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September 17 - International Gnome Day

If you eat badly, Uncle Dwarf will

September 17 - International Gnome Day If you eat badly, Uncle Dwarf
bite off your ears!)

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Who are the gnomes. And where did they even come from?

According to

Who are the gnomes. And where did they even come from? According
legend, dwarves are dwarfs who live in deep mountain caves in underground cities, wear long beards and are famous for being incredibly rich and skilled. They were the first to learn how to mine ores and smelt metals. They were the first to realize the power of gold and other precious stones. Dwarves are skilled craftsmen and can forge incredibly powerful and stylish artifacts, such as magic rings, swords, chain mail, etc. This is probably why they rightfully personify the strength of the earth and mountains. True, it must be admitted that with all the virtues of the gnomes, they are extremely selfish, touchy, unsociable and insidious.

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They will never miss an opportunity to steal more gold or to

They will never miss an opportunity to steal more gold or to
mock people. The first mention of these amazing creatures appeared in the writings of the Swiss alchemist Paracelsus in the 16th century. Unfortunately, it is not known for certain where the alchemist got the word "dwarf" from. Some scholars believe that Paracelsus used the Greek "Gnosis", which means knowledge, implying that the dwarves kept secret knowledge about the exact location of metals and treasures hidden in the earth. Others are sure that the gnomes themselves visited the famous Swiss alchemist, revealing to him the secret of their existence, after which a corresponding mention was made in his book. Paracelsus described the gnomes as being about 40 cm tall, extremely reluctant to come into contact with people and able to move through the earth's firmament with incredible speed.

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Evidence of the existence of gnomes In 2004, scientists excavating caves on

Evidence of the existence of gnomes In 2004, scientists excavating caves on
the island of Flores in Indonesia discovered the remains of dwarf creatures, very reminiscent of miniature fairy tale characters. According to scientists, the creatures found were direct descendants of Homo erectus - an erect man. Careful laboratory analysis of the remains in the cave showed that the tiny bones belong to an adult, only its growth is only about a meter. The bones had a very primitive structure, and scientists concluded that a similar skeletal structure belongs to an unknown population of creatures that once lived in caves on the island. Further computer analysis completely shocked the representatives of science. It turned out that a miniature human relative lived eighteen thousand years ago.

Слайд 6

Recipe for pancakes with milk

Chicken egg - 2 pieces Milk -

Recipe for pancakes with milk Ingredients: Chicken egg - 2 pieces Milk
500 milliliters
Salt - 1 pinch
Sugar - 1 teaspoon Flour - 300-400 grams Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

Prepare all the necessary ingredients.
Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add a pinch of salt and sugar to taste. Beat lightly with a hand whisk until the eggs are more or less homogeneous.
Then add a small amount of milk and stir again.
Pour in the flour and mix it completely into the milk and egg mixture.
Now add the remaining milk (you can not pour all at once to look at the consistency and only then add the rest if necessary). By preparing the dough in my way, you will achieve a completely homogeneous consistency and there will be not a single lump in the dough. The dough should turn out to be similar in consistency to thick kefir, but more viscous. By the way, in order not to grease the pan with oil every time, you can add oil directly to the dough (but if you have a good non-stick pan, you won’t need oil anyway).
Let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes. Then heat the pan and grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil (only for the first pancake, you don’t need to do this afterwards). Pour half a scoop of batter into the pan and spread over the bottom. Bake the pancake for about a minute on one side. Then turn the pancake over with a wide wooden spatula and hold in a hot pan for another half a minute.

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