Time management


Слайд 2

3.1. Concept and the basic problems of time management

Time management is an

3.1. Concept and the basic problems of time management Time management is
action or process of the control over quantity of time spent for concrete types of activity for increase its efficiency.
Time management consists from a number of skills, tools and the methods used at accomplishment of specific targets, projects and the purposes.
It includes: a planning, a goal setting,
a distribution and delegation,
the analysis of time costs,
monitoring, and choice of priorities.

Слайд 3

Time is a resource which is not recovered
Time is one of resources

Time is a resource which is not recovered Time is one of
of the organization. However prominent feature is that time is a resource which is not recovered. The basic problem of this resource (as well as many other things) is its deficit.
Deficiency of time is time resource shortages, caused by irregular activities of the organization. This leads to disruption of poor performance time work losses in production etc.

Слайд 4

The most typical reasons of time deficit:

1. Absence of plan of work as

The most typical reasons of time deficit: 1. Absence of plan of
manager, as all organization;
2. Inconsistency employee of that office occupied with it;
The Inadequate estimation of the self capabilities and skills;
Absence of personal mission of the worker (What I can make for the organization? what I can receive?, what assets I have);
5. Inability to supervise the requirements (in thoughts, a food, dialogue, emotions).
6. Lack motivation of work (the salary did not increase for a long time, long time is not present increase in a post).

Слайд 5

The analysis of use of an operable time domestic heads testifies to

The analysis of use of an operable time domestic heads testifies to
the following:
duration of an operable time exceeds rate at 3 hours,
and useful employment thus constitutes only 5-6 hours;
associate directors "overwork" for 2-3 hours, and useful employment accordingly constitutes 5 and 6 hours.
The useful employment is the list
of works, which are included into
the competence only these
heads means.

Слайд 6

Time absorbers

Attempts to achieve too many. It is statement of initially unattainable

Time absorbers Attempts to achieve too many. It is statement of initially
Personal disorganization and absence of self-discipline. Lack places in self-discipline and the organization it is possible to find by the "photo" of the business week or day of work.
Inability to tell "No". If the request has taken unawares, count to 10, and then all the same tell "NO". At first simply say it, then - put arguments why you so have told, and in end offer alternative.
Putting off. We often put off exactly those things that needs to be done efficiently. And time for quality performance remains. To solve this problem you need to learn to prioritize.
Meetings. If meeting procedure is built incorrectly, there is a deficit of time and the information. Generally meetings is one of the basic absorbers of time in the majority of the organizations.

Слайд 7

3.2. History of time-management

3.2.1. In the 19th Century
The concept of time management

3.2. History of time-management 3.2.1. In the 19th Century The concept of
started to gain impetus in the 19th century because of many factors:
The advancements in the Industrial Revolution led to a shift from an agrarian economy to an industrial trade-based economy and raised the need to manage time well. Success in the new world order depended on the timely trading of goods.
2. The development of a postal service, telegraph, and the railroads all required precise time keeping and raised the importance of time-related values of productivity and speed.

Слайд 8

Credit for establishing the importance of time management goes to Thomas Jefferson

Credit for establishing the importance of time management goes to Thomas Jefferson
and Benjamin Franklin.
Thomas Jefferson installed a clock with three hands to indicate hours, minutes, and seconds to planning household chores.
Benjamin Franklin’s famous views on time and management included advice such as “Time is money,”
and “Time is the stuff of
which life is made”.

Слайд 9

By the 1830s schools started to enforce punctuality, organizing school hours and

By the 1830s schools started to enforce punctuality, organizing school hours and
lessons by the clock, punishing lateness, and awarding certificates for punctuality.
While the 19th-century workmen had rigid schedules, the 19th-century businessmen were flexible in managing their time. Their typical time scheduling involved three hours of business duties, with the rest of the day spent on government, church, and other social obligations.

