For and Against Essay


Слайд 2

For and Against Essay ( "за и против")
В данном типе эссе основной

For and Against Essay ( "за и против") В данном типе эссе
задачей стоит рассмотреть две существующие точки зрения. Важно оценить обе позиции и выразить свое видение каждой из сторон. В конце необходимо сделать вывод.

Слайд 3






Введение. В нем вы подводите читателя к теме обсуждения.

Точка зрения “за”

Структура 1 2 3 4 Введение. В нем вы подводите читателя к

Точка зрения “против” + аргументы.

Заключение. Тут вы можете выразить свое мнение и сделать вывод .

For and Against Essay

Слайд 4

Слова I think, I believe, In my opinion, и т.д. можно употреблять

Слова I think, I believe, In my opinion, и т.д. можно употреблять
только в заключении, где вы выражаете свою точку зрения.

For and Against Essay


Слайд 5

For and Against Essay
Short Example

Current situation with the coronavirus pandemic forced

For and Against Essay Short Example Current situation with the coronavirus pandemic
many schools and universities into distance learning.
On the one hand, the majority of people found a lot of advantages in online education in the recent past.
On the other hand, there are those who believe that benefits of offline education outweigh benefits of online one.
In my opinion, studying with the help of the internet is more effective for a number of reasons.

Слайд 6

For and Against Essay

It is common knowledge that / Our

For and Against Essay Шаблон It is common knowledge that / Our
modern world is unthinkable without …….. Some people are in favour of ……………………. while others claim that ……………… Let’s speculate all the points.
On the one hand, / The main advantage of ………………………………. Furthermore, ……………..
On the other hand, ………………… For example / Moreover…….
These points have merits and could be acceptable, but in order to get a complete sense of ………. we should also admit the idea of ………...
Taking everything into account, balancing all the mentioned topics we will have a prospect to ………

Слайд 7

А сейчас мы с вами будем учиться выкручиваться на экзамене.
Экзамен, тест

А сейчас мы с вами будем учиться выкручиваться на экзамене. Экзамен, тест
или любая контрольная работа-всегда стресс. Как бы вы хорошо не знали материал, от переживаний и волнений можно забыть всё. Чтобы такого не произошло, я подскажу вам один приём, который в большинстве случаев сможет помочь вам выполнить задание. Есть очень удачное эссе, переделывая которое, можно написать то, что от вас требуется. Текст нужно выучить наизусть!

Слайд 8

Going On Holidays With Friends And Their Families
What could be more natural

Going On Holidays With Friends And Their Families What could be more
for people than to plan to take a holiday with the people whose company you enjoy the most - your friends? But before you invite them all to come along, remember that going on holiday together could be the quickest way to lose friends.
A holiday can be the perfect way to cement a friendship. It is an opportunity to relax together, have fun and provides a store of shared memories for the future.
On the other hand, it can also be the time when you realise how little you have in common. Consider how well you really know each other and how well they know you. For example, are they good timekeepers? And are they generous or mean?
It is very difficult to predict what will happen, before you try it, you may have the best holiday ever, or it may turn to be a disaster. Perhaps you will decide that, all things considered, you really know each other well enough, and that all will be well. Personally, I think my friendships are too important to risk.

Слайд 9

Для примера возьмём три темы: Школа, Хобби и
Экстремальный спорт. Берём первое

Для примера возьмём три темы: Школа, Хобби и Экстремальный спорт. Берём первое
предложение из примера What could be more natural for people than to (глагол)… и подставляем необходимые слова для каждой темы.

What could be more natural for children than to study at school ?
What could be more natural for people than to do any hobby ?
What could be more natural for people than to do any sport ?

Слайд 10

2 абзац:
Основная часть.
Привести аргумент “ЗА”, подкрепив  его примерами или доказательствами.

2 абзац: Основная часть. Привести аргумент “ЗА”, подкрепив его примерами или доказательствами.
этого берём следующий отрывок из примера.
“On the one hand, a holiday can be the perfect way to cement a friendship. It is an opportunity to relax together, have fun and provides a store of shared memories for the future.”
Пытаемся применить его к нашим темам.

