Terminology studies as a science


Слайд 2

Specialised lexicon

means of fixing history of development of a civilization and one

Specialised lexicon means of fixing history of development of a civilization and
of means of its formation - language and, first of all, special lexicon
set of lexical units (first of all terms) special areas of knowledge and forming the special layer of lexicon which is giving in most easily to conscious regulation and streamlining

Слайд 3

“Language for Special Purposes” (LSP)

A “term” is generally understood to be a

“Language for Special Purposes” (LSP) A “term” is generally understood to be
“lexical unit” belonging to a “Language for Special Purposes” (LSP). LSPs are, themselves, understood to constitute the language used in specific subject fields. Thus terms, and terminologies, are typically considered to be subject-field-specific lexical units, such as in the various fields of science, technology, humanities, commerce, and so forth.

Слайд 4

Словарь Д.Н. Ушакова

ТЕРМИН, термина, м. (латин. terminus - предел, граница). 1. В

Словарь Д.Н. Ушакова ТЕРМИН, термина, м. (латин. terminus - предел, граница). 1.
формальной логике - понятие, выраженное словом (филос.). Три термина силлогизма. 2. слово, являющееся названием строго определенного понятия. Точный, неточный термин. Удачный, неудачный термин. Новый термин. Философские термины. Технические термины. Специальные термины (обозначающие специальные понятия отдельных отраслей науки, искусства, техники, производств и т.д.). ...для масс надо писать без таких новых терминов, кои требуют особого объяснения... Ленин. Ѓ Специальное слово и выражение, принятое для обозначения чего-н. в той или иной среде, профессии. Термины карточных игр. Шахматные термины.

Слайд 5

Commentary to the definition provided by the Ushakov’s dictionary

No distinction of terms,

Commentary to the definition provided by the Ushakov’s dictionary No distinction of
nomenclature designations and words and phraseological units from popular professional speech

Слайд 6

“Historically, the first usage of ‘terminology’ is recorded as referring to a

“Historically, the first usage of ‘terminology’ is recorded as referring to a
technical vocabulary, i.e. a collection of terms, which has a certain coherence by the fact that the terms belong to a single subject area. It is now also used somewhat more narrowly to refer to an internally consistent and coherent set of terms belonging to a single subject field, as identified as a result of a particular terminological activity, e.g. the compilation of systematic glossaries” (Sager 1990, p. 3).

Слайд 7

The word “terminology”

is inherently ambiguous – it can refer to an academic

The word “terminology” is inherently ambiguous – it can refer to an
discipline (related to lexicology and linguistics)
a profession occupied by a “terminologist”
a set of theories and methodologies (such as the General Theory of Terminology = Terminology Studies)
a set of terms, such as in “legal terminology” or “medical terminology.”

Слайд 8

Some facts

90% of the new words appearing in the modern languages belongs

Some facts 90% of the new words appearing in the modern languages
to specialised lexicon
the number of terms of separate sciences (chemistry, biology) can exceed number of non-specialised words of a language
On the average each 25 years the number of sciences doubles
Threat of "a terminological flood

Слайд 9

Terminological word stock

probably the only area of language, where conscious intervention can

Terminological word stock probably the only area of language, where conscious intervention can be effective
be effective

Слайд 10

More facts

In the 1940s - 4 theses on terminology studies
in the 1950th

More facts In the 1940s - 4 theses on terminology studies in
- 50 theses,
in the 1960th – 231 theses,
in the 1970th - 463 theses,
the 1980th - about 1000 theses

Слайд 11


Theoretical :: practical
General :: specialised
Typological :: comparative
Semasiological :: onomasiological
cognitive \

Branches Theoretical :: practical General :: specialised Typological :: comparative Semasiological ::
gnoseological terminology,
Terminological text theory
History of terminology

Слайд 12

Streamlining of special lexicon provides mutual understanding of experts

Streamlining of special lexicon provides mutual understanding of experts

Слайд 13

‘Good’ and ‘bad’ terms

Robert Boyle: “the chemical analysis”
Carl Linnaeus: laid the foundations

‘Good’ and ‘bad’ terms Robert Boyle: “the chemical analysis” Carl Linnaeus: laid
for the modern biological naming scheme of binomial nomenclature
M. V. Lomonosov: system of linguistic terms in Russian

Слайд 14

1960s the USA
Streamlining of names of spare parts
9000 units =>2300units
700 kg =>100

1960s the USA Streamlining of names of spare parts 9000 units =>2300units
4,6 m3 =>0,85 m3

Слайд 15

1993 European Council:
specialty "terminologist" included into the list of the most perspective

1993 European Council: specialty "terminologist" included into the list of the most
specialties of 21 century

Слайд 16

Theoretical problems of terminology studies
Practical problems of terminology studies
Links to other sciences

Theoretical problems of terminology studies Practical problems of terminology studies Links to other sciences

Слайд 17

The objectives of Terminology (as intended by Wüster, as formulated by Cabré)


The objectives of Terminology (as intended by Wüster, as formulated by Cabré)
eliminate ambiguity from technical languages by means of standardization of terminology in order to make them efficient tools of communication.
To convince all users of technical languages of the benefits of standardised terminology.
To establish terminology as a discipline for all practical purposes and to give it the status of a science.

Слайд 18

Directions of terminological work

Creating inventory of terms
Terminology streamlining:
- systematization of concepts
- analysis

Directions of terminological work Creating inventory of terms Terminology streamlining: - systematization
of terminological word stock
Normalization of terms:
- unification
- optimization
Codification (including standardization and recommendations)
Harmonization (for several languages)

Слайд 19

Wüster’s Terminology

the classic view in terminology or the Vienna school.

Wüster’s Terminology the classic view in terminology or the Vienna school. has
been subjected to critique especially from linguists who stress that language should be perceived as a vehicle for communicating meaning by means of generalized symbols as lexemes that signify meaning by by reference to culturally constrained concepts and ideas.
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