Ray Diagrams. Images, Mirrors


Слайд 2


To draw ray diagrams
To see how real and virtual images are formed

Objectives: To draw ray diagrams To see how real and virtual images
use different object distances and focal lengths to create different sized images
To gain a working knowledge of the terms: real image, virtual image, upright, inverted, magnified and diminished.

Слайд 3

Real or Virtual Images

Real Images are formed when light ray do come

Real or Virtual Images Real Images are formed when light ray do
together to form an image.
Virtual images are formed when light rays seem to come together to form an image.
Sight lines are extensions of light rays needed to show the perceived virtual image.
Sight lines are dashed lines in ray diagrams.

Слайд 4

Symbols Used

Symbols Used

Слайд 5

Plane Mirrors (flat mirrors)

How do we see images in mirrors?

Plane Mirrors (flat mirrors) How do we see images in mirrors?

Слайд 6

Plane Mirrors (flat mirrors)



Light reflected off the mirror converges to form an image

Plane Mirrors (flat mirrors) object image Light reflected off the mirror converges
in the eye.

How do we see images in mirrors?

Слайд 7

Plane Mirrors (flat mirrors)



Light reflected off the mirror converges to form an image

Plane Mirrors (flat mirrors) object image Light reflected off the mirror converges
in the eye.
The eye perceives light rays as if they came through the mirror.
Imaginary light rays extended behind mirrors are called sight lines.

How do we see images in mirrors?

Слайд 8

Plane Mirrors (flat mirrors)



Light reflected off the mirror converges to form an image

Plane Mirrors (flat mirrors) object image Light reflected off the mirror converges
in the eye.
The eye perceives light rays as if they came through the mirror.
Imaginary light rays extended behind mirrors are called sight lines.
Image is virtual since it is formed by imaginary sight lines, not real light rays.

How do we see images in mirrors?

Слайд 9

Spherical Mirrors (concave & convex)

Spherical Mirrors (concave & convex)

Слайд 10

Concave & Convex Mirrors are part of a sphere

C: the center point of

Concave & Convex Mirrors are part of a sphere C: the center
the sphere
r: radius of curvature = the radius of the sphere
F: focal point is halfway between C and the mirror
f: the focal distance, f = r/2




Слайд 11

Concave Mirrors (caved in)


Light rays that come in parallel to the optical axis

Concave Mirrors (caved in) • F Light rays that come in parallel
reflect through the focal point.

Слайд 12

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do > df)


Concave Mirror (Object distance: do > df) • F

Слайд 13

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do > df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do > df) • F The first ray
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.

Слайд 14

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do > df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do > df) • F The first ray
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.
The second ray comes through the focal point and reflects parallel to the optical axis.

Слайд 15

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do > df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do > df) • F The first ray
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.
The second ray comes through the focal point and reflects parallel to the optical axis.
A real, inverted, diminished image forms where the light rays converge.

Слайд 16

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do < df)


Concave Mirror (Object distance: do • F

Слайд 17

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.

Слайд 18

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.
The second ray comes through the focal point and reflects parallel to the optical axis.

Слайд 19

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Mirror (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.
The second ray comes through the focal point and reflects parallel to the optical axis.
The image forms where the rays converge. But they don’t seem to converge.

Слайд 20

Concave Mirror Extend light rays with dashed sight lines


The first ray comes

Concave Mirror Extend light rays with dashed sight lines • F The
in parallel to the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.
The second ray comes through the focal point and reflects parallel to the optical axis.
A virtual, upright, magnified image forms where the sight rays converge.

Слайд 21

Your Turn (Object distance do > 2df)



concave mirror

Note: mirrors are thin enough that

Your Turn (Object distance do > 2df) • F object concave mirror
you just draw a line to represent the mirror
Locate the image of the arrow

Слайд 22

Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df)



concave mirror

Note: mirrors are thin enough that

Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df) • F object concave mirror
you just draw a line to represent the mirror
Locate the image of the arrow

A real, inverted same size image is formed.

Слайд 23

Convex Mirrors (curved out)

Light rays that come in parallel to the optical axis

Convex Mirrors (curved out) Light rays that come in parallel to the
reflect from the focal point.


The focal point is considered virtual since sight lines, not light rays, go through it.

Слайд 24

Convex Mirror (Object distance do > 2df)


Convex Mirror (Object distance do > 2df) • F

Слайд 25

Convex Mirror (Object distance: do > 2df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Convex Mirror (Object distance: do > 2df) • F The first ray
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.

Слайд 26

Convex Mirror (Object distance: do > 2df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Convex Mirror (Object distance: do > 2df) • F The first ray
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.
The second ray comes through the focal point and reflects parallel to the optical axis.

Слайд 27

Convex Mirror (Object distance: do > 2df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Convex Mirror (Object distance: do > 2df) • F The first ray
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.
The second ray comes through the focal point and reflects parallel to the optical axis.
The light rays don’t converge, but the sight lines do.

Слайд 28

Convex Mirror (Object distance: do > 2df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Convex Mirror (Object distance: do > 2df) • F The first ray
the optical axis and reflects through the focal point.
The second ray comes through the focal point and reflects parallel to the optical axis.
The light rays don’t converge, but the sight lines do.

A virtual, upright, diminished image forms where the sight lines converge.

