
Слайд 2

Upper vs. Lower Motor Neuron

Upper motor neuron lesion
Motor cortex internal capsule brainstem

Upper vs. Lower Motor Neuron Upper motor neuron lesion Motor cortex internal

spinal cord
Lower motor neuron lesion
Anterior horn cell nerve root plexus
peripheral nerve neuromuscular junction

Слайд 3

Basic Features of Spinal Cord Disease

UMN findings below the lesion
Hyperreflexia and Babinski’s

Basic Features of Spinal Cord Disease UMN findings below the lesion Hyperreflexia
and motor involvement that localizes to a spinal cord level
Bowel and Bladder dysfunction common
Remember that the spinal cord ends at about T12-L1

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Acute, subacute, chronic
Past history
Family history

History Onset Acute, subacute, chronic Symptoms Pain Weakness Sensory Autonomic Past history Family history

Слайд 5

Tempo of Spinal Cord Disease

Tempo of Spinal Cord Disease

Слайд 6

Motor Exam

Strength - helps to localize the lesion
Upper cervical
Quadriplegia with impaired respiration

Motor Exam Strength - helps to localize the lesion Upper cervical Quadriplegia
Proximal arm strength preserved
Hand weakness and leg weakness
Can also see paraplegia with a midline lesion in the brain
Increased distal to the lesion

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Sensory Exam

Establish a sensory level
Nipples: T4-5
Umbilicus: T8-9
Posterior columns
Joint position sense (proprioception)
Spinothalamic tracts

Sensory Exam Establish a sensory level Dermatomes Nipples: T4-5 Umbilicus: T8-9 Posterior

Слайд 8

Autonomic disturbances

Neurogenic bladder
Urgency, incontinence, retention
Bowel dysfunction
Constipation more frequent than incontinence
With a high

Autonomic disturbances Neurogenic bladder Urgency, incontinence, retention Bowel dysfunction Constipation more frequent
cord lesion, loss of blood pressure control
Alteration in sweating

Слайд 9

Investigation of Spinal Cord Disease

Radiographic exams
Plain films
CT scan with myelography
Spinal tap
If you

Investigation of Spinal Cord Disease Radiographic exams Plain films Myelography CT scan
suspect: inflammation, MS, rupture of a vascular malformation

Слайд 10

Etiology of Spinal Cord Disease

Etiology of Spinal Cord Disease

Слайд 11

Traumatic Spinal Cord Disease

10,000 new spinal cord injuries per year
MVA, sports injuries

Traumatic Spinal Cord Disease 10,000 new spinal cord injuries per year MVA,
the most common
Victims under 30 yrs old, male>>females
Fx/dislocation of vertabrae most likely to occur at:
T12, L1

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Metastatic or primary
Extradural - most common
Bony - breast, prostate
Intradural - very rare

Tumors Metastatic or primary Extramedullary Extradural - most common Bony - breast,
- meningioma
Nerve root - schwannoma
Intramedullary - very rare
Primary - astrocytoma or ependymoma

Слайд 13

B12 Deficiency

Subacute combined degeneration of the cord
B12 deficiency
malabsorption of B12 secondary to

B12 Deficiency Subacute combined degeneration of the cord B12 deficiency malabsorption of
pernicious anemia or surgery
insufficient dietary intake - vegan
Posterior columns and CST involvement with a superimposed peripheral neuropathy

Слайд 14

Transverse myelitis

Inflammation of the spinal cord
Multiple sclerosis
Pain at level of lesion

Transverse myelitis Inflammation of the spinal cord Post-infectious Post-vaccinial Multiple sclerosis Pain
may preceed onset of weakness/sensory change/b&b disturbance
Spinal tap may help with diagnosis

Слайд 15

Infections Involving the Spinal Cord

only the anterior horn cells are infected
Tabes dorsalis

Infections Involving the Spinal Cord Polio only the anterior horn cells are
root ganglia and dorsal columns are involved
tertiary syphillis
sensory ataxia, “lightening pains”
HIV myelopathy
mimics B12 deficiency
HTLV-1 myelopathy -
tropical spastic paraparesis

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Multiple Sclerosis

Demyelination is the underlying pathology
Cord disease can be presenting feature of

Multiple Sclerosis Demyelination is the underlying pathology Cord disease can be presenting
MS or occur at any time during the course of the disease
Lesion can be at any level of the cord
Devic’s syndrome or myelitis optica
Transverse myelitis with optic neuritis

Слайд 17

Vascular Diseases of the Spinal Cord

Anterior spinal artery infarct
from atherosclerosis, during surgery

Vascular Diseases of the Spinal Cord Infarcts Anterior spinal artery infarct from
in which the aorta is clamped, dissecting aortic aneurysm
less often, chronic meningitis or following trauma
posterior columns preserved (JPS, vib)
weakness (CST) and pain/temperature loss (spinothalamic tracts)
Artery of Adamkiewicz at T10-11
Watershed area
upper thoracic

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Vascular Diseases of the Spinal Cord, cont

Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and venous angiomas

Vascular Diseases of the Spinal Cord, cont Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and venous
occur in primarily the thoracic cord
May present either acutely, subacutely or chronically (act as a compressive lesion)
Can cause recurrent symptoms
If they bleed
Associated with pain and bloody CSF
Notoriously difficult to diagnose
Hematoma - trauma, occasionally tumor

Слайд 19

Other Disease of the Spinal Cord

Hereditary spastic paraparesis
Usually autosomal dominant
Infectious process of

Other Disease of the Spinal Cord Hereditary spastic paraparesis Usually autosomal dominant
the vertabrae
TB, bacterial
Herniated disc with cord compression
Most herniated discs are lateral and only compress a nerve root
Degenerative disease of the vertabrae
Cervical spondylosis with a myelopathy
Spinal stenosis

Слайд 20

Classical spinal cord syndromes

Anterior spinal artery infarct
Brown Sequard syndrome
Conus medullaris/caude equina lesions

Classical spinal cord syndromes Anterior spinal artery infarct Brown Sequard syndrome Syringomyelia Conus medullaris/caude equina lesions

Слайд 21

Brown Sequard Syndrome

Cord hemisection
Trauma or tumor
Dissociated sensory loss
loss of pain and temperature

Brown Sequard Syndrome Cord hemisection Trauma or tumor Dissociated sensory loss loss
contralateral to lesion, one or 2 levels below
crossing of spinothalamic tracts 1-2 segments above where they enter
loss of vibration/proprioception ipsilateral to the lesion
these pathways cross at the level of the brainstem
Weakness and UMN findings ipsilateral to lesion

Слайд 22


Fluid filled cavitation in the center of the cord
Cervical cord most common

Syringomyelia Fluid filled cavitation in the center of the cord Cervical cord
Loss of pain and temperature related to the crossing fibers occurs early
cape like sensory loss
Weakness of muscles in arms with atrophy and hyporeflexia (AHC)
Later - CST involvement with brisk reflexes in the legs, spasticity, and weakness
May occur as a late sequelae to trauma
Can see in association with Arnold Chiari malformation
Имя файла: Spinal-disease.pptx
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