Слайд 10

Management system time B. Franklin

Benjamin Franklin
(1706-1790) - a famous
American scientist,

Management system time B. Franklin Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) - a famous American

inventor, writer, philosopher
and statesman.
Franklin Systems timing, works with what should be done. The global problem is broken into subtasks are - to an even smaller subtasks. Visually, this system can be display in the form of stepped pyramids

Слайд 11

Basic ideas from Franklin Quest:
1. Connect to Mission - what is your

Basic ideas from Franklin Quest: 1. Connect to Mission - what is
mission today, this week, in life?
2. Review roles - teacher, spouse, parent
3. Identify goals - daily, weekly, monthly, year
4. Organize weekly - and plan daily
5. Exercise integrity - integrity and values matter
6. Evaluate - your tasks, goals, values, and progress
Let us consider them in more detail

Слайд 12

1. Connect to Mission - what is your mission today, this week,

1. Connect to Mission - what is your mission today, this week,
in life?

Foundation of the pyramid are life values.
For example: material prosperity and confidence in tomorrow; a happy family, the glory and high social status; power; knowledge; the ministry in the name of humanity etc.
So, the first step would be a list of values in life. Make sure that selected values do not contradict each other.

Слайд 13

Review roles – teacher, spouse, parent

Next stage - a person must decide

Review roles – teacher, spouse, parent Next stage - a person must
what he wants to achieve.
For example, if someone thinks that for him the most important are "known", "power" and "high social status, he may decide that he wants to become president of the United States.
It is important to make sure that the chosen target is really answers all of life values drawn from the previous stage list.

Слайд 14

3. Identify goals – daily, weekly, monthly, year

Third floor of the pyramid

3. Identify goals – daily, weekly, monthly, year Third floor of the
is a master plan - what is necessary to achieve the objective of the previous stage goal.
For example, in order to become president of the United States, we must first become state governor or mayor of a city, we must have Party and / or financial support, must be known to the public a great speaker, one must have an unblemished reputation, must be solid married man should receive higher education in a prestigious school and etc.

Слайд 15

4. Organize weekly - and plan daily

Fourth floor of the pyramid -

4. Organize weekly - and plan daily Fourth floor of the pyramid
a long-term (several years) plan showing specific goals and target dates.
It is important to point time-specific, - if a person says to himself: "Someday I will buy a car (I'll write a book, go to university ...), it can drag on for years and as a result of so not achieve the goal, but if he will appoint a specific time, it increases the chances of their own.

Слайд 16

5. Exercise integrity – integrity and values matter

Fifth Floor - short-term (for

5. Exercise integrity – integrity and values matter Fifth Floor - short-term
a period of several weeks to several months) plan.
Looking at the long-term plan, a man asks himself: "What can I do in coming weeks or months to achieve this or that goal? "Items long-term plan are broken down into more specific tasks. It should be a plan for a period of 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months and, as in the previous step, a specific timeframe to within days.

Слайд 17

6. Evaluate – your tasks, goals, values, and progress

Finally, sixth floor of

6. Evaluate – your tasks, goals, values, and progress Finally, sixth floor
the pyramid - a plan for the day. This is developed based on short-term plan - small problems are solved entirely One day, a larger split into subtasks.
How you know, all these plans are not necessarily something the same - on the contrary, recommended to regularly review them:
Plan on the day most likely you will be automatically changed several times during the day.
Short plans to review recommended every one to two weeks.
Long plans should be checked (and if necessary - adjusted) at least once every four to six months.
General plan should be reviewed once a year. At the same time is a critical look at you delivered a global goal (whether it attracts you continue? not want Do you make any adjustments?), and even try to rethink the recorded Your life values.

Слайд 18

This is a simple algorithm, but it is difficult to follow.

This is a simple algorithm, but it is difficult to follow. Few
people at the end of school, at age 17, can accurately define its mission and to make life values.
Typically, you want all at once.
However, the understanding
of this method and the
desire to follow it
may be very helpful in
my life with many decisions.

Слайд 19

3.2.2. In the Early 20th century

The history of time management in the

3.2.2. In the Early 20th century The history of time management in
early 20th century ran parallel to the evolution of management science. Taylor’s scientific approach to management, centered on the principle of effective time management.
The subsequent emphasis on multi-tasking, workplace flexibility, and dual-income families mandated striking a balance between work and home responsibilities. All these considerations raised the importance of time management.

Слайд 20

3.2.3. Modern Approaches

Today, there are hundreds of time management approaches. Multi-tasking and

3.2.3. Modern Approaches Today, there are hundreds of time management approaches. Multi-tasking
balancing work and home give time management more emphasis than ever before.
Stephen R. Covey, author of the bestseller "First Things First" has categorized the post-World War II modern-day evolution of time management into four generations:

Слайд 21

First generation: The first generation of time management is the traditional and

First generation: The first generation of time management is the traditional and
rudimentary approach based on clock-based reminders and alerts.
Second generation: The second generation of time management approaches focuses on planning and preparation of work schedules and events, including setting time-based goals.
Third generation: The third generation of time management approach aims at prioritizing various tasks and events, and controlling tasks using schedulers.
Fourth generation: The fourth generation like the third generation approach, aims at prioritizing various tasks and events, but aims at prioritization based on importance of the task rather than the urgency. This approach also concentrates on the efficient and proactive use of the various time management tools.

