Молекулярная генетика развития


Слайд 3

Молекулярная генетика развития
Вельков В В 2013
Gene Regulation during Development

Молекулярная генетика развития Вельков В В 2013 Gene Regulation during Development

Слайд 4

Morphogenesis - How do you get from a spherical egg to say

Morphogenesis - How do you get from a spherical egg to say a frog?
a frog?

Слайд 5

Dolly and Bonnie

Gilbert, SF (2003) Developmental Biology, 7th ed.

The nucleus from an

Dolly and Bonnie Gilbert, SF (2003) Developmental Biology, 7th ed. The nucleus
differentiated adult cell (from the mammary gland) was able to replace the nucleus
of a fertilized egg and produce an adult complete with functional gametes: Dolly had a daughter – Bonnie.
SO: during development genes are just turned on and off in a carefully orchestrated fashion. SO, THE DOGMA OF DEV. BIOL. Is differential gene expression controls development

Слайд 6

The Spemann Experiment
Spemann & Mangold, 1923

The Spemann Experiment Spemann & Mangold, 1923

Слайд 7

Spemann Experiment

Outline: Graft a tissue from one embryo into another embryo, and

Spemann Experiment Outline: Graft a tissue from one embryo into another embryo,
see what happens – Cut and Paste
Main observation: A graft of a specific tissue (the organizer) to a specific location can induce Siamese twins connected at the belly.
Conclusion: Hilde Mangold and Hans Spemann
found that a piece of
Prospective dorsal tissue
can organize formation
of an embryo

Слайд 8

“A piece taken from the upper blastopore lip of a gastrulating amphibian

“A piece taken from the upper blastopore lip of a gastrulating amphibian
embryo exerts an organizing effect on its environment ...
Such a piece can therefore be designated as an organizer”

Vegetal view

Слайд 9

Spemann won the Nobel prize in 1935
Hilde Mangold died in 1926…

Spemann won the Nobel prize in 1935 Hilde Mangold died in 1926…
Organizer” was found
in all vertebrates, including human
The organizer secretes both morphogens
and their inhibitors which diffuse
throughout the embryo

Слайд 10

Universal mechanism of animal development

Gene expression controls 4 essential process

Short- long-range diffusible

Universal mechanism of animal development Gene expression controls 4 essential process Short-
signaling molecule

Changes in cell adhesion

Слайд 11

Development is progressive

Specification of cell fate: determination
All cells still ‘look the same’

Development is progressive Specification of cell fate: determination All cells still ‘look
be tested by transplantation experiments
Interactions can make cells different from each other: induction

Слайд 12

In the process called induction
Signal molecules from embryonic cells cause transcriptional changes

In the process called induction Signal molecules from embryonic cells cause transcriptional
in nearby target cells

Early embryo
(32 cells)





Слайд 13

From single cell to organism – a life cycle

The use of a

From single cell to organism – a life cycle The use of
model organism

Fertilisation followed by cell division
Pattern formation –
instructions for
Body plan (Axes: A-P, D-V)
Germ layers (ecto-, meso-, endoderm)
Cell movement - form – gastrulation
Cell differentiation
Cell growth, cell death (apoptosis)

Слайд 15

Three Strategies:

mRNA localization
Cell-to-cell contact
Signaling through the diffusion of secreted signaling molecules

Three Strategies: mRNA localization Cell-to-cell contact Signaling through the diffusion of secreted signaling molecules

Слайд 17

и рецепторы

Морфогены и рецепторы морфогенов

Слайд 18

Morphogen – substances that define different cell fates in a concentration-dependent manner

Morphogen – substances that define different cell fates in a concentration-dependent manner
of two signaling centers located in the anterior and posterior poles of the egg pattern insect body axis

Слайд 19

Morphogen = Soluble molecule that causes cellular commitment but is secreted some

Morphogen = Soluble molecule that causes cellular commitment but is secreted some
from the target cells.
Morphogen Gradient = concentration gradient of a morphogen.

