Слайд 2Sport is a very popular activity all over the world .

Слайд 3First of all sport builds human’s character.

Слайд 4Sport makes you strong and healthy, it teaches you about life.

Слайд 6It is a good way to meet people even from other countries.

Слайд 7Sport helps to work off your extra energy

Слайд 8Sport is a fame, medals and Cups…

Слайд 12BUT!!! Sport may be very dangerous!

Слайд 13Sport takes a lot of time and energy

Слайд 14Sport needs only work, work and hard work…

Слайд 15As a result people have broken legs and arms…

Слайд 16Famous sportsmen became disabled persons….

Слайд 17Many sportspeople use anabolic and drugs …

Слайд 18Some groups of fans get drunk
and fight with each other

Слайд 19Sport makes you unhappy when you lose…

Слайд 20You have no friends, only rivals…

Слайд 21Put different reasons for and against of sport in a table:

reasons can you add?
Which arguments do you agree or disagree with?