The Roman Art

Слайд 2

metal work

sculpture mosaic painting metal work terracottas

Слайд 6

Early Antique art

eloquent lines
elegant drapery
idealized nude bodies

Early Antique art eloquent lines elegant drapery idealized nude bodies highly naturalistic forms and balanced proportions
highly naturalistic forms and balanced proportions

Слайд 7

Late Antique art

stiffness of pose and drapery
deeply drilled lines

Late Antique art frontality stiffness of pose and drapery deeply drilled lines
squat proportions
lack of individualism
Key figures are depicted slightly larger or are placed above the rest

Слайд 13

The column of Trajan

The column of Trajan

Слайд 15

The Arch of Titus

The Arch of Titus

Слайд 18

The Good Shepherd, marble statue, 3rd or 4th century A.D., Vatican Museums,

The Good Shepherd, marble statue, 3rd or 4th century A.D., Vatican Museums, Rome Italy.
Rome Italy.
Имя файла: The-Roman-Art.pptx
Количество просмотров: 39
Количество скачиваний: 0