/her home:

Speaking and discussing Anyone (любой человек) can have any animal at his/her
a cat, a snake, a crocodile, a lion.
Homeless dogs and cats should live in special places.
dangerous - опасный
reasonable - разумный
to be hungry – быть голодным

Слайд 8

Do you agree which is better for animals: zoos or wild animals

Do you agree which is better for animals: zoos or wild animals
parks? Why?
But the best for animals is to live in the wild.
Use the answers Ex.42 p. 117.

Слайд 9

A song.
A shark and a tiger and a crocodile…

The crocodile has shiny

A song. A shark and a tiger and a crocodile… The crocodile
teeth that crunch, crunch, crunch.
Hekeeps them clean and beautiful and absolutely suitable
For eating up a crocodile’s lunch, lunch, lunch.
Chorus: The shark and the tiger and the crocodile,
They never, never lose their smile.
The shark and the tiger and the crocodile,
They never, never lose their smile.
The white shark’s teeth are sharpest in the sea, sea, sea.
Hekeeps them clean and beautiful and absolutely suitable
For eating little fishes at tea, tea, tea.
The tiger has enormous teeth that bite, bite, bite.
He keeps them clean and beautiful and absolutely suitable
For eating up his supper at night, night, night.

Слайд 10

Reading the text about the Lion, the Ass and the fox.


Reading the text about the Lion, the Ass and the fox. Do
you know Aesop’s story about the Lion, the Ass and the Fox?
The Lion, the Ass and the Fox hunted together. Of course, the Lion caught many animals. And now came the time to enjoy the meal. The Lion asked the Ass to divide the meal. The Ass divided the food into three equal parts and asked the friends to choose. The Lion got angry. He fell upon the Ass and killed him. Then he asked the Fox to divide the food. The Fox gathered all in one great heap and left a very small portion to himself and said to the Lion: «Eat, Your Majesty, please.» «Ah!» the Lion said, «you have divided very well! Who has taught you to divide?» The Fox answered: «The Ass has given me a very good lesson.»
Moral: Good lessons must never be forgotten.

Слайд 11

Find out and write down verbs

Regular verbs Irregular verbs
To hunt - to

Find out and write down verbs Regular verbs Irregular verbs To hunt
To enjoy - to catch
To ask - to come
To divide - to get angry
To kill - to fall upon
To gather - to leave
To say - to eat
To answer - to teach
- to give
- to forget

Слайд 12

Give three forms of the verbs

Give three forms of the verbs

Слайд 13

Let’s revise Present Perfect

Have+V3 Вспомог.глаг. + подл+V3

Let’s revise Present Perfect Have+V3 Вспомог.глаг. + подл+V3 has

Слайд 14

Ask questions in Present Perfect

Ask questions in Present Perfect

Слайд 15


1) Встречаются лев, осел и лис; здороваются; спрашивают, как поживают; давайте вместе

Этюды 1) Встречаются лев, осел и лис; здороваются; спрашивают, как поживают; давайте
2) Разговаривают лев и осел: поохотился ли он, поймал ли много животных, давайте делить еду.
3) Лев спрашивает осла, поделил ли он еду. Ему не нравится, что поделили поровну, говорит, что убьет его.
4) Лев спрашивает лиса, поделил ли тот еду. Лис поделил еду. Льву нравится, спрашивает, кто научил его делить еду. Лис отвечает, что осел.

Слайд 16


Good lessons must never be forgotten.

Moral: Good lessons must never be forgotten.

Слайд 17

If animals are people, what is the moral of the fairy-tale for

If animals are people, what is the moral of the fairy-tale for people?

Слайд 18

People must be clever and must think with whom to make friends.

People must be clever and must think with whom to make friends.

Слайд 19

Bad people may teach bad lessons.

Bad people may teach bad lessons.

Слайд 20

Never trouble trouble
Till trouble troubles you
It only doubles trouble
And trouble others, too.

Never trouble trouble Till trouble troubles you It only doubles trouble And trouble others, too.

Слайд 21

Ex.37, p. 115 (to read)

Homework Ex.37, p. 115 (to read)

Слайд 22


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