Слайд 11

Для темы “Школа”:
Меняем слово holiday на school, и получаем :
On the

Для темы “Школа”: Меняем слово holiday на school, и получаем : On
one hand, a school can be the perfect place to get education. It is an opportunity to relax together, have fun and provides a store of shared memories for the future.

Слайд 12

Для темы “Хобби”:
On the one hand, your hobby can be the perfect

Для темы “Хобби”: On the one hand, your hobby can be the
way to make new friends. It is an opportunity to relax, broaden your horizons, have fun and provides a store of shared memories for the future.

Слайд 13

Для темы “Спорт”:
On the one hand, sport can be the perfect way

Для темы “Спорт”: On the one hand, sport can be the perfect
to make new friends. It is a greate opportunity to relax, become strong and healthy, have fun and provides a store of shared memories for the future.

Слайд 14

3 абзац:
Основная часть.
Привести противоположный аргумент, подкрепив его примерами или доказательствами.

3 абзац: Основная часть. Привести противоположный аргумент, подкрепив его примерами или доказательствами.

Для этого возьмём следующий отрывок и опять применим к трём нашим темам.
“On the other hand, it can also be the time when you realise how little you have in common. Consider how well you really know each other and how well they know you. For example, are they good timekeepers? And are they generous or mean?”

Слайд 15

Для темы “Школа”:

On the other hand, school can also be the time

Для темы “Школа”: On the other hand, school can also be the
when you realise how little you have learnt. Consider how bad you really know school subjects. For example, do you have enough knowledge to enter a good university? And are you clever and skilled enough after all your schools years?

Слайд 16

Для темы “Хобби”:

On the other hand, hobby can also be the time

Для темы “Хобби”: On the other hand, hobby can also be the
when you realise how much time and money you have already spent. Consider how little your hobby has given you. For example, have you known anything new? Have you become reacher or happier?

Слайд 17

Для темы “Спорт”:

On the other hand, sport can also be the time

Для темы “Спорт”: On the other hand, sport can also be the
when you realise how much time and money you have already spent. Consider how really well you do sport. For example, are you the best? And will sport make any profit in future?

Слайд 18

4 абзац:
CONCLUSION (заключение)
Берём следующий отрывок.
It is very difficult to predict what

4 абзац: CONCLUSION (заключение) Берём следующий отрывок. It is very difficult to
will happen, before you try it, you may have the best holiday ever, or it may turn to be a disaster. Perhaps you will decide that, all things considered, you really know each other well enough, and that all will be well. Personally, I think my friendships are too important to risk.
И опять пытаемся применить к нашим трём темам.

Слайд 19

Для темы “Школа”:

It is very difficult to predict what will happen, before

Для темы “Школа”: It is very difficult to predict what will happen,
you try it, you may have the best time ever, or it may turn to be a total disaster. Perhaps you will decide that, all things considered, you really know your school will give you enough knowledge, and that all will be well. Personally, I think my life is too important to risk. That’s why I’m going to begin home schooling.

Слайд 20

Для темы “Хобби”:

It is very difficult to predict what will happen, before

Для темы “Хобби”: It is very difficult to predict what will happen,
you try it, you may have the best time ever, or it may turn to be a disaster. Perhaps you will decide that, all things considered, you really know your hobby will make you happy enough, and that all will be well. Personally, I think my life is too important to risk. That’s why I’m going to give up wasting my time and taking up studing.

Слайд 21

Для темы “Спорт”:

It is very difficult to predict what will happen, before

Для темы “Спорт”: It is very difficult to predict what will happen,
you try it, you may have the best time ever, or it may turn to be a disaster. Perhaps you will decide that, all things considered, you really know how to spend your life, and that all will be well. Personally, I think my life is too important to risk. That’s why I do only fitness to be in a good shape.

Слайд 22

Фразы, с которых можно начать эссе

Фразы, с которых можно начать эссе

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Фразы, перечисляющие точки зрения

Фразы, перечисляющие точки зрения

Слайд 24

Фразы, добавляющие новые аргументы

Фразы, добавляющие новые аргументы

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Заключительные фразы

Заключительные фразы

Слайд 26

Фразы, выражающие мнение

Фразы, выражающие мнение
Имя файла: For-and-Against-Essay.pptx
Количество просмотров: 48
Количество скачиваний: 0