Distant lesson

Слайд 2

Абсолютный, полный
Способный, могущий
Цветной, насыщенный
Бесчисленный, неисчисляемый
Особый, отчетливый

Абсолютный, полный Горький Бронзовый Способный, могущий Цветной, насыщенный Бесчисленный, неисчисляемый Особый, отчетливый


Огромный, необъятный
Небрежный, неряшливый

Слайд 10

What is a school dinner?
A typical school dinner costs about 2 pounds

What is a school dinner? A typical school dinner costs about 2
a day for a secondary pupil in the UK. There is usually a main course, a dessert and a drink. Parents often pay in advance online. School dinners must include food groups such as fruit and vegetables, protein (for example meat, fish or cheese) and carbohydrate (for example rice or pasta). There are rules about how the food is prepared, for example there are limits on the quantity of fried food.

Слайд 11

Do all children have school dinners?
More than a third of British school

Do all children have school dinners? More than a third of British
pupils have school dinner. Some take a packed lunch, prepared at home. Others either have lunch at home or eat at nearby take-away restaurants. We asked some young people to tell us about what they eat at lunchtime on school days.
I have school dinners most days but I take a packed lunch on Fridays. This Friday I had a cheese sandwich, tomatoes, crisps, a chocolate bar and an apple juice. Tom, 14, Dorset
Today we had pizza, salad, then an apple for dessert. I get free school meals because my mum and dad are unemployed. Rae, 13, Hathersage
I had fish and chips today. I went to the chip shop near school with some friends. Sometimes I take a packed lunch and sometimes my parents give me money to buy lunch. Theo, 15, Cambridge
I have school dinner every day. Today I had roast chicken, carrots, green beans and potatoes. For dessert I had cake. Sarah, 14, Birmingham
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