Слайд 22

3.3. A choice of priority affairs of the manager

We will consider various

3.3. A choice of priority affairs of the manager We will consider
approaches to a choice of priority affairs.
1. A principle of Pareto, or «80:20»
3. The accelerated analysis by a principle of Eisenhower.

Слайд 23

1. A principle of Pareto, or «80:20»

As universal, the principle is offered

1. A principle of Pareto, or «80:20» As universal, the principle is
by Englishman Richard Koch (English), referring to the often law detected by the Italian economist and sociologist Wilfred Pareto in 1897.
The name "Principle of Pareto" for "the Principle 20/80" was offered by Joseph Juran in 1941 year. Principle observance very often meets in the most different areas.
For example that 20 % of people possess 80 % of the capital, or 80 % of users visit 20 % of sites, 20 % of buyers or clients (constants) bring 80 % of profit,
for 20 % of spent time 80 % of result are reached; the remained 80 % of spent time give only 20 % of general result.

Слайд 24

Here are some signs that will help you to recognize whether you're

Here are some signs that will help you to recognize whether you're
spending your time as you should:

You're in your 80 percent if the following statements ring true:
You're working on tasks other people want you to, but you have no investment in them.
You're frequently working on tasks labeled “urgent.”
You're spending time on tasks
you are not usually good at doing.
Activities are taking a lot longer
than you expected.
You find yourself complaining
all the time.

Слайд 25

You're in your 20 percent if:
You're engaged in activities that advance your

You're in your 20 percent if: You're engaged in activities that advance
overall purpose in life (assuming you know what that is —and you should!).
You're doing things you have always wanted to do or that make you feel good about yourself.
You're working on tasks you
don't like, but you're doing them
knowing they relate to the bigger
You're hiring people to do the
tasks you are not good at or don't
like doing.
You're smiling.

Слайд 26

Criticism of a Pareto principle

In spite of the fact that «20 %

Criticism of a Pareto principle In spite of the fact that «20
of efforts give 80 % of result», it is often impossible to organize activity so that not to spend the others of 80 % of efforts.
As an example it is possible to specify the company which renders a complex of services to the customer from which the most profitable are only 20 %.
But the customer does not agree to receive only these services, of 100 % are necessary for it all.
In a science there is a similar principle which says that «20 % of scientists make 80 % of opening and create 80 % of inventions», but it would be impossible, if there were no remained 80 % of scientists.

Слайд 27


Essentially, it is a "softer" version of the previous approach.
Analysis ABC

2.The ABC-ANALYSIS Essentially, it is a "softer" version of the previous approach.
is based on three laws:
Most important issues constitute 15 % of their general quantity in which the specialist is engaged. The contribution of these tasks for goal achievement constitutes about 65 %;
Important tasks constitute 20 % of their general quantity, their importance for goal achievement is approximately equal 20 %;
Less important (unimportant) tasks constitute 65 % of their general quantity, and their importance is equal 15%.

Слайд 28

It is an “A” priority, if
It is support a personal or professional

It is an “A” priority, if It is support a personal or
long-term goal
It is both urgent and important
If you are unsure, ask yourself “ what terrible thing would happen, if I didn’t do it today?
It is an “B” priority, if
It is important, but doesn’t “A” criteria of urgency
Time, a waiting period, will usually elevate “B” to “A” or drop them to “C”
It is an “С” priority, if
It is a nice thing to do, but really not that important
Be ruthless. Only give yourself one "A-1" priority. You may have an "A-2" and "A-3," but only top priorities get this category

Слайд 29

For use ABC of the analysis it is necessary to follow conforming

For use ABC of the analysis it is necessary to follow conforming
to the rules:

 To constitute the list of all future tasks;
 To systematize them on importance and to establish sequence;
 To number these tasks;
 To estimate tasks accordingly on categories A, B and C;
 Tasks of a category A (15 % of their general quantity) are solved by the first head;
 Tasks of category B (20 %) are subject to delegation;
 Tasks of category C owing to the small importance are subject to obligatory delegation.

