- 2. GENERAL INFORMATION The four seasons of the year are: spring, summer, autumn, winter. The weather depends
- 3. England has a rather damp climate due to the effect of the warm current of the
- 4. London and Moscow’s climates. The atmosphere can be misty, the air can be moist. Fogs are
- 5. Weather Higher, less, lower, more. It rains ….. in the summer in London than in Moscow.
- 6. The British climate. Some people say that Britain doesn’t have a climate, it only has weather.
- 7. A weather forecast Thursday April 15 Today’s weather General situation Southeast England will see a mainly
- 8. A weather forecast Local weather: SE England. This morning will start sunny, but cloud will move
- 9. Britain is famous for its fog. Think of London in the books of Charles Dickens or
- 10. AUTUMN
- 11. AUTUMN Autumn is a rainy season and the weather is mostly dull. But there may be
- 12. AUTUMN But sunny days are rare. There is either a thin, continuous rain, called a drizzle,
- 13. Rain. Rain on the green grass, Rain on the tree. Rain on the house-top But not
- 14. Harvest time
- 15. The days rapidly shorten. Winter sets in. In winter the sky is pale, grey, leaden and
- 16. WINTER In winter the sun shines rarely, its rays are pale, it sets early and rises
- 17. Sometimes it's slippery and one must be careful when crossing the road.
- 18. Extreme in winter.
- 19. And sometimes there is a violent, cutting North wind that turns the snow into a regular
- 20. It’s dangerous but exciting
- 21. Fishing in winter is extreme too! The rivers and lakes are covered with a thick sheet
- 22. SPRING If a shower comes down, the clouds soon lift, it clears lip and stops raining,
- 23. Everything looks fresh, new and joyous. It's Spring, the revival of Nature. The first crocuses appear,
- 24. Spring Thin new blades of grass come up and the blossoms on the fruit-trees come out,
- 25. Robert Burns “The flowery Spring leads sunny Summer And yellow Autumn presses near, Then in his
- 26. SUMMER
- 27. SUMMER After an oppressive silence a gust of wind raises a cloud of dust and we
- 28. Summer The thunder crashes and the first drops of rain fall on the dusty grass. A
- 29. Fine weather And if we think this fine weather will last we say: We are in
- 31. Spring Spring is the season of ploughing and sowing; summer brings us berries and the first
- 32. If the weather is bad we usually say: nasty weather; dull weather; wretched weather; it's pretty
- 33. The months.
- 34. Seasons January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glows. February brings the rains, Thaws
- 35. Seasons May brings flocks of pretty lambs, Sporting round their fleecy dams. June brings tulips, lilies,
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