Слайд 20

Градиенты морфогенов

Белки, кодируемые генами, функционирующими в ходе созревания яйца, и транспортируемые туда

Градиенты морфогенов Белки, кодируемые генами, функционирующими в ходе созревания яйца, и транспортируемые
из питающих клеток,
распределяются по оси яйца,
образуя градиенты, специфически характерные для продуктов каждого гена

Слайд 21

Morphogen Threshold Concentrations


Morphogen Threshold Concentrations embryo

Слайд 22

Morphogen Threshold Concentrations




Morphogen Threshold Concentrations embryo Morpho- gen conc. position

Слайд 23

Morphogen Threshold Concentrations




Morphogen Threshold Concentrations embryo Morpho- gen conc. position

Слайд 24

Morphogen Receptor Some mRNAs Become Localized within Eggs and Embryos due to

Morphogen Receptor Some mRNAs Become Localized within Eggs and Embryos due to
an Intrinsic Polarity in the Cytoskeleton

The asymmetrically distributed mRNA is transported along element of the cytoskeleton
from – to the growing + end.

Слайд 25

Adaptor protein
- The morphogene receptor
binds to 3’untranslated trailer
(3’UTR) region
of morphogene

Adaptor protein - The morphogene receptor binds to 3’untranslated trailer (3’UTR) region
A morphogene receptor
has two domains:
one recognizes the 3’ UTR,
the other
associates with myosin.
Cytoskeletal elements –
microtubules are polarized within
the oocyte and can be used to allow
the localization of mRNA molecules
to specific parts of the cell.


Слайд 26

Influence of Other Cells

Morphogen Receptor Gradient = frequency gradient of the receptors

Influence of Other Cells Morphogen Receptor Gradient = frequency gradient of the
for a morphogen in target cell cell membranes.

Morphogen gradient

Morphogen receptor gradient

Слайд 27


Coordinate the cell growth and differentiation.
Formation of a long-range concentration

Morphogens Coordinate the cell growth and differentiation. Formation of a long-range concentration
Cellular response is concentration dependent.

Слайд 28

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required to reproduce or display

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required to reproduce or display

Слайд 29

Life cycle

Life cycle

Слайд 30

Many Adult Structures Develop from Imaginal Discs in Larvae and Pupae

Many Adult Structures Develop from Imaginal Discs in Larvae and Pupae

Слайд 31

Position or Spatial Organization is Everything

2 main mechanisms used to communicate positional

Position or Spatial Organization is Everything 2 main mechanisms used to communicate
Cell adhesion

Слайд 32

Fate Map: all different regions of an embryo develop is described
Developmental program

Fate Map: all different regions of an embryo develop is described Developmental
— process for cell achieving its fate

Слайд 35

Гены сегментации
Гомеозисные гены

Морфогены активируют Гены сегментации активируют Гомеозисные гены активируют…

Слайд 36

Genetic Analysis of Early Development: Scientific Inquiry

The study of developmental mutants
Laid the

Genetic Analysis of Early Development: Scientific Inquiry The study of developmental mutants
groundwork for understanding
the mechanisms of development

Слайд 37

Drosophila Embryogenesis First phase is establishment of body axes

Before fertilization, specialized nurse

Drosophila Embryogenesis First phase is establishment of body axes Before fertilization, specialized
move maternal mRNAs (morphogenes) into maturing oocyte
Then morphogens are distributed in the oocyte prior to fertilization
The Morphogens organize the structure of the egg
These positioned mRNA will initiate a cascade
of gene activations following fertilization
Яйцо созревает в особой камере — фолликуле.
В фолликулах - гены с материнским эффектом, которые функционируют
еще до оплодотворения яйца сперматозоидом
В фолликуле ооцит и 15 огромных питающих клеток,
которые синтезируют «РНК морфогены» и перекачивают их в ооцит.

Слайд 38

At the start of development, gradients are established in the egg

At the start of development, gradients are established in the egg along
two axes, anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral.





Слайд 40

Maternal gene products, called morphogens, establish gradients in early embryogenesis.
2. Anterior-posterior development

Maternal gene products, called morphogens, establish gradients in early embryogenesis. 2. Anterior-posterior
uses localized gene regulators.
3. Dorsal-ventral development uses localized receptor-ligand interactions.