Слайд 30

3. The analysis by a principle of Eisenhower

Dwight David Eisenhower;
in the USA

3. The analysis by a principle of Eisenhower Dwight David Eisenhower; in
the nickname "Ike",
(October, 14th 1890, Denison, Texas - on March, 28th 1969, Washington)
- the American state and military figure, the general (1944), 34th US president (on January, 20th on January, 1953-20th 1961).

Слайд 31

Whenever confronted with something that needed to be done, he would ask

Whenever confronted with something that needed to be done, he would ask
himself two questions. First, is the task important? Second, is it urgent?

Based on this, the task would end up in one of four categories:
The first - urgent/important which are necessary for carrying out most and immediately - for example the kitchen catching fire, a deadline to submit tax reports, a baby crying.

Слайд 32

The second - not urgent/important tasks. They are necessary for solving most,

The second - not urgent/important tasks. They are necessary for solving most,
at all without supposing, that they became urgent – doing exercises, long term planning, working on a project.
The third group - urgent/unimportant which, despite the urgency, it is necessary to delegate subordinate if their decision does not demand special knowledge and skills.
In this case there is a danger
to get under "tyranny" of urgent
affairs that is often observed in
practice. It seems that it is
impossible to resist to
momentary attractiveness
of these tasks and as a result
they absorb our energy. –
various interruptions, dealing
with annoying people
The fourth group - not urgent/unimportant.
It is necessary to refuse tasks of this group
in general. Eisenhower considered that
such tasks only block up a table and
consequently they should be thrown out in a basket.
Insignificant and not urgent tasks it is better to get rid,
they should not be carried out even subordinate. - activities that just waste time, procrastination, checking , etc

Слайд 33

Eisenhower himself is quoted as saying: “What is important is seldom urgent

Eisenhower himself is quoted as saying: “What is important is seldom urgent
and what is urgent is seldom important.”
Without the matrix in sight, people often forget this and tend to rush to deal with all the Urgent and Not Important tasks at hand, pushing the important, but not urgent ones somewhere into the far future.
The Important and Not Urgent quadrant is where you want to spend most of you time. It’s a peaceful place to work on things that are important and to have enough time to finish them. Achieving this is not so hard. 
First, only do tasks that are important. Second, plan ahead. If you look ahead and take control of the way you spend your time, you can finish all your tasks before they become urgent.
This way you will become more focused and more productive in all the things you do!

Слайд 34

4. Eisenhower method was supplemented and expanded by Stephen Covey
Stephen Richards Covey

4. Eisenhower method was supplemented and expanded by Stephen Covey Stephen Richards
(October 24, 1932 – July 16, 2012) was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book was The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen Covey, in his book "First Things First", notes that those who accomplish very little are probably spending a large amount of their 16 hours in the Quadrant of Deception and the Quadrant of Waste. In his book he highlights four quadrants where one can spend their time:
1) Quadrant of Necessity,
2) Quadrant of Quality & Personal Leadership,
3) Quadrant of Deception, and
4) Quadrant of Waste.

Слайд 35

This mind map provides more detail on the activities associated with each

This mind map provides more detail on the activities associated with each

Now that you have identified which tasks you want to work on, Q1 and Q2 tasks, it is now up to you to schedule how you want to do them.
You can either do all Q1 tasks and then use the remaining time for Q2 tasks.
Or you start off with a Q2 tasks, then do all Q1 tasks, and then if you have time left you go back to quadrant two.

Слайд 36

3.4. Approach to time management by Lothar Seiwert.

of Marburg.
Lothar Seiwert was

3.4. Approach to time management by Lothar Seiwert. of Marburg. Lothar Seiwert
born in 1952, he was the program speaker and author of several best- sellers. Lothar is a leading expert on time management in Germany and Europe.
Seiwert studied economics in Marburg and Frankfurt, in 1978, he received his degree, defended his work on "The right to vote and the objectives of the enterprise system - a prerequisite advanced management model of the theory of economics and organization of production" at the Economics Department of the Philipps University
Lothar Seiwert has become famous for his work "more time for significant", "If in a hurry - do not hurry," "Boomerang Principle: more time to be happy" and "Strategy Bear: strength in tranquility." His books have been translated into 30 languages ​​and sold over 30 million copies.

