- 2. Hidden Slide #2 Supplies or materials needed: Index cards (any size) Chart paper Post-it-notes Lined paper
- 3. Hidden Slide #3 Handouts needed: Fostering Relationships in the Classroom (pre-read and jig saw) Teacher-Student Relationships
- 4. Teacher-Student Relationships
- 5. Acknowledgements Special thanks to all contributors to the development and revision of this module. Student-Teacher Relationships
- 6. Initial Content Development Team, 2014 Darlene Jones, StL RPDC Sam MacCauley, StL RPDC Chris Montgomery, StL
- 7. Welcome and Introductions
- 8. Who is Here? That’s Me!
- 9. Session-at-a-Glance Introductory materials Building strong, positive teacher-student relationships Classroom practices Assessment and reflection Closing and next
- 12. Hattie’s “Barometer of Influence” Negative Low Medium High (Hattie, 2009) hp= 0.40
- 13. Teacher-Student Relationships (.52 effect size) (Hattie, 2015)
- 14. Teacher-Student Relationships and Missouri Teacher Standards Standard #2: Student Learning, Growth and Development Standard #5: Positive
- 15. Quote “It is teachers who have created positive teacher student relationships that are more likely to
- 16. Guiding Questions What are elements/practices of a strong, positive teacher-student relationships that foster high intellectual performance?
- 17. Expectations for Training Develop effective classroom methods for building strong, positive relationships with students. Encourage teacher
- 18. Norms Begin and end on time. Be an engaged participant. Be an active listener—open to new
- 19. A-Z Taxonomy A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
- 20. Favorite Teacher Who was your favorite teacher? Why was this person your favorite teacher? Share out
- 21. "No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship." James Comer Building a respectful relationship doesn't mean
- 22. Preparatory Reading (Ferlazzo, 2012)
- 23. Why should we be concerned about building positive teacher-student relationships?
- 24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFnMTHhKdkw (Pierson, 2013)
- 25. “Students are more likely to be emotionally and intellectually invested in the classes in which they
- 26. Definition “Building relations with students implies agency, efficacy, respect by the teacher for what the child
- 27. Teacher and Child I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element.
- 28. Hattie’s Mindframes for Educators My fundamental task is to evaluate the effect of my teaching on
- 29. One Teacher’s Idea Cape Girardeau Middle School teacher, Kelly Branch, asked her students at the beginning
- 30. The Seven C’s—Tripod Project What Teachers Do (What Students Experience) Caring about students (Encouragement and Support)
- 31. Teacher-Student Survey Use the survey to rate yourself on these behaviors. Use a scale of 1-5
- 32. Challenges and Resolutions What are some of the challenges to developing strong positive teacher-student relationships? How
- 33. You are a positive influence on the students in your room! Take the A-Z Taxonomy words
- 34. Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support Connection “What we do now is really figure out ways to support
- 35. Nonclassroom Setting Systems Schoolwide PBS Positive expectations and routines taught and encouraged Active supervision by all
- 36. Classroom Setting Systems SWPBIS Classroomwide positive expectations taught and encouraged Classroom procedures, routines, and cues are
- 37. Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support Connection “Success is associated with having appropriate models available, having their actions
- 38. Teacher-Student Relationships Assessment and Reflection
- 39. Letter Create an open letter to teacher candidates or fellow colleagues on ways to better establish
- 40. Reflection Based on what you have learned today What steps might you take in order to
- 41. Missouri Teacher of the Year (Darbie Valenti, 2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVcDeTzCMeE&t=10s
- 42. Teacher-Student Relationships Closing & Next Steps
- 43. Practice Profile
- 44. Self-Assessment Practice Profile Excel Workbook http://sapp.missouripd.org
- 45. Next Steps: Action = Results What steps will you take to start implementing?
- 46. Next Steps: Action = Results What steps will you take to start implementing?
- 47. Quote “It is teachers who have created positive teacher student relationships that are more likely to
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