Слайд 2Divers for golf balls
Golf enthusiasts often notice teenagers on the playing field
Divers for golf balls
Golf enthusiasts often notice teenagers on the playing field

who collect lost balls, and then, for a small payment, return them back to the players. But, there is also a rarer profession - a diver for golf balls. It is a profession, because there are people for whom this is their main income.
Слайд 3Salary
Ball divers earn more than pearl divers, a professional gets up to
Ball divers earn more than pearl divers, a professional gets up to

$100,000 a year. In shops and factories, underwater hunters are not paid much – about 10 cents for one ball, but they also hand them over literally in bags. The catch of a professional is 3000-4000 balls per day. Enough to live on!
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