Photosynthesis: The Light Reactions


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History and intro
Properties of light and pigments
Light-dependent reactions
photosystem II and I
ATP synthesis

Outline History and intro Properties of light and pigments Light-dependent reactions photosystem
Calvin cycle
Rubisco and photorespiration
CAM and C4 plants
Physiological and ecological considerations
plant anatomy
plant responses
excess light and photoinhibition
greenhouse effect and consequences

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1600’s van Helmont - soil alone does not nourish plant
1700’s Priestley -

History 1600’s van Helmont - soil alone does not nourish plant 1700’s
plants restore air from burning candles
1700’s Ingenhousz - only green parts of plants restore air, suggests CO2 split to release O2
1931 van Niel - Ps in purple sulfur bacteria produced S2 instead of O2 during Ps thus proposed O2 released from Ps comes from H2O, not CO2
1937 Hill - isolated chloroplasts produced O2 w/o CO2 confirming O2 released from Ps comes from H2O, not CO2
1905 Blackman - Ps composed of light-dep. + light-indep. rxns, enzymes involved

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Light Σ



Light-dependent reactions

Chemical Σ

Chemical Σ


Light-independent reactions

Chemical Σ
(C H2O)

Photosynthesis (Ps) =

Intro Light Σ H2O O2 Light-dependent reactions Chemical Σ (ATP, NADPH) Chemical
process by which plants convert sunlight into chemical Σ, how Σ enters biosphere
chemical Σ used to convert water and CO2 into sugars, O2 is produced as byproduct
6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H2O6 + 6 O2
Consists of light-dependent + light-independent rxns

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Light-dependent rxns (a.k.a) light rxns, thylkoid rxns, light-transduction rxns
require light, occur on

Intro Light-dependent rxns (a.k.a) light rxns, thylkoid rxns, light-transduction rxns require light,
thylakoid membranes
split water (oxidize water to O2)
produce NADPH, ATP (via PMF)
uses 2 photosystems
Light-independent rxns (a.k.a) dark rxns, carbon fixation rxns, stroma rxns, Calvin cycle
don’t require light, occur in chloroplast stroma
produce reduced carbon cmpds (i.e. glucose) from CO2
Ps primarily occurs in leaf mesophyll cells
mesophyll contains lots of chloroplasts

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Properties of Light

Light travels in waves
wavelength (λ) = distance btwn 2 crests

Properties of Light Light travels in waves wavelength (λ) = distance btwn

frequency (ν) = # of wave crests that pass a pt in a given time
c = λ ν where: c = wave speed, clight = 3.0 x 108 m s-1
Light composed of particles of Σ (photons)
Σ contained in discrete packets (quantum)
Σ of photon inversely proportional to frequency
E = hν where: ν = frequency of light
h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 J s

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Properties of Light

Electromagnetic spectrum = entire range of radiation
visible spectrum = what

Properties of Light Electromagnetic spectrum = entire range of radiation visible spectrum
we can see
each wavelength has particular amnt Σ
shorter wavelength = ↑ Σ (violet)
longer wavelength = ↓ Σ (red)
UV has ↑ Σ, infared has ↓ Σ

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Chlorophyll a
most effective





Chlorophyll b


Wavelength (nm)

Properties of Light

Absorption spectrum = amount of light

Absorption Chlorophyll a most effective 400 600 500 700 Chlorophyll b Carotenoids
Σ absorbed by a substance as a func. of wavelength
chlorophyll a absorbs blue (430 nm) and red (660 nm) portion of spectrum
other pigments extend Ps useful portion of spectrum

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Quantum Efficiency vs Energy Efficiency

Quantum efficiency = fraction of absorbed photons that

Quantum Efficiency vs Energy Efficiency Quantum efficiency = fraction of absorbed photons
engage in photochemistry = 100%
energy efficiency = fraction of absorbed Σ that is stored as chemical products = 27%
other 73% converted to heat
of the 27%, most is used for Rm

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Pigment = substance that absorbs photons of light
photon hits pigment it

Pigments Pigment = substance that absorbs photons of light photon hits pigment
can be absorbed, transmitted or reflected
we see transmitted or reflected
pigments absorb specific wavelengths of light = absorption spectrum
pigment absorbs all wavelengths in visible spectrum = black
pigment absorbs green and blue wavelengths but transmits or reflects red wavelengths = red (750 nm)
chlorophyll = reflects green, absorbs violet, blue and red
Action spectrum = effectiveness of wavelengths

