- 2. Outline Introduction Classification of surveys Steps in survey research Some problems in survey research References
- 3. Introduction. Survey (noun). STATISTICS analysis of poll sample: a statistical analysis of answers to a poll
- 4. Definitions Census. Any count: any systematic count or survey. Count of population: an official count of
- 5. Surveys are related to: Sampling. (From where/whom are we getting the information) Interviewing. (How are we
- 6. Why Are Surveys Conducted? Surveys provide an important source of basic scientific knowledge. Who may conducts
- 7. Requirements for Accurate Estimates[8] The sample is large enough to yield the desired level of precision.
- 8. Classification of Surveys By size (social, community and school surveys).[9] By result type (quantitative or qualitative).
- 9. Types of Survey [6] (Qualitative or Quantitative) Descriptive surveys are used to gather information largely on
- 10. Qualitative vs Quantitative Focus group [2] Provide qualitative information A wide range of information can be
- 11. Types of Surveys[4] (Time and Population) Cross-sectional surveys. Collect information from the sample at the same
- 12. Types of Longitudinal Surveys Trend study. Members of the population can change, sample many times over
- 13. Types of Longitudinal Surveys Cohort study. Members of the population do not change, but maybe members
- 14. Types of Longitudinal Surveys Panel study. Always survey the SAME sample. Example. At the beginning of
- 15. Comparison of Surveys’ Types.
- 16. Steps in Survey Research[3] State the objectives of the survey Define the target population Define the
- 17. Steps in Survey Research 1. State the objectives of the survey. You have to define specifically
- 18. Steps in Survey Research 2. Define the target population. Defining the target population can be relatively
- 19. Steps in Survey Research 3. Define the data to be collected. What new information do you
- 20. Steps in Survey Research 4. Define the required precision and accuracy The most subjective stage is
- 21. Steps in Survey Research 5. Define the measurement `instrument‘. The measurement instrument is the method -
- 22. Define what kind of information Clarify what kind of information you are looking for. What people
- 23. Analyze the Different Ways of Communication. Visual (mail). Hear (telephone). All forms (face to face interview).
- 24. Kind of Question Structure. Which kind of question structure to use? Open-ended. Close-ended with ordered choices.
- 25. The Questionnaire[5] A effective questionnaire will follow this rules: It should be as brief as possible.
- 26. Problems in Questions. [8 Pp 97] What percentage of your weekly grocery bill is spent on
- 27. Problems in Questions. [8 pp 99] How many hours a day did you work last week?
- 28. Problems in Questions.[8 pp 97] Do you favor protecting U.S. textile manufacturers from foreign competition but
- 29. Steps in Survey Research 6. Define the sample frame, sample size and sampling method. The sample
- 30. Steps in Survey Research 7. Select the sample. The sample is selected, using the sample method
- 31. Types of Errors. Coverage error occurs when the list (or frame) from which a sample is
- 32. Errors Examples. Prior to the 1936 united states presidential election, pollsters for the magazine Literary Digest
- 33. Errors Examples. Interviewer: The President recently increased the number of U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf.
- 34. Errors examples. When asked about “welfare,” a majority of Americans in one survey said that the
- 35. NBC/wall Street Journal Poll Do you favor cutting programs such as social security, medicare, medicaid, and
- 36. Steps in Survey Research 8. Collect the data. Apply the instrument to collect the information. There
- 37. Models of Data Collection[4]
- 38. Models of Data Collection
- 39. Internet Survey and E-mail
- 40. Steps in Survey Research 9. Data analysis Clean the questionnaires. Code the questionnaires. Close-ended questions. Open-ended
- 41. Steps in Survey Research 10. Results Abstract or executive summary. Problem statement. Methods and procedures. Error
- 42. Some Problems in Survey Research. Nonresponse. Why is this a problem? Those that do not respond
- 43. Suggestions for increasing response rate: Use multiple contacts including: Send a preliminary announcing the survey. Mali
- 44. Some Problems in Survey Research. Problems in the Instrumentation Process in SR Several threats to the
- 45. Some Problems in Survey Research. Threats to Internal Validity Mortality.- Arise in longitudinal studies. Location.- Arise
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