- 2. The Chinese are strong in mathematics In Chinese schools there are three main subjects: mathematics, Chinese
- 3. Everyone owns Kung Fu tricks And this is not true. Although in the country there are
- 4. China is a land of dragons And it is true. It is clear that the fake,
- 5. Here do not find forks And this is a half-truth. If we talk about Chinese traditional
- 6. The Chinese are unceremonious and not brought up This is a half-truth. And all because we
- 7. The Chinese are all looking alike And this is not true. The Chinese differ from each
- 9. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2The Chinese are strong in mathematics
In Chinese schools there are three main
The Chinese are strong in mathematics
In Chinese schools there are three main
subjects: mathematics, Chinese and English, over which children shed more than one liter of tears. Children of all ages at any time complain about the huge homework, and mathematics is constantly on the list.
So this stereotype is true.
So this stereotype is true.
Слайд 3Everyone owns Kung Fu tricks
And this is not true.
Although in the country
Everyone owns Kung Fu tricks
And this is not true.
Although in the country
there are several specialized schools in which Kung Fu is on a par with mathematics and other important subjects. As a rule, children who do not listen to their parents enter such schools.
Слайд 4China is a land of dragons
And it is true.
It is clear
China is a land of dragons
And it is true.
It is clear
that the fake, but dragons can be found everywhere: on the facades of buildings, on the covers of the hatches, on the emblems of some companies, and as stand-alone sculptures. Dragons are not bloodthirsty mythological creatures, as they are represented in the European worldview, but on the contrary, friends, protectors and advisers.
Слайд 5Here do not find forks
And this is a half-truth.
If we talk
Here do not find forks
And this is a half-truth.
If we talk
about Chinese traditional restaurants and small eateries, then most likely not, you will not be served a fork. In European restaurants and large supermarkets you will find cutlery for every taste and color.
Слайд 6The Chinese are unceremonious and not brought up
This is a half-truth.
The Chinese are unceremonious and not brought up
This is a half-truth.
all because we give value judgments and look one-sided. The Chinese have a different attitude to what is considered to be "bad form". But publicly blow your nose in a headscarf, contact the elder by name, or allow him to pay a friend for lunch - these are already serious violations of Chinese etiquette.
Слайд 7The Chinese are all looking alike
And this is not true.
The Chinese differ
The Chinese are all looking alike
And this is not true.
The Chinese differ
from each other in the shape of the eyes, the shape of the nose and lips, skin tone. You will not find two completely identical. Beautiful is considered to be a Chinese woman with large round eyes and white skin. Growth and build are not very important. For men do not impose such requirements.