
Слайд 2

1. Course Outline
- Lecture Topics
- Course Organization
- Design Projects

1. Course Outline - Lecture Topics - Course Organization - Design Projects
High-Power Converter Topologies
- Multipulse Diode and SCR Rectifiers
- Multilevel Voltage Source Converters
- PWM Current Source Converters
3. High-Power Converter Applications
- Electric Drive Applications
- Power Systems Applications

Topic 1 Introduction

Слайд 3

High-Power Semiconductor Devices
3. Multipulse Diode Rectifiers
4. Multipulse SCR Rectifiers
5. Two-level Voltage Source

Introduction High-Power Semiconductor Devices 3. Multipulse Diode Rectifiers 4. Multipulse SCR Rectifiers
6. Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Converters
7. Multilevel Diode-Clamped Inverter
8. Other Multilevel Voltage Source Converters
9. Current Source Inverters
10. Current Source Rectifiers

Lecture Topics

Course Outline

Слайд 4

Lecture 2 hours per week
Laboratory 1 hour per week (simulation)

Lecture 2 hours per week Laboratory 1 hour per week (simulation) Textbook
Wu, ‘High-Power Converters and AC Drives’
Wiley - IEEE Press, 2006
Lecture Slides
Download from http://www.ee.ryerson.ca/~bwu/courses.html

Course Organization

Course Outline

Слайд 5

1. Series-type 12-pulse Diode Rectifier 15%
2. Space Vector Modulation Technique 30%
3. Control of

1. Series-type 12-pulse Diode Rectifier 15% 2. Space Vector Modulation Technique 30%
Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters 20%
4. Multilevel diode Clamped Inverters 15%
5. PWM Techniques for Current Source Converters 20%
Total 100%

Design Projects

Course Outline

Слайд 6

Multipulse Diode/SCR Rectifiers

High-Power Converter Topologies

Multipulse Diode/SCR Rectifiers High-Power Converter Topologies

Слайд 7

Multilevel Voltage Source Converters

High-Power Converter Topologies

Multilevel Voltage Source Converters High-Power Converter Topologies

Слайд 8

PWM Current Source Converters

High-Power Converter Topologies

PWM Current Source Converters High-Power Converter Topologies

Слайд 9

High-Power Converter Applications

Converter Power Rating

Electric Drive Systems: 100MW
Wind Energy

High-Power Converter Applications Converter Power Rating Electric Drive Systems: 100MW Wind Energy
Systems: 6MW
Power Systems FACTS: 300MVA
HVDC: 3000MW
FACTS - Flexible AC Transmission System
HVDC - High Voltage DC Transmission

Слайд 10

Mining / cement




Oil / gas

Power generation

Paper / pulp

Water / waste water

Source: Robicon


Mining / cement Petrochemical Metals Marine Oil / gas Power generation Paper
Speed Drive Applications

Application Areas

Слайд 11

- Application: NASA wind tunnel
- Motor: Six-phase, synchronous
- Load: High power fan

- Application: NASA wind tunnel - Motor: Six-phase, synchronous - Load: High
Speed Range: 360 - 600rpm

Supply system
Excitation system

100MW Wind Tunnel Drive

Source: ABB

Variable Speed Drive Applications

Слайд 12

Inverter type: current source
Switching device: SCR thyristor
# of

Inverter type: current source Switching device: SCR thyristor # of devices in
devices in series: 12

One of the 4 converters used in the drive

Total # of devices: (12 x 6) x 4 = 288
Converter efficiency: > 99%

100MW Wind Tunnel Drive

Source: ABB

Variable Speed Drive Applications

Слайд 13

Six-phase synchronous motor
(100MW, 12.5KV, 2.8KA)

Source: ABB

100MW Wind Tunnel Drive

Variable Speed

Six-phase synchronous motor (100MW, 12.5KV, 2.8KA) Source: ABB 100MW Wind Tunnel Drive Variable Speed Drive Applications
Drive Applications

Слайд 14

Source: Fuji Electric

High Speed Train

Variable Speed Drive Applications

Source: Fuji Electric High Speed Train Variable Speed Drive Applications

Слайд 15

Source: Fuji Electric

Rectifier: Single-phase three-level diode clamped
Inverter: Three-phase three-level diode clamped
Ratings: 1.1MW,

Source: Fuji Electric Rectifier: Single-phase three-level diode clamped Inverter: Three-phase three-level diode

High Speed Train

Variable Speed Drive Applications

Слайд 16

Length: 1,150 km
Pipe Size: 24” and 30”
Capacity: 225,000 bpd
Pump stations: 10

Length: 1,150 km Pipe Size: 24” and 30” Capacity: 225,000 bpd Pump
Megawatt Drive for Pipeline Pumps

Trans Mountain

Source: Kinder Morgan Canada Inc.

