Слайд 2


Wheat - the grain of which is ground to make flour for

Glossary Wheat - the grain of which is ground to make flour
bread, pasta, pastry, etc
Barley - it is widely cultivated, chiefly for use in brewing and stockfeed.
Oats - widely used for animal feed as well as human consumption.
Rye - grain is used for flour, rye bread, rye beer, bread, some whiskeys, some vodkas, and animal fodder
Bran - outer shell that protects the seed; pieces of grain husk separated from flour after milling.
Germ - embryos of grains, whch is a nutritious food for the seed
Forage - bulky food such as grass or hay for horses and cattle
Malt – convert grain into malt (beer).

Слайд 3

Types of grains


Types of grains Wheat Barley Oats Rye

Слайд 4

Parts of a grain

Bran: “outer shell” that protects the seed. Contains vitamins,

Parts of a grain Bran: “outer shell” that protects the seed. Contains
minerals, protein and fiber
Endosperm: inner, contains carbohydrates
Germ: food for the seed. Contains vitamins B & E, fat and protein

Слайд 10


Which types of Grains do you know?
What kinds of products do people

Questions Which types of Grains do you know? What kinds of products
make from wheat?
Which grain was used by people the first?
What’s percent of oat crop is used for animal feed?
Was rye first seen as a weed?
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