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- Ағылшын тілі пәнінен ауызша сөйлеу дағдысын критериальды бағалау
Слайд 2Speaking
A learner participates in a conversation in situations of formal and informal
A learner participates in a conversation in situations of formal and informal

communication; correctly formulates utterances using the lexical and grammatical resources of the
language; expresses an emotional and evaluative attitude to the reality using a previously suggested
strategy of oral communication; analyses and compares texts providing arguments to support their
point of view; reasons evaluating events, opinions, and problems; makes conclusions and suggests
ways to solve a given problem
communication; correctly formulates utterances using the lexical and grammatical resources of the
language; expresses an emotional and evaluative attitude to the reality using a previously suggested
strategy of oral communication; analyses and compares texts providing arguments to support their
point of view; reasons evaluating events, opinions, and problems; makes conclusions and suggests
ways to solve a given problem
- Предыдущая
12 апреля - день космонавтикиСледующая -
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