Слайд 41

Градиент морфогенов активирует зиготные гены

После того как градиенты в яйце созданы, происходит

Градиент морфогенов активирует зиготные гены После того как градиенты в яйце созданы,
оплодотворение и начинается дробление зародыша
образуется однослойная бластодерма. Каждая клетка в ней занимает определенное положение по отношению к сформировавшимся градиентам,
- обладает определенной позиционной информацией.
Морфогены взаимодействуют с регуляторными участками генов, активирующихся у зигот (зиготических генов).

Слайд 42

Expressed during oogenesis by the mother. Act upon or within the maturing

Expressed during oogenesis by the mother. Act upon or within the maturing

Expressed after fertilization. Mutations in these genes alter the number or polarity of segments. Three groups of segmentation genes act sequentially to define increasingly smaller regions of the embryo.

Control the identity of a segment, but do not affect the number, polarity or size of segments. Mutations in these genes cause one body part to develop the phenotype of another part.

Слайд 43

Establishment of the A/P axis

Nurse cells secrete maternally produced bicoid and nanos

Establishment of the A/P axis Nurse cells secrete maternally produced bicoid and
mRNAs into the oocyte
-Differentially transported by microtubules to opposite poles of the oocyte
-bicoid mRNA to the future anterior pole
-nanos mRNA to the future posterior pole
-After fertilization, translation will create opposing gradients
of Bicoid and Nanos proteins

Слайд 45

bicoid (bcd) Encodes the Anterior Morphogen


bicoid (bcd) Encodes the Anterior Morphogen .

Слайд 46

Bicoid gradient
Bicoid acts as a transcriptional activator of hunchback gene transcription

Bicoid gradient Bicoid acts as a transcriptional activator of hunchback gene transcription

Слайд 47

Nanos gradient

Nanos gradient

Слайд 48

Establishment of the A/P axis

Bicoid and Nanos control translation of two
other maternal

Establishment of the A/P axis Bicoid and Nanos control translation of two
mRNAs, hunchback and
caudal, that encode transcription factors
-Hunchback activates anterior structures
-Caudal activates posterior structures
The two mRNAs are not evenly distributed
-Bicoid protein inhibits caudal mRNA translation
-Nanos protein inhibits hunchback mRNA translation

Слайд 50

How Bcd Protein Works

How Bcd Protein Works

Слайд 52

Establishment of the D/V axis

Maternally produced dorsal mRNA
is placed into the

Establishment of the D/V axis Maternally produced dorsal mRNA is placed into
-Not asymmetrically localized
Oocyte nucleus synthesizes gurken mRNA
-Accumulates in a crescent on the future dorsal side of embryo
After fertilization, a series of steps results in selected transport of Dorsal into ventral nuclei, thus forming a D/V gradient

Слайд 53

Segmentation genes act sequentially to divide the embryo into segments

Normal Drosophila embryo

Segmentation genes act sequentially to divide the embryo into segments Normal Drosophila
into 15 segments
3 head, 3 thoracic and 9 abdominal
Each will give rise to unique morphological features in adult

Слайд 55

Production of Body Plan

The body plan is produced by sequential activation of

Production of Body Plan The body plan is produced by sequential activation

three classes of segmentation genes
Segmentation Is Initiated by Localized RNAs
at the Anterior and Posterior Poles of the Unfertilized Egg
1. Gap genes
-Map out the coarsest subdivision along the A/P axis
-All 9 genes encode transcription factors that activate the next gene class
2. Pair-rule genes
-Divide the embryo into seven zones
-The 8 or more genes encode transcription factors
that regulate each other, and activate the next gene class
3. Segment polarity genes
-Finish defining the embryonic segments

Слайд 57

Gap genes
Expressed first
Gap mutants show a gap in segmentation pattern at positions

Gap genes Expressed first Gap mutants show a gap in segmentation pattern
where particular gene is absent
Binding sites in promoter have different affinities for maternal transcription factors
Gap genes encode transcription factors that influence expression of other gap genes

Слайд 58

Gap genes
Hunchback, krüppel, giant, tailless and knirps.
Their expression patterns in the

Gap genes Hunchback, krüppel, giant, tailless and knirps. Their expression patterns in
early embryo
are determined by the maternal effect gene products
These genes establish the segmented body plan
of the embryo along the anterior-posterior axis.

