Игровые занятия для 1-х классов

Слайд 2

Sales shelves.

Some of us like brown bread,
Some of us like white,
Some of

Sales shelves. Some of us like brown bread, Some of us like
us eat a lot of fruits,
Some think it’s right.

Слайд 3


He likes vegetables,
Vegetables too,
She likes salad,
Salad too.

Scales. He likes vegetables, Vegetables too, She likes salad, Salad too.

Слайд 4


I like ice-cream.
She like sweets.
I like cookies,
He likes cheese.

Cash-desk. I like ice-cream. She like sweets. I like cookies, He likes cheese.

Слайд 5


Do you like to go shopping? - Yes, of course.
Do you want

Saleswoman. Do you like to go shopping? - Yes, of course. Do
to buy toys?
Yes of course.

Слайд 9


Customer : Have you got any sweets on sale?
Saleswoman: Sorry, I haven’t.

Customer. Customer : Have you got any sweets on sale? Saleswoman: Sorry,
I have got some cookies and cakes. Would you like some?
Customer: Yes, please.

Слайд 10


Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

Seasons. Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white.

Слайд 11


I like food,
I like eating lots and lots of food.
Bread and jam,

Supermarket. I like food, I like eating lots and lots of food.
and meat, and fish,
Cakes and biscuits too,
Beans and mustard, eggs and ships,
Mutton steaks, potatoes, peas,
And salted mushrooms too.

Слайд 12


The trees are green,
Blue skies are seen,
Grey winter’s gone away,
The golden sun

Springtime. The trees are green, Blue skies are seen, Grey winter’s gone
The world looks new and gay.

Слайд 13

When it is May.

When it is May,
We play and sing,
We are all

When it is May. When it is May, We play and sing,
We greet the spring!

Слайд 14


Summer time is
A time for play;
We are happy
All the day.

Summer. Summer time is A time for play; We are happy All the day.

Слайд 15

A busy bee.

I’m busy, busy, busy,
Says a busy little bee,
Pretty, busy little

A busy bee. I’m busy, busy, busy, Says a busy little bee,
Bring some honey for my tea.

Слайд 16

Summer is here.

Summer is here
The brooks running clear,
For summer is here,
Yes, summer

Summer is here. Summer is here The brooks running clear, For summer
is here.

Слайд 17


The summer is over
The trees are all bare,
There is mist in the

Autumn. The summer is over The trees are all bare, There is
And frost in the air.

Слайд 18

Autumn rain.

As I’m getting out of bed
I can hear the rain.
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter

Autumn rain. As I’m getting out of bed I can hear the
my window-pane.

Слайд 19


Winter brings us snow-flakes,
Spring – green buds and shoots,
Summer brings us berries,

Winter. Winter brings us snow-flakes, Spring – green buds and shoots, Summer
– golden fruits.
Имя файла: Игровые-занятия-для-1-х-классов.pptx
Количество просмотров: 34
Количество скачиваний: 0