Variable Speed Drive Applications

Слайд 17

Applications In Wind Energy Systems


Applications In Wind Energy Systems Overview

Слайд 18

Applications In Wind Energy Systems

Wind Generator Power Rating

Source: National Renewable Energy

Applications In Wind Energy Systems Wind Generator Power Rating Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Слайд 19

Direct driven, no gear box
Completely decoupled from grid

Permanent Magnet

Direct driven, no gear box Completely decoupled from grid Permanent Magnet SG

Applications In Wind Energy Systems

Слайд 20

Applications In Wind Energy Systems

Examples - Multibrid M5000 (5MW PMSG)

Converter: ALSPA

Applications In Wind Energy Systems Examples - Multibrid M5000 (5MW PMSG) Converter: ALSPA VDM7000 Source: Alstom

Source: Alstom

Слайд 21

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

FACTS - Flexible AC Transmission Systems
- Static

Applications In Power/Utility Industry FACTS - Flexible AC Transmission Systems - Static
Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)
- Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
- Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)
Custom Power Devices
- Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
- Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator (D-STATCOM)
- Active Power Filter (APF)
HVDC – High Voltage DC Transmission

Слайд 22

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Static Synchronous
Dynamic Voltage
Active Filters
Solid-State Transfer

Applications In Power/Utility Industry STATCOM: Static Synchronous Compensator DVR: Dynamic Voltage Restorer
Battery Energy
Storage System

Слайд 23

Source: Toshiba Electric


Purpose: To provide reactive power for voltage regulation


Source: Toshiba Electric STATCOM Purpose: To provide reactive power for voltage regulation Applications In Power/Utility Industry
In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 24


Source: Toshiba Electric

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

50 MVA STATCOM Source: Toshiba Electric Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 25

Talega ±100 MVA, 138 kV STATCOM system

Source: Mitsubishi Electric

Example – 100MVA

Talega ±100 MVA, 138 kV STATCOM system Source: Mitsubishi Electric Example –

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 26

Combines STATCOM and SSSC which are coupled via
a common

Combines STATCOM and SSSC which are coupled via a common DC link
DC link
Allows bi-directional flow of real power between the STATCOM and
SSSC without external energy source
Controls power flow, voltage and power factor, allowing optimal
use of existing lines

Series Transformer

Shunt Transformer

Applications In Power/Utility Industry


Слайд 27

UPFC Equipment

GTO valve hall

Example – 320MVA 138kV UPFC (GTO Based)

Source: AEP

UPFC Equipment GTO valve hall Example – 320MVA 138kV UPFC (GTO Based)
Inez UPFC Project

UPFC building

Shunt Transformer

Series Transformer

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 28

Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)

Source: ABB

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) Source: ABB Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 29

Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR, 4MVA )

Source: ABB

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR, 4MVA ) Source: ABB Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 30

Main Benefits of HVDC
Long distance
Network stability
Low losses
Environmental concerns

Main Benefits of HVDC Long distance Network stability Low losses Environmental concerns

Applications In Power/Utility Industry


Слайд 31

Source: ABB

Applications In Power/Utility Industry


Source: ABB Applications In Power/Utility Industry HVDC

Слайд 32

HVDC Transmission Québec - New England

Source: ABB

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

HVDC Transmission Québec - New England Source: ABB Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 33

HVDC Transmission Québec - New England

Radisson Converter Station

Source: ABB


HVDC Transmission Québec - New England Radisson Converter Station Source: ABB Applications In Power/Utility Industry
In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 34

Source: ABB

HVDC Project in China

4 HVDC Links

Applications In Power/Utility

Source: ABB HVDC Project in China 4 HVDC Links Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 35

Source: ABB

HVDC Project in China

3000MW HVDC from Three Gorges to

Source: ABB HVDC Project in China 3000MW HVDC from Three Gorges to

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Слайд 36

Source: ABB


Thyristor valve hall

Length of overhead DC line: 940 km

Source: ABB Overview Thyristor valve hall Length of overhead DC line: 940
HVDC Project in China

3000MW HVDC from Three Gorges to Guangdong

Applications In Power/Utility Industry

Имя файла: slides-topic1.pptx
Количество просмотров: 124
Количество скачиваний: 0