Слайд 59

The A-P axis is divided into broad regions
by gap gene expression


The A-P axis is divided into broad regions by gap gene expression
first zygotic genes
Respond to maternally-derived instructions
Short-lived proteins,
gives bell-shaped distribution from source

Слайд 60

Zones of Expression of Four Gap Genes: Hunchback, Kruppel, Knirps, and Giant

Zones of Expression of Four Gap Genes: Hunchback, Kruppel, Knirps, and Giant
in Late Syncytial Blastoderm Embryos

Слайд 61

Defects in Segmentation from Mutations in Gap Genes





Defects in Segmentation from Mutations in Gap Genes A) B) C) D)

Слайд 62

Mutations in Gap Gene Result in Loss of Segments Corresponding to Zone

Mutations in Gap Gene Result in Loss of Segments Corresponding to Zone of Expression
of Expression

Слайд 63

Transcription factors in cascade
GAP genes

Hunchback (hb) , a gap gene, responds

Transcription factors in cascade GAP genes Hunchback (hb) , a gap gene,
to the dose of bicoid protein
A concentration above threshold of bicoid activates the expression of hb
The more bicoid transcripts, the further back hb expression goes

Слайд 64

Krüppel reads two values

Krüppel (Kr), a gap gene, responds to the dose

Krüppel reads two values Krüppel (Kr), a gap gene, responds to the
of hb protein
A concentration above minimum threshold of hb activates the expression of Kr
A concentration above maximum threshold of hb inactivates the expression of Kr

GAP genes

Слайд 66

Homeotic mutations

We know some misterious mutations,
which generate horroristic monsters

Homeotic mutations We know some misterious mutations, which generate horroristic monsters

Слайд 67

Homeotic-Selector/ HOX Genes

Homeotic-Selector/ HOX Genes

Слайд 68

Production of Body Plan

Segment identity arises from the action of homeotic

Production of Body Plan Segment identity arises from the action of homeotic
-Mutations in them lead to the appearance of normal body parts in unusual places

-Ultrabithorax mutants produce an extra pair of wings

Слайд 69

Production of Body Plan

Homeotic gene complexes
-The HOM complex genes of Drosophila

Production of Body Plan Homeotic gene complexes -The HOM complex genes of
are grouped into two clusters
-Antennapedia complex, which governs the anterior end of the fly
-Bithorax complex, which governs the posterior end of the fly
-Interestingly, the order of genes mirrors the order of the body parts they control

Слайд 70

Homeotic genes specify body segment identity in Drosophila.

Fig. 14

Homeotic genes specify body segment identity in Drosophila. Fig. 14

Слайд 71

Homeotic Genes Determine Specialization of Segments

Homeotic Genes Determine Specialization of Segments

Слайд 73

Antennapedia complex
5 genes that affect the anterior part of the fly
When mutated,

Antennapedia complex 5 genes that affect the anterior part of the fly
legs grow instead of antennae

Слайд 74

Homeotic Genes: Master Regulatory Genes

Homeotic Genes: Master Regulatory Genes

Слайд 75

Homeotic mutation: Master Regulatory Genes

Homeotic mutation: Master Regulatory Genes

Слайд 77

Halteres into wings

Gilbert, SF (2003) Developmental Biology, 7th ed.

One structure is placed

Halteres into wings Gilbert, SF (2003) Developmental Biology, 7th ed. One structure
in the position where normally another structure would be (e.g. a pair of wings instead of halteres)

Слайд 81

Production of Body Plan

Homeotic gene complexes
-All of these genes contain a conserved

Production of Body Plan Homeotic gene complexes -All of these genes contain
180-base sequence, the homeobox
-Encodes a 60-amino acid DNA-binding domain, the homeodomain
-Homeobox-containing genes
are termed Hox genes
-Vertebrates have 4 Hox gene clusters

Слайд 82

Production of Body Plan

Production of Body Plan

Слайд 83

Как произошли мухи?

