Teaching listening

Слайд 2

Some considerations in teaching listening

Listening as a receptive skill
Listening as an active

Some considerations in teaching listening Listening as a receptive skill Listening as
The difference between listening and reading (spoken and written language)

Слайд 3


Use both top-down & bottom-up knowledge to help effective listening

Combination of BU

Principles Use both top-down & bottom-up knowledge to help effective listening Combination
& TD = interactive processing
Activating previous knowledge => pre-listening activity
Provide a context for interpretation and activate background knowledge which help interpretation

Provide different types of listening

Listening for specific information
Listening for global information / gist listening
Listening between the lines => inferences

Слайд 4


Provide different types of tasks

The students need experience with production task but

Principles Provide different types of tasks The students need experience with production
don’t be too much

Consider the nature of the text

Text difficulties
Text authenticity

Слайд 5


Teach listening strategies


Principles Teach listening strategies Predicting Inferring Monitoring Clarifying Responding Evaluating

Слайд 6

Classroom Technique and Tasks

Cloze procedure
Listening for gist
Inferential listening

Classroom Technique and Tasks Dictation Cloze procedure Listening for gist Inferential listening

Слайд 7

In the classroom

A warm-up activities
A main listening task
A speaking task related to

In the classroom A warm-up activities A main listening task A speaking
the previous task

Слайд 8

Types of listening activities

No overt response: The learners do not have

Types of listening activities No overt response: The learners do not have
to do anything
- Stories
- Songs
- Entertainment: films, theatre, video
Short Response
- Obeying instruction
- Ticking off items
- True/false
- Detecting mistakes
- Cloze
- Guessing definitions
- Skimming and scanning

Слайд 9

Types of listening activities

Longer responses
- Answering questions
- Note-taking
- Paraphrasing and translating
- Summarizing
- Long gap-filling
Extended responses (“combined

Types of listening activities Longer responses - Answering questions - Note-taking -
skills” activities)
- Problem-solving
- Interpretation
Имя файла: Teaching-listening.pptx
Количество просмотров: 127
Количество скачиваний: 0