

Слайд 2

Hidden Slide #2

Supplies or materials needed:
Index cards (any size)
Chart paper

Hidden Slide #2 Supplies or materials needed: Index cards (any size) Chart
Lined paper for letter writing

Слайд 3

Hidden Slide #3

Handouts needed:
Fostering Relationships in the Classroom (pre-read and jig saw)

Hidden Slide #3 Handouts needed: Fostering Relationships in the Classroom (pre-read and
Relationships (infographic)
A-Z Taxonomy
Teacher and Child
Hattie’s Ten Mindframes for Educators
Teacher-Student Survey
Teacher-Student Relationships Practice Profile
Next Steps: Action = Results

Слайд 4

Teacher-Student Relationships

Teacher-Student Relationships

Слайд 5

Acknowledgements Special thanks to all contributors to the development and revision of

Acknowledgements Special thanks to all contributors to the development and revision of
this module. Student-Teacher Relationships was rolled-out for use by Regional Professional Development Center (RPDC) Consultants in July 2014 after being developed by a team of content experts. This version completed in 2017 was retitled Teacher-Student Relationships in order to align with John Hattie’s research on Visible Learning. The collection of learning packages was developed through efforts funded by the Missouri State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG). The following individual/groups are thanked immensely for their hard work in developing this package.

Content Development and Revision Support
UMKC Institute for Human Development
Ronda Jenson, Director Stefanie Lindsay
Arden Day Carla Williams
Jodi Arnold
SPDG Management Team

Слайд 6

Initial Content Development Team, 2014 Darlene Jones, StL RPDC Sam MacCauley, StL

Initial Content Development Team, 2014 Darlene Jones, StL RPDC Sam MacCauley, StL
RPDC Chris Montgomery, StL RPDC Bertha Richardson, StL RPDC Jeanne Rothermel, StL RPDC Randy Speers, StL RPDC Julie Speery, StL RPDC Beth Robin, StL RPDC

2016 Revision Team
Susan Hekmat, SE RPDC Ginger Henry, DESE
Cheryl LeFon, SC RPDC July McClung, C RPDC
Mary McConnell, KC RPDC Tammy Ratliff, NE RPDC
Linda Shippy, C RPDC Sarah Spence, C SIS
Nancy Steele, Facilitator, NE SIS

Слайд 7

Welcome and Introductions

Welcome and Introductions

Слайд 8

Who is Here?

That’s Me!

Who is Here? That’s Me!

Слайд 9


Introductory materials
Building strong, positive teacher-student relationships
Classroom practices
Assessment and

Session-at-a-Glance Introductory materials Building strong, positive teacher-student relationships Classroom practices Assessment and
Closing and next steps

Слайд 12

Hattie’s “Barometer of Influence”





(Hattie, 2009)

hp= 0.40

Hattie’s “Barometer of Influence” Negative Low Medium High (Hattie, 2009) hp= 0.40

Слайд 13

Teacher-Student Relationships

(.52 effect size)

(Hattie, 2015)

Teacher-Student Relationships (.52 effect size) (Hattie, 2015)

Слайд 14

Teacher-Student Relationships and Missouri Teacher Standards

Standard #2: Student Learning, Growth and Development

Teacher-Student Relationships and Missouri Teacher Standards Standard #2: Student Learning, Growth and
#5: Positive Classroom Environment
Standard #6: Effective Communication
Standard #8: Professionalism
Standard #9: Professional Collaboration

(Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2013)

Слайд 15


“It is teachers who have created positive teacher student relationships that are

Quote “It is teachers who have created positive teacher student relationships that
more likely to have the above average effects on student achievement.” John Hattie

(The Australian Society for Evidence-Based Teaching, 2017)

Слайд 16

Guiding Questions

What are elements/practices of a strong, positive teacher-student relationships that

Guiding Questions What are elements/practices of a strong, positive teacher-student relationships that
foster high intellectual performance?
What might be some adult behaviors that would have a high degree of influence on building strong, positive teacher-student relationships?
How might strong, positive teacher-student relationships be promoted?