Мухи эволюционировали
из насекомых, имевших 4 крыла,
Насекомые произошли из

Как произошли мухи? Мухи эволюционировали из насекомых, имевших 4 крыла, Насекомые произошли

имевших множество ног.
В ходе эволюции у мух
сформировались группы генов:
а) подавляющие развитие ног на
брюшных сегментах
многоножкоподобных предков,
б) подавляющих развитие второй
пары крыльев,
В) формирующие новые
структруры: гальтеры
и брюшные сегменты.

Слайд 84

К чему приводит делеция ВХ-С?

Эмбрион развивается до определенной стадии и затем

К чему приводит делеция ВХ-С? Эмбрион развивается до определенной стадии и затем
Эмбрион имел
проторакальный сегмент, а
все остальные — мезоторакальные
Если бы этот организм выжил до взрослой мухи,
она бы имела 10 пар крыльев и 10 пар ног
Функция гена ВХ-С
- инактивация генов, формирующих ноги и крылья во всех последующих после второго торакального сегментах,
- развитии всех структур на брюшных сегментах

Слайд 87

Vertebrates have four Hox complexes,
with about 10 genes each.
They can

Vertebrates have four Hox complexes, with about 10 genes each. They can
be aligned in 13 groups of paralogues.
They display colinearity:
Temporal colinearity: genes on one end of the complex are expressed first, those on the other (posterior) end are turned on last.
Spatial colinearity: the more anteriorly expressed genes are in one end, the more posterior ones at the other end of the gene complex.
Anterior Hox genes are activated sequentially by retinoic acid.

Слайд 89

Temporal and spatial colinearity: order of Hox genes in DNA follows the

Temporal and spatial colinearity: order of Hox genes in DNA follows the antero-posterior body axis.
antero-posterior body axis.

Слайд 90

An identical or very similar nucleotide sequence
Has been discovered in the homeotic

An identical or very similar nucleotide sequence Has been discovered in the
genes of both vertebrates and invertebrates

Слайд 95

A summary of gene activity during
Drosophila development

A summary of gene activity during Drosophila development

Слайд 96

Homeobox & Homeodomain

ДНК связывающий модуль
факторов транскрипции
генов дифференцировки
180 пн

Homeobox & Homeodomain ДНК связывающий модуль факторов транскрипции генов дифференцировки 180 пн 60 аминокислотных остатков
аминокислотных остатков

Слайд 102

Hox Genes and EvoDevo

A= anterior
Group 3
C= Central

Hox Genes and EvoDevo A= anterior Group 3 C= Central P=Posterior

Слайд 103

Mutation in HoxD13—synpolydactyly
Extra digits & interphalangeal webbing (hetero)
Similar but more severe &

Mutation in HoxD13—synpolydactyly Extra digits & interphalangeal webbing (hetero) Similar but more
bony malformation
of hands, wrists (Homo)
Loss of function-mild
Gain of function (Polyalanine expansion
in HoxD13) similar to multiple
loss of function-HoxD11,12,13
Polyalanine expansion-
Interfere all three proteins
Semidominant effect

Слайд 104

Normal mouse

Retinoic acid: loss of many

More retinoic acid: no posterior

Normal mouse embryo Retinoic acid: loss of many vertebrae More retinoic acid:
region formed

Vitamin A has caused the homeotic HOX genes 1-4 to become expressed in groups of cells that usually do not express these genes. It is well known that high doses of vitamin A taken by women early during pregnancy can disturb the regulation of HOX genes even in the human embryo and cause severe malformations.

Effect of very high doses of retinoic acid on Hox gene expression in
mouse embryos

Слайд 105

Hierarchy of genes in Drosophila development

Maternal factor

Development of the number of segments

Hierarchy of genes in Drosophila development Maternal factor Development of the number of segments

Слайд 106

Hox genes in the Animal Kingdom

Hox genes in the Animal Kingdom
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