Слайд 2If I come home after a long absence , I will turn

my attention to the city of Izobilny, which is located next to my village.
Слайд 3In this place, especially the fact that I came here very often,

both on business and for entertainment . I also finished my second school here .
Слайд 4This is a small city, even a small one. Its population is

also small
Слайд 5Roads in this city are different, where bad, where good . But

still, I saw more good roads. There are few tourists in this city , so I don't know how they come and go.You can get used to this place quickly, I think.
Слайд 6Since this is a small city, there is not much that is

interesting there . There are of course large shops, parks , squares , a large square, there are two stages where concerts take place.In General, there is a place to walk and have a good time.
Слайд 7The type of housing people have here is completely normal . Probably

the same as many other people living in other cities. And the architecture of these houses is also common . There are both apartment buildings and private houses .
Слайд 8In the open air, you can gather in the city center ,

on the square, in the Park . You can sit on a bench in the shade, and in the warm season there are rides .There are various cafes where you can eat and relax. In General , we have places where you can have a good time.
Слайд 9In their free time, people who live here can play sports ,

go for a walk , go to a movie, go to a cafe . Unfortunately, there is no theater here yet.
Слайд 10People earn their living here working in various jobs, and it is

also possible to do your own business , maybe even open your own company, if you want .
Слайд 11There are several good schools in this city . But there are

no higher educational institutions . There is only one institution where students can enroll on the basis of nine classes.
Слайд 12For tourism, this city is too small , and besides, it is

not very interesting , but if someone visits here, I would advise you to visit the city center, as this is the best place here.
Слайд 13A newcomer to this city will not find anything strange, because it

is ordinary, like many small cities in Russia.
Слайд 14In this place, I really like the Park . I like to

walk it with my friends . It's hard to say what I don't like about this city .