Слайд 37

Ten "golden" rules by Seiwert

Form working units, including the execution of

Ten "golden" rules by Seiwert Form working units, including the execution of
major or similar nature of tasks.
Constant interruptions or extraneous noise require more time and effort for the next "takeoff" and "immersion" into the work. Combining several small-scale but similar nature of work (phone calls, replies to letters of correspondents, discussing official business with employees) in working units, saves time.

Слайд 38

2. Purposely sequester and set the opening hours.

To perform critical tasks must

2. Purposely sequester and set the opening hours. To perform critical tasks
be able to work in peace, without any interference from outside.
It is unacceptable that the door of your working office was always open for all, that you can always catch the phone. After all, have to travel to the clients to negotiate, etc.
So, it is necessary make personal opening hours. To do so, switch the phone to the secretary, colleagues or use an answering machine. Only in this case, your work schedule will be time to address major strategic issues. Only then will you be able to achieve high performance.

Слайд 39

3. Enforce the limits and determine the necessary investment of time to

3. Enforce the limits and determine the necessary investment of time to
perform tasks. Execution time of a work usually depends on the time available. Should be set a firm deadline for negotiations, meetings, etc.

4. Adhere to the principle of prioritization for tasks.
Nobody is able to cope with all the things that need or want to do. Stress often arises not from what we have done, but on the fact that we do not have time to do. Depresses us the knowledge that we do not have time to finish the job. The only possibility to handle the flow of tasks - is clearly set priorities for them.

Слайд 40

5. Perform only the really important things. Use one of the principles of

5. Perform only the really important things. Use one of the principles
prioritization: the Pareto principle, ABC analysis, or Eisenhower - Covey matrix.

6. Use delegation as a paid service.*
Use the principle of division of labor! If you have no subordinates or employees do not possess the necessary skills should be recruiting staff take care of, or in training existing staff. As well, you can use paid services of various agencies, consulting firms and organizations outside the firm.
*delegation of authority will be considered in the next topic.

Слайд 41

7. Perform important tasks in small pieces (tactics "salami slicing")
Even Albert Einstein

7. Perform important tasks in small pieces (tactics "salami slicing") Even Albert
observed that most people like to cut the wood, because in this case the action immediately result. It is because of the remoteness of the result people avoid difficult and major cases or postpone their "back burner."
The same way goals and projects should be divided into small portions, and do them for a long enough time, every day for two hours. To do this, set intermediate goals.

Слайд 42

8. Install time for yourself doing things "A". Is imperative to highlight in

8. Install time for yourself doing things "A". Is imperative to highlight
its scheduled time for the really important cases "A". Record of their own A-planned affairs as well as records of business meetings, conferences, etc., have to be made to the schedule.

9. The main tasks are performed early in the morning (the feeling of success).
“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. Task performed in the morning creates a feeling of success, uplifting.

Слайд 43

10. Intentionally taken into account in the work plans of fluctuations in

10. Intentionally taken into account in the work plans of fluctuations in

Through the day is changing, then it reaches a peak, then decreases sharply.
It may depend on human biorhythms, on "early bird" or "owl." But the most common performance varies according to the schedule described previously.
In any case, you should plan the execution of the most important works in periods of increased efficiency.
Work routine, no big deal, should be done in the afternoon. At the height of efficiency it is advisable to conduct interviews with employees, problem meeting and meetings with clients.
Recession performance dedicate advice and phone calls.

Слайд 44


The long working hours of the manager makes it necessary to

WORK MODE The long working hours of the manager makes it necessary
establish flexible return to work. Based on detailed observations were installed alternating periods of higher working capacity and fatigue of management employees during the working day.
The work capacity of the person changes during the working day and divides into three phases.

Слайд 45

Duration of the first phase (an adaptation phase) depending from several minutes

Duration of the first phase (an adaptation phase) depending from several minutes
to 1 h.

At the end of this phase, the body reaches maximum employee disability (b). The duration of this phase is 2.5 - 3 hours.

Слайд 46

As a rule, in 3-4 hours work capacity starts to decrease, the

… As a rule, in 3-4 hours work capacity starts to decrease,
attention dissipates; movements are slowed down, the quantity of errors are increases (period c). Is usual at this time set a break (d). After a lunch break the organism again passes during an adaptation phase, but it is shorter, than in the beginning of day.