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When photon hits pigment, e- bumped to higher orbital (↑ potential Σ

Pigments When photon hits pigment, e- bumped to higher orbital (↑ potential
b/c further from nucleus) (excited state)
once e- in higher orbital (unstable) it has 4 fates
re-emit photon and fall back to original position (florescence and heat)
convert Σ to heat
transfer Σ to another chlorophyll until reaches reaction center (a.k.a. resonance energy transfer)
transfer Σ to other chemical rxns in ETS

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All Ps pigments found in chloroplast
primary photosynthetic pigment = chlorophyll a

Pigments All Ps pigments found in chloroplast primary photosynthetic pigment = chlorophyll
have chl. a
ring structure w/ Mg
similar to hemoglobin
hydrophobic tail embedded in thylakoid membrane
chl. b, carotenoids and phycobilins are accessory pigments
accessory pigments = not directly involved in Σ transduction, pass Σ to chl. a which transforms it to chemical Σ, extend useful spectrum, antioxidant func.
carotenoids = red/orange/yellow, embedded in thylakoid, fall color
2 types carotenoids - carotene and xanthophyll

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Ps occurs in chloroplast
double-membrane, DNA, RNA, ribosomes
extensive 3rd membrane = thylakoid membrane

Anatomy Ps occurs in chloroplast double-membrane, DNA, RNA, ribosomes extensive 3rd membrane
embedded (light-dep. rxns)
stroma (light-indep. rxns)
grana lamellae (PS II)
stroma lamellae (PS I)

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Overview of Photosynthesis

2 main events of Ps (+50 rxn steps in Ps

Overview of Photosynthesis 2 main events of Ps (+50 rxn steps in
light-dependent rxns
light Σ transferred to chemical bond in ADP and reduction of NADP+, forming ATP and NADPH
thylakoid membranes
light-independent rxns
ATP used to link CO2 to organic molecule
NADPH used to reduce C to simple sugar
carbon or CO2 fixation = conversion of CO2 into organic cmpds

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Antenna Complex and Reaction Center

Most pigments serve as antenna
antenna collect light

Antenna Complex and Reaction Center Most pigments serve as antenna antenna collect
and transfer its Σ to reaction center
antenna complex = group of antenna molecules
means of increasing efficiency
integral proteins
reaction center complex = Σ is stored by transferring e- from chlorophyll to e- acceptor (REDOX rxns)
e- boosted to higher orbital
integral proteins

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Photosystems I and II

Enhancement effect = Ps rate greater w/ red and

Photosystems I and II Enhancement effect = Ps rate greater w/ red
far-red light together than w/ each separate
due to 2 photochemical complexes (photosystem I and II)
work in conjuction, independent antenna and rxn centers
linked by electron transport chain
e- flow = H2O → PS II → PS I → NADP+ (Z scheme)
PSII chl. a = P680 (red) vs PSI chl. a = P700 (far-red)

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Photosystems I and II

PS I and II spatially separated on thylakoid membrane

Photosystems I and II PS I and II spatially separated on thylakoid
II on grana lamellae
PS I on stroma lamellae
ETC that connects PSII to PSI found throughout
PSII produces
4 photons + 2H2O → 4 H+ + 4e– + O2 (photolysis)
H+ released in lumen (H+ gradient)
increases efficiency b/c pool of reducers vs having to associate w/ single PS

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Photosystem II
Photon absorbed by PS II
e- in P680 (chlorophyll) gets excited (P680*)

Photosystem II Photon absorbed by PS II e- in P680 (chlorophyll) gets
passed from P680* to Pheo (pheophytin)
e- acceptor similar to chlorophyll but lacks a Mg, instead 2 H
P680 is oxidized as looses e- to pheophytin
NOTE: P680 re-reduced by Yz who got e- from splitting (oxidation) water this is where O2 comes from!!!
4 photons + 2H2O → 4 H+ + 4e– + O2 (photolysis)
occurs in lumen (contributes to H+ gradient (PMF) across thylakoid membrane)



