Слайд 2The Nursing Process
An organizational framework for the practice of nursing
Orderly, systematic
Central to

all nursing care
Encompasses all steps taken by the nurse in caring for a patient
Слайд 3Definition of the Nursing Process
An organized sequence of problem-solving steps used to

identify and to manage the health problems of clients
Слайд 4The Nursing Process

Слайд 5Characteristics of the Nursing Process
Within the legal scope of nursing
Based on knowledge-requiring

critical thinking
Planned-organized and systematic
Слайд 6What Are the nurses’ Responsibilities?
Recognize health problems.
Anticipate complications.
Initiate actions to ensure appropriate

and timely treatment.
Begin to think CRITICALLY !!!!!!
Слайд 7 Assessment of Well-Being
According to the World Health Organization well-being includes the

Слайд 8 Lets Get Started :
Nurse collects background info from previous charts

environment is conducive
Arrange seating
Allow adequate time
Nurse introduces self
Identifies purpose of interview
Ensure confidentiality of information
Provide for patient needs before starting
Types of questions

Слайд 10Types of Data To Collect:
Objective data-observable and measurable facts (Signs)
Subjective data-information that

only the client feels and can describe (Symptoms)
Respect INDIVIDUAL’S DIFFERENCES, What is the significance of the problem or

illness to the client?
What does it mean in the family/community?
Слайд 12Resources
Other individuals
Previous records
Diagnostics studies
Relevant literature

Слайд 13Assessment
Data base assessment – comprehensive information you gather on initial contact with

the person to assess all aspects of health status.
Слайд 14Sources of Data
Primary source: Client
Secondary source: Client’s family, reports, test results, information

in current and past medical records, and discussions with other health care workers
Слайд 15Disease Prevention
Primary prevention – protection from a disease while still in a

healthy state.
Secondary prevention – early detection and treatment of disease.
Tertiary prevention – prevent complications and to maintain health once the disease process has occurred.
Слайд 16 Planning
Establish the goals, interventions and outcomes

Слайд 17General Guidelines for Setting Priorities
Take care of immediate life-threatening issues.
Safety issues.
Patient-identified issues.

priorities based on the overall picture, the patient as a whole person, and availability of time and resources.
Слайд 18Nursing Interventions
Outlining the best ways to provide nursing care.
Evidence based nursing.
Monitor health

Minimize risks.
Resolve or control a problem.
Assist with ADLs.
Promote optimum health and independence.
Слайд 19Interventions
Direct interventions: actions performed through interaction with clients.
Indirect interventions: actions performed away

from the client, on behalf of a client or group of clients.
Слайд 20Documenting the Plan of Care
To ensure continuity of care, the plan must

be written and shared with all health care personnel caring for the client.
Consists of:
Prioritized nursing diagnostic statements.
Слайд 21 Documentation
Clear and concise
Appropriate terminology
Usually on a designated form
Physical assessment
Usually by Review

of Systems
Overview of symptoms
Слайд 22 Documentation
Use patient’s own words in subjective data – enclose in “

___” (quotation marks)
Avoid generalizations – be specific
Слайд 23Evaluation
Determining outcome achievement
Identifying the variables affecting outcome achievement
Deciding whether to continue, modify,

or terminate the plan
Слайд 24Determining Outcome Achievement
Must be aware of outcomes set for the client.
Is patient

able to meet outcome criteria?
Is it:
Completely met?
Partially met?
Not met at all?
Record in progress in notes.
Update care plan.
Слайд 25Maintain individuality of care plan:
1. Is the plan realistic for the

2. Is the plan appropriate at the time for this particular client?
3. Were changes made in the plan when needed?
4. How does the client feel about the plan?
Слайд 26Planning
The process of prioritizing nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems, identifying measurable goals

or outcomes, selecting appropriate interventions, and documenting the plan of care.
The nurse consults with the client while developing and revising the plan.
Слайд 27Setting Priorities
Determine problems that require immediate action
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs

Слайд 28Short-Term Goals
Outcomes achievable in a few days or 1 week
Developed form

the problem portion of the diagnostic statement
Accompanied by a target date
Слайд 29Long-Term Goals
Desirable outcomes that take weeks or months to accomplish for client’s

with chronic health problems
Слайд 30The Nursing Process
Identification of goals and outcome criteria
Time frame

Слайд 31Communicating The Plan
The nurse shares the plan of care with nursing team

members, the client, and client’s family.
The plan is a permanent part of the record.
Слайд 32Evaluation
The way nurses determine whether a client has reached a goal.
It is

the analysis of the client’s response, evaluation helps to determine the effectiveness of nursing care.
Слайд 33The Nursing Process
Ongoing part of the nursing process
Determining the status of the

goals and
outcomes of care
Monitoring the patient’s response to drug therapy