He, who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own one.” Тот, кто не знает иностранного языка, не знает своего


Слайд 2



Слайд 3

consonants (согласные: взрывные, носовые, альвеолярные, губные, губно-зубные, межзубные, фрикативные)
vowels (гласные: переднего ряда,

consonants (согласные: взрывные, носовые, альвеолярные, губные, губно-зубные, межзубные, фрикативные) vowels (гласные: переднего ряда, заднего ряда) SOUNDS:
заднего ряда)


Слайд 4

[ f ] five, coffee, roof
[v] veil, convey, love
[s] six, face, mass
[z] zoo, zero,

[ f ] five, coffee, roof [v] veil, convey, love [s] six,
[k] key, cake, track
[g] grey, magnet, bag
[m] mom, dream, Crimea
[n] nun, sound, keen
[l] light, color, mall
[j] yellow, student, unit
[h] horse, hello, whole


Слайд 5

[b] Betty Botter bought some butter, But she said butter was bitter, Then she bought

[b] Betty Botter bought some butter, But she said butter was bitter,
some better butter, Now Betty Botter’s butter’s better. [p] Peter Piper picked a piece of pickled pepper

Слайд 6

[t] Tony tip-toed to Tim’s tiny toy. [d] Did Dave Duck day-dream about Diana?

[t] Tony tip-toed to Tim’s tiny toy. [d] Did Dave Duck day-dream about Diana?

Слайд 7

[ʃ] She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. [tʃ]  How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, If

[ʃ] She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. [tʃ] How much wood would
a woodchuck would chuck wood? [ʒ] Eat with pleasure, drink in measure. [dʒ] Jack and John learned German in Japan.

Слайд 8

[ð] Whenever the weather is cold.  Whenever the weather is hot.  We'll weather the weather,  whatever

[ð] Whenever the weather is cold. Whenever the weather is hot. We'll
the weather,  whether we like it or not.  [Θ] I thought, you thought, we both thought that we thought.

Слайд 9

[w] Why do you cry, Willy, Why do you cry? Why, Willy, why, Willy, why,

[w] Why do you cry, Willy, Why do you cry? Why, Willy,
Willy, why?

Слайд 10

[r] Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.

[r] Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.

Слайд 11

 [ŋ]  Sing a song, sing a song, sing a nice English song.

[ŋ] Sing a song, sing a song, sing a nice English song.

Слайд 12

Monophthong (монофтонг)
Diphthong (дифтонг)
Triphthong (трифтонг)


Monophthong (монофтонг) Diphthong (дифтонг) Triphthong (трифтонг) Vowels:

Слайд 13

[i] Big busy city. [i:] I’m very pleased to meet these people.

[i] Big busy city. [i:] I’m very pleased to meet these people.

Слайд 14

[ɔ] Octopus ocular optics. [ɔ:] George ought to draw up a short report on this

[ɔ] Octopus ocular optics. [ɔ:] George ought to draw up a short
morning's talk.

Слайд 15

[u] The cook took a good look at the pudding. [u:] Tuesday's too soon to

[u] The cook took a good look at the pudding. [u:] Tuesday's
bring the new music stool into the school.

Слайд 16

[æ] A fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

[æ] A fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat
[e] Seventy seven benevolent elephants.

Слайд 17

[ʌ] Just once last month I took Sunny out for lunch. [a:] It's hard

[ʌ] Just once last month I took Sunny out for lunch. [a:]
to park such a large car in the dark.

Слайд 18

[ə:] Kirsty bought a purple skirt. [ə] computer, photographer, etc.

[ə:] Kirsty bought a purple skirt. [ə] computer, photographer, etc.

Слайд 19

[ei] lake, make, disable [ai] my, lie, kite [au] house, mouse, cow [oi] boy, toy,

[ei] lake, make, disable [ai] my, lie, kite [au] house, mouse, cow
soil [ou]home, dome, Rome [iə] hear, dear, career [ɛə] air, Claire [uə] poor, cruel

Слайд 20

 [juə] Europe [aiə] fire, liar [auə] hour

[juə] Europe [aiə] fire, liar [auə] hour
Имя файла: He,-who-doesn’t-know-a-foreign-language,-doesn’t-know-his-own-one.”-Тот,-кто-не-знает-иностранного-языка,-не-знает-своего.pptx
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