Слайд 47

Lothar Seiwert:
MANY managers prefer

Lothar Seiwert: MANY managers prefer

Слайд 48

3.5 Planning of an operable time of method “ALP”.

Operable time is a

3.5 Planning of an operable time of method “ALP”. Operable time is
time spent for work performance, or time of active stay for the work, devoted to accomplishment of direct service duties.
Operable time necessary to plan. There is an optimum expense of time planning after which a further increase in planning time becomes ineffective. From the general planned period (year, month, week, day) such optimum should constitute no more than 1 %.

Слайд 49

Operable time planning covers following stages:

1. Establishment of tasks. At the first

Operable time planning covers following stages: 1. Establishment of tasks. At the
stage the manager constitutes the list has put, which should be executed throughout the planned period. The list of works should be constituted in writing.
2. Estimation of duration of actions. After drawing up of the list of works for the planned period it is necessary to specify the expense of time necessary for accomplishment of each kind of work.
For example, heads regulate in advance duration of acceptance of visitors on private matters, meetings, etc. As a whole the estimation of the necessary expenses of time will be approximate, and will need adjustment during realization of tasks.

Слайд 50

3. Time reservation (in the ratio 60:40).
The third stage: as it

3. Time reservation (in the ratio 60:40). The third stage: as it
is in advance impossible to provide, what tasks will need to be executed throughout the planned period, it is necessary to reserve time for unforeseen affairs. A float time for unforeseen works - 20 %; on creative activity of the head - 20 %. Thus, in the week plan for five-day week the general fund of an operable time will constitute 40 h., and for the decision of planned tasks - no more than 25-30 h.

Слайд 51

4. Decision making on priorities and delegation. The day plan should include

4. Decision making on priorities and delegation. The day plan should include
the decision of no more than 10 problems, in particular, no more than three paramount, work over which is performed first of all. Methods of arrangement of priorities and delegation principles we have already considered will.
5. The fifth stage: the accomplishment control.

Слайд 52

3.6. Domestic theory

Many domestic authors recommend the following principle of first priority

3.6. Domestic theory Many domestic authors recommend the following principle of first
of affairs in the plan of the manager:
1.Affairs with the fixed term of accomplishment;
2.That demand considerable expenses of time;
3.The unpleasant affairs, which putting off on then it is undesirable.

Слайд 53

Coach Business and Psychology, coordinator Ukrainian Forum Internet activists, the guru of

Coach Business and Psychology, coordinator Ukrainian Forum Internet activists, the guru of
modern time management Alex Mas offers the principles of prioritization:

1. You have to do interesting
2. You have to do not need
to be done urgently
3. You have to do work for the future
(ATTENTION: ANY OTHER matters forced and unnecessary)

Слайд 54

In the case of things you need:

1. To forget about it
2. If

In the case of things you need: 1. To forget about it
you can not forget, do immediately and correctly
3. If you can not do, or it is not interested, give the other person
forget - the most effective method. There needs habit, but most cases are completely useless.
remember, each case takes away time (for support and to consult on the expression of gratitude.)
giving others do, select a lot of time in control, but at the same time leave it (time) in stock.

Слайд 55

The basic concept of time management by A.Mas following:


The basic concept of time management by A.Mas following: A. NOT ALL
TIME - Get rid from guilt
Accountable to someone to use your time - is harmful. After all the time - is that really yours. That someone might ask you a specific result. But if your job - to take customer calls, the missed calls are the negative results for which you are responsible.
B. Bring to automatism all THAT CAN BE BROUGHT to automaticity. This allows you and your mind not to notice these things.

Слайд 56

C. Does one thing in each moment ...
Limit the number of hanging

C. Does one thing in each moment ... Limit the number of
affairs (delete affairs).
Makes the "GOAL" (remember why)
Trust your instincts. It knows more than you do (balance of mind-Senses)
D. Haste slowly. Because every time trouble is ineffective.
ALWAYS KEEP free 33% of time (and better than 50%). It is impossible to structure a time when it is all taken. You need a space to maneuver.

Слайд 57


1: The Perfect Desktop - empty, ideal mailbox - empty;
2: Especially

Consequences 1: The Perfect Desktop - empty, ideal mailbox - empty; 2:
dangerous are "hanging" important matters. Matter of time selects about 10% of its importance. To take on the 10 important things and you're not able to work.
3: It is much easier and more effective to tell people that you engage in this business after a while and it will be (interested) to remind you of it myself. In this case, your brain relax and enjoy life. He would like to remind you, and you usually do not remember it very nicely.
4: Started works necessary to complete.
5: Do not mix several cases together.
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