Слайд 29

Your Turn (Convex Mirror)


Note: mirrors are thin enough that you just draw a

Your Turn (Convex Mirror) • F Note: mirrors are thin enough that
line to represent the mirror
Locate the image of the arrow

convex mirror

Слайд 30

Your Turn (Convex Mirror)


Note: mirrors are thin enough that you just draw a

Your Turn (Convex Mirror) • F Note: mirrors are thin enough that
line to represent the mirror
Locate the image of the arrow

convex mirror


Слайд 31

Lensmaker’s Equation

ƒ = focal length
do = object distance
di = image distance

if distance

Lensmaker’s Equation ƒ = focal length do = object distance di =
is negative the image is behind the mirror

Слайд 32

Magnification Equation

m = magnification
hi = image height
ho = object height

If height is

Magnification Equation m = magnification hi = image height ho = object
negative the image is upside down
if the magnification is negative
the image is inverted (upside down)

Слайд 33

Refraction (bending light)

Refraction is when light bends as it passes from one medium

Refraction (bending light) Refraction is when light bends as it passes from
into another.
When light traveling through air passes into the glass block it is refracted towards the normal.
When light passes back out of the glass into the air, it is refracted away from the normal.
Since light refracts when it changes mediums it can be aimed. Lenses are shaped so light is aimed at a focal point.

Слайд 34


The first telescope, designed and built by Galileo, used lenses to focus

Lenses The first telescope, designed and built by Galileo, used lenses to
light from faraway objects, into Galileo’s eye. His telescope consisted of a concave lens and a convex lens.

Light rays are always refracted (bent) towards the thickest part of the lens.

convex lens

concave lens

light from object

Слайд 35

Concave Lenses

Concave lenses are thin in the middle and make light rays

Concave Lenses Concave lenses are thin in the middle and make light
diverge (spread out).

If the rays of light are traced back (dashed sight lines), they all intersect at the focal point (F) behind the lens.

Слайд 36


Light rays that come in parallel to the optical axis diverge from

• F Light rays that come in parallel to the optical axis
the focal point.

Concave Lenses

The light rays behave the same way if we ignore the thickness of the lens.

Слайд 37

Concave Lenses


Light rays that come in parallel to the optical axis still

Concave Lenses • F Light rays that come in parallel to the
diverge from the focal point.

Слайд 38

Concave Lens (Object distance: do < df)

The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Lens (Object distance: do The first ray comes in parallel to
the optical axis and refracts from the focal point.


Слайд 39

Concave Lens (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Lens (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and refracts from the focal point.
The second ray goes straight through the center of the lens.

Слайд 40

Concave Lens (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Lens (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and refracts from the focal point.
The second ray goes straight through the center of the lens.
The light rays don’t converge, but the sight lines do.

Слайд 41

Concave Lens (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Concave Lens (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and refracts from the focal point.
The second ray goes straight through the center of the lens.
The light rays don’t converge, but the sight lines do.

A virtual, upright, diminished image forms where the sight lines converge.

Слайд 42

Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df)


Note: lenses are thin enough that you

Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df) • F Note: lenses are
just draw a line to represent the lens.
Locate the image of the arrow.

concave lens

Слайд 43

Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df)


Note: lenses are thin enough that you

Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df) • F Note: lenses are
just draw a line to represent the lens.
Locate the image of the arrow.

concave lens


A virtual, upright, diminished image forms where the sight lines converge.

Слайд 44

Convex Lenses

Convex lenses are thicker in the middle and focus light rays

Convex Lenses Convex lenses are thicker in the middle and focus light
to a focal point in front of the lens.

The focal length of the lens is the distance between the center of the lens and the point where the light rays are focused.

Слайд 45

Convex Lenses


Convex Lenses • F

Слайд 46

Convex Lenses

Light rays that come in parallel to the optical axis converge

Convex Lenses Light rays that come in parallel to the optical axis
at the focal point.


Слайд 47

Convex Lens (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Convex Lens (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and refracts through the focal point.

Слайд 48

Convex Lens (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Convex Lens (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and refracts through the focal point.
The second ray goes straight through the center of the lens.

Слайд 49

Convex Lens (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Convex Lens (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and refracts through the focal point.
The second ray goes straight through the center of the lens.
The light rays don’t converge, but the sight lines do.

Слайд 50

Convex Lens (Object distance: do < df)


The first ray comes in parallel to

Convex Lens (Object distance: do • F The first ray comes in
the optical axis and refracts through the focal point.
The second ray goes straight through the center of the lens.
The light rays don’t converge, but the sight lines do.
A virtual, upright, magnified image forms where the sight lines converge.

Слайд 51

optical axis

Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df)


Note: lenses are thin enough that

optical axis Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df) • F Note:
you just draw a line to represent the lens.
Locate the image of the arrow.

convex lens

Слайд 52

optical axis

Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df)


Note: lenses are thin enough that

optical axis Your Turn (Object distance: do > 2df) • F Note:
you just draw a line to represent the lens.
Locate the image of the arrow.

convex lens

Слайд 53

optical axis

Your Turn (Object distance: do = 2df)


Note: lenses are thin enough that

optical axis Your Turn (Object distance: do = 2df) • F Note:
you just draw a line to represent the lens.
Locate the image of the arrow.

convex lens


A real, inverted, same size image forms where the light rays converge.

Имя файла: Ray-Diagrams.-Images,-Mirrors-.pptx
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