Слайд 17

Expectations for Training

Develop effective classroom methods for building strong, positive relationships with

Expectations for Training Develop effective classroom methods for building strong, positive relationships
Encourage teacher self-reflection.
Improve students’ academic development.
Develop students’ socially appropriate behaviors.

Слайд 18


Begin and end on time.
Be an engaged participant.
Be an active listener—open to

Norms Begin and end on time. Be an engaged participant. Be an
new ideas.
Use notes for side bar conversations.
Use electronics respectfully.

Слайд 19

A-Z Taxonomy




A-Z Taxonomy A B C D E F G H I J

Слайд 20

Favorite Teacher

Who was your favorite teacher?
Why was this person your

Favorite Teacher Who was your favorite teacher? Why was this person your
favorite teacher?
Share out with a partner
Shout out your descriptors

Слайд 21

"No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship."
James Comer
Building a respectful

"No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship." James Comer Building a
relationship doesn't mean becoming the student's buddy. It means that teachers both insist on high-quality work and offer support.

(Payne, 2008)

Слайд 22

Preparatory Reading

(Ferlazzo, 2012)

Preparatory Reading (Ferlazzo, 2012)

Слайд 23

Why should we be concerned about building positive teacher-student relationships?

Why should we be concerned about building positive teacher-student relationships?

Слайд 24


(Pierson, 2013)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFnMTHhKdkw (Pierson, 2013)

Слайд 25

“Students are more likely to be emotionally and intellectually invested in the

“Students are more likely to be emotionally and intellectually invested in the
classes in which they have positive relationships with their teachers.”

(Phelan, Davidson, & Cao, 1992)

Слайд 26


“Building relations with students implies agency, efficacy, respect by the teacher for

Definition “Building relations with students implies agency, efficacy, respect by the teacher
what the child brings to the class (from home, culture, peers) and allowing the experiences of the child to be recognized in the classroom. Further, developing relationships requires skill by the teacher – such as the skills of listening, empathy, caring and having positive regard for others.”

(Hattie, 2009, p. 118)

Слайд 27

Teacher and Child

I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am

Teacher and Child I have come to the frightening conclusion that I
the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration, I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized. If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.

(Ginot, 1972)

Слайд 28

Hattie’s Mindframes for Educators

My fundamental task is to evaluate the effect of

Hattie’s Mindframes for Educators My fundamental task is to evaluate the effect
my teaching on students’ learning and achievement.
The success and failure of my students’ learning is about what I do or don’t do. I am a change agent.
I want to talk more about learning than teaching.
Assessment is about my impact.
I teach through dialogue not monologue.
I enjoy the challenge and never retreat to “doing my best”.
It’s my role to develop positive relationships in class and staffrooms.
I inform all about the language of learning.
I recognize that learning is hard work.
I collaborate.

(Hattie, 2012)

Teachers/leaders believe that their fundamental task is to evaluate the effect of their teaching on students’ learning and achievement.
Teachers/leaders believe that success and failure in student learning is about what they, as teachers or leaders, did or did not do… We are change agents!
Teachers/leaders want to talk more about the learning than the teaching.
Teachers/leaders see assessment as feedback about their impact.
Teachers/leaders engage in dialogue not monologue.
Teachers/leaders enjoy the challenge and never retreat to “doing their best.”
Teachers/leaders believe that it is their role to develop positive relationships in classrooms/staffroom.
Teachers/leaders inform all about the language of learning.

Слайд 29

One Teacher’s Idea

Cape Girardeau Middle School teacher, Kelly Branch, asked her students

One Teacher’s Idea Cape Girardeau Middle School teacher, Kelly Branch, asked her
at the beginning of year to create their own unique handshake that she could then learn and greet them with at the door each and every day.

