Слайд 2How should teachers give instructions?

Слайд 3Who is responsible for learning?

Слайд 4Who is a good learner?
Think of two successful learners you know (excluding

What positive qualities did/do the share?
What makes them successful learners?
Слайд 6Levels of English Language Proficiency

Слайд 10 Student groupings
Whole class

Слайд 13What if students are all different levels?

Слайд 15What if students keep using their own language?

Слайд 16What if students are uncooperative?

Слайд 17What if students don’t want to talk?

Слайд 18What if students don’t understand the listening tape?

Слайд 19What if some students finish before everybody else?

Слайд 22Who and how evaluates a teacher?