Слайд 2What do you think about your Favorite recipes? Do you have any
Favorite recipes?
Слайд 3melt [melt] - таять, растворять
grate [greɪt] – решетка, камин
pinch [pɪnʧ] – щепотка, защемить
[ʧɔp] – рубить, крошить
slice [slaɪs] – ломтик, нарезать
teaspoonful [ˈtiːspuːnfʊl] - чайная ложка
steamed [stiːm] - парить
fried [fraɪd] - жареный
grilled [grɪld] - жареный
rare [rɛə] - редкий
boiled [bɔɪld] - вареный
scrambled [skræmbl] - омлет
sparkling [ˈspɑːklɪŋ] - игристый, пенистый
Слайд 4Look at the Text . What type is it? Use the following
words to complete the text.
melt, grate, pich, chop, slice, teaspoonful
Слайд 5Let’s have a Rest.
Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips, sit down
up. Hands to the sides
Bent left bent right
Hands on hips
1, 2, 3 hop 1, 2, 3 stop!
Sit down, please
Слайд 6Read the theory. Is it the same in your language?
Слайд 7Choose the correct verb form. Check in the Grammar Reference section.
Слайд 8Listen to two pairs of people talking about a restaurant they've been
to. Which dialogue contains a positive/negative opinion?
Слайд 9Look at the phrases below. Which of the two dialogues do they
belong to? Listen again and say.