(Ruch, 2017)


Слайд 30

The Seven C’s—Tripod Project

What Teachers Do (What Students Experience)
Caring about students (Encouragement

The Seven C’s—Tripod Project What Teachers Do (What Students Experience) Caring about
and Support)
Controlling behavior (Press for Cooperation and Peer Support)
Clarifying lessons (Success Seems Feasible)
Challenging students (Press for Effort, Perseverance and Rigor)
Captivating students (Learning seems Interesting and Relevant)
Conferring with students (Students Sense their Ideas are Respected)
Consolidating knowledge (Ideas get Connected and Integrated)

(The Positive Classroom, 2017)

Слайд 31

Teacher-Student Survey

Use the survey to rate yourself on these behaviors. Use a

Teacher-Student Survey Use the survey to rate yourself on these behaviors. Use
scale of 1-5 with 1 indicating you think you have difficulty with this and 5 indicating you are pretty effective in this area.

(Ferguson, 2011)

Слайд 32

Challenges and Resolutions

What are some of the challenges to developing strong positive

Challenges and Resolutions What are some of the challenges to developing strong
teacher-student relationships?
How might you use what you have learned to overcome these challenges?
Create a T-chart with a partner.
On the Left On the Right
Challenges Resolutions

Слайд 33

You are a positive influence on the students in your room!

Take the

You are a positive influence on the students in your room! Take
A-Z Taxonomy words and take a few minutes to turn the word list into statements of affirmation.
C = care
I will be caring when I speak to students.

Слайд 34

Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support Connection

“What we do now is really figure out

Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support Connection “What we do now is really figure
ways to support all kids for their social, emotional benefits. And we look at school discipline. We look at classroom management and we look at how kids and families are supported at schools for the social behavioral growth.”

(Lewis & Sugai 1999)

Слайд 35

Nonclassroom Setting Systems Schoolwide PBS

Positive expectations and routines taught and encouraged

Nonclassroom Setting Systems Schoolwide PBS Positive expectations and routines taught and encouraged
supervision by all staff
Scan, move, interact
Pre-corrections and reminders
Positive reinforcement

Слайд 36

Classroom Setting Systems SWPBIS

Classroomwide positive expectations taught and encouraged
Classroom procedures,

Classroom Setting Systems SWPBIS Classroomwide positive expectations taught and encouraged Classroom procedures,
routines, and cues are taught and encouraged
Active supervision
Redirections for minor, infrequent behavior errors
Frequent pre-corrections for chronic errors
Effective academic instruction and curriculum

Слайд 37

Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support Connection

“Success is associated with having appropriate models available,

Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support Connection “Success is associated with having appropriate models
having their actions monitored regularly, having regular opportunities for academic and social success, and having access to meaningful feedback that guides their behavior.”

(Sugai & Lewis, 1996)

Слайд 38

Teacher-Student Relationships

Assessment and Reflection

Teacher-Student Relationships Assessment and Reflection

Слайд 39


Create an open letter to teacher candidates or fellow colleagues on ways

Letter Create an open letter to teacher candidates or fellow colleagues on
to better establish Teacher-Student Relationships.

Слайд 40


Based on what you have learned today
What steps might you

Reflection Based on what you have learned today What steps might you
take in order to develop strong, positive relationships with your students?
What potential challenges do you foresee? How might these be overcome?
What strategies, practices and/or resources might you use to ensure that your relationships are positive and lasting?

Слайд 41

Missouri Teacher of the Year

(Darbie Valenti, 2016)


Missouri Teacher of the Year (Darbie Valenti, 2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVcDeTzCMeE&t=10s

Слайд 42

Teacher-Student Relationships Closing & Next Steps

Teacher-Student Relationships Closing & Next Steps

Слайд 43

Practice Profile

Practice Profile

Слайд 44

Self-Assessment Practice Profile

Excel Workbook


Self-Assessment Practice Profile Excel Workbook http://sapp.missouripd.org

Слайд 45

Next Steps: Action = Results

What steps will you take to start implementing?

Next Steps: Action = Results What steps will you take to start implementing?

Слайд 46

Next Steps: Action = Results

What steps will you take to start implementing?

Next Steps: Action = Results What steps will you take to start implementing?

Слайд 47


“It is teachers who have created positive teacher student relationships that are more

Quote “It is teachers who have created positive teacher student relationships that
likely to have the above average effects on student achievement.” John Hattie

(The Australian Society for Evidence-Based Teaching, 2017)

Имя файла: Teacher-Student-08-2017.pptx
Количество просмотров: 25
Количество скачиваний: 0