English test


Слайд 2

A period of your life when
you don’t have any duties

A period of your life when you don’t have any duties and
spend time
playing in the garden

Слайд 4

The way of the
Past Perfect formation + - ?
(schematically, don’t forget

The way of the Past Perfect formation + - ? (schematically, don’t forget about “words-helpers”)

about “words-helpers”)

Слайд 5

Гордиться за кого-либо

Гордиться за кого-либо

Слайд 6

To feel deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own

To feel deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements

Слайд 7

How do you think
why did Vicky brake
the flower?
(give the answer

How do you think why did Vicky brake the flower? (give the
in the form
of a sentence!)

Слайд 8

What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 9

How can we call this process?
Give three forms of this verb.

How can we call this process? Give three forms of this verb.

Слайд 10

The way of the
Present Simple formation
(schematically, don’t forget
about “words-helpers”)

The way of the Present Simple formation (schematically, don’t forget about “words-helpers”)

Слайд 11


(Just the first word)

+ (Just the first word)

Слайд 12



Слайд 13

The thing which exists
only in one variant

The thing which exists only in one variant

Слайд 14

“Curiosity killed the cat”
Give the Russian variant
of this proverb

“Curiosity killed the cat” Give the Russian variant of this proverb

Слайд 15


3 2 1 4



The fifth
letter of

Kate 3 2 1 4 + + The fifth letter of the alphabet

Слайд 16

Проводить время

Проводить время

Слайд 17

Give some words which can
help you to understand
Past Simple

Give some words which can help you to understand Past Simple

Слайд 18

Вести себя нечестно по
отношению к своим близким,
выдавать их секреты или

Вести себя нечестно по отношению к своим близким, выдавать их секреты или просто забывать о них

просто забывать о них

Слайд 19

Для + давать

Для + давать

Слайд 20





(2 форма)




1-ого лица мн.ч.
В родительном

j + , + Терять (2 форма) , , + Личное Местоимение

Слайд 21



Слайд 22

Сделать что-либо

Сделать что-либо намеренно

Слайд 23

The way of the
Present Cont. formation + - ?
(schematically, don’t forget

The way of the Present Cont. formation + - ? (schematically, don’t forget about “words-helpers”)

about “words-helpers”)

Слайд 24

To have a bad feeling when
somebody has a thing
that you

To have a bad feeling when somebody has a thing that you don’t have
don’t have

Слайд 25

Unite these words in a word

Unite these words in a word

Слайд 26

You have a nice day!
Get it for free!

You have a nice day! Get it for free!

Слайд 27

You have a nice day!
Get it for free!

You have a nice day! Get it for free!

Слайд 28

You have a nice day!
Get it for free!

You have a nice day! Get it for free!

Слайд 29



Слайд 30

Relationships between
two persons in which
they trust to each other and

Relationships between two persons in which they trust to each other and always try to help

always try to help
Имя файла: English-test.pptx
Количество просмотров: 47
Количество скачиваний: 0