Types of research (1)

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What is descriptive research?

Descriptive research is defined as a research method that

What is descriptive research? Descriptive research is defined as a research method
describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon studied. The descriptive research method primarily focuses on describing the nature of a demographic segment, without focusing on “why” a particular phenomenon occurs. In other words, it “describes” the subject of the research, without covering “why” it happens.

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For example, an apparel brand that wants to understand the fashion purchasing

For example, an apparel brand that wants to understand the fashion purchasing
trends among New York buyers will conduct a demographic survey of this region, gather population data and then conduct descriptive research on this demographic segment. The study will then uncover details on “what is the purchasing pattern of New York buyers,” but not cover any investigative information about “why” the patterns exits. Because for the apparel brand trying to break into this market, understanding the nature of their market is the study’s objective.

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Some distinctive characteristics of descriptive research are:

Some distinctive characteristics of descriptive research are:

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Advantages of descriptive research

Advantages of descriptive research

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What Is Analytical Research?

Analytical research is a specific type of research that

What Is Analytical Research? Analytical research is a specific type of research
involves critical thinking skills and the evaluation of facts and information relative to the research being conducted.

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Descriptive and Analytical Research: What’s the Difference?

Descriptive and Analytical Research: What’s the Difference?

Слайд 9

Comparing Examples

Comparing Examples

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Qualitative Research In a nutshell

Qualitative research is a research methodology where “quality” or

Qualitative Research In a nutshell Qualitative research is a research methodology where
opinion based research is conducted to derive research conclusions. This type of research is often conversational in nature rather than being quantifiable through empirical research and measurements.

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Qualitative research:

Qualitative research:

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Quantitative Research In a nutshell

Quantitative research is a research methodology which uses questions and questionnaires

Quantitative Research In a nutshell Quantitative research is a research methodology which
to gather quantifiable data and perform statistical analysis to derive meaningful research conclusions.

Слайд 14

Quantitative research:

Quantitative research:
Имя файла: Types-of-research-(1).pptx
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