- 2. Teaching Speaking Skills Communication involves the use of four language skills: listening and speaking in oral
- 3. What difficulties do students have? What should I do when… Students just sit and stare at
- 4. Any problems?..
- 5. Developing Oral Communication Skills Attention should be concentrated on the following main problems: syllabus requirements language
- 6. Syllabus requirements начинать, вести/поддерживать и заканчивать различные виды диалогов в стандартных ситуациях общения, соблюдая нормы речевого
- 7. Содержание обучения Лингвистический компонент: средства выражения мысли (языковые, предречевые подготовленные, речевые эталоны); способы формирования и формулирования
- 8. Психологический компонент: поэтапное развитие умений строить собственное высказывание от репродукции к продуктивной речи развитие компенсаторных умений
- 9. Виды диалогов диалог этикетного характера – умение начинать, поддерживать и заканчивать разговор; поздравлять, выражать пожелания и
- 10. Умения ДР участвовать в беседе/дискуссии на знакомую тему; осуществлять запрос информации; обращаться за разъяснениями; выражать свое
- 11. Умения ДР порождать инициативные реплики: - умение вступать в общение; - порождать реактивные реплики (ответы на
- 12. Виды монолога Монолог-описание Монолог-повествование Монолог рассуждение
- 13. Умения МР делать сообщения, содержащие наиболее важную информацию по теме/проблеме; кратко передавать содержание полученной информации; рассказывать
- 14. Умения МР использовать различные коммуникативные типы речи: описание/характеристика, повествование/сообщение, эмоциональные и оценочные суждения; передавать содержание, основную
- 15. Методологический компонент: формирование общеучебных навыков и умений (вести тетрадь, работать с учебником) развитие умений самостоятельной работы
- 16. Characteristics of spoken language Spontaneity Time-constraint
- 17. Characteristics of spoken language Spontaneity In most situations, people do not plan ahead of time what
- 18. Characteristics of spoken language Time-constraint The students must be able to produce unplanned utterances in real
- 19. Reading aloud (needs to be supplemented with more realistic activities as the level increases). Giving a
- 20. Also students must consider whom they are talking to and be able to check if they
- 21. Kelly: Hey Jack, how’s the project coming along? Jack: What project? Kelly: The one you and
- 22. Psychological Characteristics of Speech Speech must be motivated Speech is always addressed to an interlocutor Speech
- 23. Linguistic Characteristics of Speech Linguistic peculiarities of dialogue are as follows: The use of incomplete sentences
- 24. A variety of dialogue structures 1. Question — response. — Hello. What's your name? — Ann.
- 25. A variety of dialogue structures 3. Statement — statement. — I'd like to know when he
- 26. Teaching Two Forms of Speaking Monologue Dialogue
- 27. Технологии обучения диалогической и монологической речи Bottom-up processing (модель «снизу вверх», т.е. обучение идет от отдельных
- 28. Teaching Monologue Statement level Utterance level Discourse level
- 29. Statement level The smallest speech unit is a sentence. No speech is possible until pupils learn
- 30. Utterance level Having assimilated different sentence patterns the pupils should learn to combine statements of various
- 31. Discourse level When pupils have acquired habits and skills in making statements and combining in a
- 33. Teaching Dialogue While teaching dialogue we should use pattern dialogues in three stages: Receptive Reproductive immediate
- 34. Receptive Pupils "receive" the dialogue by ear first. They listen to the dialogue recorded or reproduced
- 35. Reproductive Immediate. Pupils reproduce the dialogue in imitation of the speaker or the teacher while listening
- 36. Constructive or creative Pupils make up dialogues of their own. They are given a picture or
- 37. Step 1. Practise the dialogue in pairs A: What time is it? B: It’s 3:00. Why?
- 38. Step 2. Ask a few pairs to perform the dialogue in front of the whole class,
- 39. Communication strategies asking for clarification (What?) asking someone to repeat something (Huh? Excuse me?) using fillers
- 40. Ways to start a lively discussion
- 42. Organizing Communicative Activities Picture difference tasks Group planning tasks List sequencing tasks - Ranking tasks Pyramid
- 43. Picture difference tasks In pairs, one student is given picture A, one picture B. Without looking
- 46. Group planning tasks
- 47. Where shall we go on holiday? Preparation: one role card for each student; see below. Tell
- 48. List sequencing tasks Prepare a list of items that learners can discuss and place in a
- 49. Pyramid discussion A Pyramid discussion is an organizational technique that works particularly well with simple problem-based
- 50. Role play Role play requires learners to project themselves into an imaginary situation where they may
- 54. Problem-solving activities You are on a committee that is in charge of deciding what to do
- 55. Repaint 3 classrooms. Paint lines for games on the playground. Install lights that automatically turn off
- 56. Real-play In this case, situations and one or more of the characters are drawn not from
- 57. Simulation Simulations may involve learners in imaginative activities, for example how to survive on a desert
- 58. Information Gap In this activity, students are supposed to be working in pairs. One student will
- 59. Using cue cards Card A You are talking to a new classmate. Begin the conversation with
- 60. Card B You are a new student at this school. One of your classmates greets you.
- 61. Then students should be ready to move quickly into less controlled types of role plays, where
- 62. Notice that the outcome of this role play is not specified in the cue cards. It
- 63. Other speaking activities Find someone who … e.g. Stand up and walk around the room. Ask
- 65. A model conversation can be provided A: Hi, Tom. B: Hi, Sherry. A: I’m conducting a
- 66. Directed / guided dialogues A: Greet your partner, whom you haven't seen for a long time.
- 67. Mapped dialogue You work in an office. It’s lunchtime now. Usually you have lunch at the
- 68. Board games
- 69. Characteristics of a Successful Speaking Activity making sure that teacher talking time is kept to a
- 71. Interaction and communication Realistic language, useful phrases Information, ideas and model dialogues Opportunities for pair practice,
- 73. Decide if the following ideas for speaking activities are “useful or “not so useful”. Jot down
- 75. What do you need to support interaction? A reason to speak to listen confidence for the
- 76. Опоры и их классификация по способу презентации материала: • вербальные: микротекст (визуальный, зрительный), текст (визуальный, зрительный),
- 77. • изобразительные кинофильм, разнообразные видеоматериалы, серия рисунков, фотографий, таблица, схема, символика, плакат, карикатура, цифры даты
- 78. 2) по способу управления речевой деятельностью: содержательные опоры (отвечающие на вопрос Кто? Что? Где? Когда? и
- 80. What Makes a Personality? Upbringing Ideal beliefs Nature Inborn Education Character
- 81. Обучение монологу-повествованию
- 82. IDEA CONCLUSION First, … Finally, … Thirdly, … Secondly, …
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