Σ of electron






Cytochrome complex


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Photosystem II

e- passed from Pheo to QA and QB (plastoquinones/PQ)
as e-

Photosystem II e- passed from Pheo to QA and QB (plastoquinones/PQ) as
passed by QA and QB, H+ pumped into thylakoid lumen thereby creating H+ gradient (PMF) across thylakoid membrane
e- passed from PQ to cytochrome b6f complex
large multisubunit protein w/ heme groups
e- passed from b6f complex to plastocyanin (PC)
protein w/ copper
e- passed from PC to P700 (PS II)



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Photosystem I
e- passed to P700 (reduced) from PC in PS II

Photosystem I e- passed to P700 (reduced) from PC in PS II
absorbed by reduced P700
e- in P700 gets excited (P700*)
e- passed from P700* to A0 (chlorophyll?) to A1 (phylloquinone, a.k.a. vitamin A)
e- passed from A1 to FeSx to FeSA to FeSB (Fe-S proteins)
e- passed from FeSB to Fd (ferredoxin) (Fe-S protein)
Ferredoxin/NADP+ reductase (FNR) txf e- and H+ to NADP+ to form NADPH
NADPH highly reduced, used to reduce CO2 in Calvin Cycle
occurs in stroma


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Noncyclic Photophosphorylation

Z-scheme used to describe how PS I and II interact

Noncyclic Photophosphorylation Z-scheme used to describe how PS I and II interact
photophosphorylation (uses light to produce ATP)
what we’ve covered so far
2 photons from each photosystem = 1 NADPH and 1O
products go to Calvin Cycle
H2O + NADP+ → NADPH + H+ + ½ O2
6 e- = 6 ATP + 6 NADPH

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Cyclic Photophosphorylation

Cyclic photophosphorylation when extra ATP needed
PS I donates e- to back

Cyclic Photophosphorylation Cyclic photophosphorylation when extra ATP needed PS I donates e-
to PS II resulting in production of additional ATP (no NADPH)
e- txf via PQ
PS II generates ATP only
PS I generates NADPH

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ATP Synthesis

ATP produced via chemiosmosis = ion conc. differences and electric potential

ATP Synthesis ATP produced via chemiosmosis = ion conc. differences and electric
differences across membrane are source of free Σ that can be harnessed to do work
2nd law of thermodynamics = any nonuniform distribution of matter or Σ represents a source of Σ
ATP synthase (a.k.a. ATPase, CF0-CF1) uses PMF to generate ATP
H+ in thylakoid lumen = electrochemical gradient
due to splitting of H2O, cytochrome b6f complex
pH in stroma = alkaline, pH in lumen = acidic
gradient drives ATP synthesis via ATP synthase complex

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ATP Synthesis

ATP synthase consists of hydrophobic portion CF0 (in membrane) and CF1

ATP Synthesis ATP synthase consists of hydrophobic portion CF0 (in membrane) and
(sticks out in stroma)
found on stroma lamellae and edge of grana of thylakoid membrane
CF0 contains channel which H+ pass,
rotates along w/ internal stalk
CF1 where ATP synthesized
when H+ pass potential energy converted to kinetic
kinetic Σ converted to chemical bond
4 H+ translocated per ATP

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4 major protein complexes
PS II oxidizes H2O, releases H+ into lumen
b6f complex

Summary 4 major protein complexes PS II oxidizes H2O, releases H+ into
pumps additional H+ into lumen
PS I reduces NADP+ to NADPH
ATP synthase produces ATP
initial acceptor?
final donor??

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Summary II

Summary II

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Repair and Regulation

Regulatory and repair mechanisms needed to safely dissipate excess Σ

Repair and Regulation Regulatory and repair mechanisms needed to safely dissipate excess
or repair if damaged
carotenoids dissipate excited state of chlorophyll
excited state can react w/ O2 to produce singlet oxygen (extremely reactive, damaging to lipids)
xanthophylls (type of carotenoid) also help dissipate Σ and heat
prolonged photoinhibition (inhibition of Ps by excess light) = damage to PS II rxn center, esp. D1 protein
D1 protein removed and replaced

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Chloroplast Genetics

Chloroplast have their own DNA, mRNA, ribosomes
import some genes from nucleus

Chloroplast Genetics Chloroplast have their own DNA, mRNA, ribosomes import some genes
Reproduce via division
chloroplasts divided btwn daughter cells
chloroplasts come from female plant
non-Mendelian genetics, maternal inheritance
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