Слайд 2A period of your life when
you don’t have any duties

spend time
playing in the garden
Слайд 4The way of the
Past Perfect formation + - ?
(schematically, don’t forget

about “words-helpers”)
Слайд 6To feel deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own

Слайд 7How do you think
why did Vicky brake
the flower?
(give the answer

in the form
of a sentence!)
Слайд 9How can we call this process?
Give three forms of this verb.

Слайд 10
The way of the
Present Simple formation
(schematically, don’t forget
about “words-helpers”)

Слайд 13The thing which exists
only in one variant

Слайд 14“Curiosity killed the cat”
Give the Russian variant
of this proverb

Слайд 15Kate
3 2 1 4
The fifth
letter of

Слайд 17Give some words which can
help you to understand
Past Simple

Слайд 18Вести себя нечестно по
отношению к своим близким,
выдавать их секреты или

просто забывать о них
Слайд 20j
(2 форма)
1-ого лица мн.ч.
В родительном

Слайд 23The way of the
Present Cont. formation + - ?
(schematically, don’t forget

about “words-helpers”)
Слайд 24To have a bad feeling when
somebody has a thing
that you

don’t have
Слайд 26You have a nice day!
Get it for free!

Слайд 27You have a nice day!
Get it for free!

Слайд 28You have a nice day!
Get it for free!

Слайд 30Relationships between
two persons in which
they trust to each other and

always try to help