- 2. Roger Bacon (1214–1294), an English philosopher and scientist Роджер Бэкон magnifying glass, a round piece of
- 3. Ralph Baer (born 1922), a German American engineer and inventor Ральф Баер game console
- 4. Donát Bánki ( 1859-1922), a Hungarian mechanical engineer Донат Банки The invention of the carburetor helped
- 5. John Logie Baird (1888-1946), a British engineer and inventor Джон Байрд first fully electronic color television
- 6. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), a Scottish scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator Александр Грэм Белл the first
- 7. Karl Friedrich Benz (1844-1929), a German engine designer and automobile engineer Карл Фридрих Бенц gasoline-powered automobile
- 8. László Bíró (1899-1985), a Hungarian inventor Ласло Биро modern ballpoint pen
- 9. Louis Braille (1809-1852), a French inventor Луи Брайль braille, a worldwide system used by blind and
- 10. Sergey Brin (born 1973), a Russian-American computer scientist Сергей Брин co-founder of Google, Inc., the world’s
- 11. Vladimir Chelomey (1914-1984), a Soviet mechanics scientist and rocket engineer Владимир Челомей Salyut, the first space
- 12. Josephine Cochrane (1839-1913), a French celebrity Жозефина Кокрейн the first practical mechanical dishwasher
- 13. Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910-1997), a French explorer, ecologist, scientist Жак Ив Кусто aqua-lung
- 14. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot (1725-1804), a French inventor Никола Жозеф Куно the first self-propelled mechanical vehicle
- 15. Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655-1731), an Italian maker of musical instruments Бартоломео Кристофори piano
- 16. William Cullen (1710–1790), a Scottish physician Уильям Куллен the first artificial refrigerator
- 17. Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913), a German inventor and mechanical engineer Рудольф Дизель diesel engine
- 18. Anastase Dragomir (1896-1966), a Romanian inventor Анастас Драгомир ejection seat
- 19. Thomas Edison (1847-1931), an American inventor, scientist and businessman Томас Эдисон phonograph, motion picture camera, electric
- 20. Douglas C. Engelbart (born 1925), an American inventor Дуглас Энгельбарт computer mouse
- 21. Michael Faraday (1791-1867), an English chemist and physicist Майкл Фарадей electromagnetic induction, laws of electrolysis
- 22. John Maria Farina, (1685–1766), an Italian perfume maker Джон Мария Фарина Eau de Cologne
- 23. Adolf Fick (1829-1901), a German physiologist Адольф Фик contact lenses
- 24. Alexander Fleming, (1881–1955), a Scottish researcher Александр Флеминг penicillin
- 25. Whitcomb Judson, (1836–1909), an American mechanical engineer Уайткомб Джадсон zipper
- 26. Eugene Kaspersky (born 1965), a specialist in the information security field Евгений Касперский antivirus and other
- 27. Anatoly Kharlampiev (1906-1979), a Russian martial artist Анатолий Харлампиев Sport Sambo, a martial art
- 28. René Laënnec, (1781–1826), a French physician Рене Лаэннек stethoscope
- 29. Gustav de Laval (1845–1913), a Swedish inventor and mechanical engineer Густав де Лаваль milk separator, milking
- 30. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723), a Dutch scientist Антоний Левенгук microscope
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