Слайд 2Science and its significance
Science is knowledge which can be a system and

which usually depends on seeing and testing facts, stating general natural laws.
Science is based on observation and experiment.
Слайд 3Science and its significance
Scientists aim to discover answers to the questions:

«How?» and «Why?»
They try to explain the world from the material point of view.
They explore things that are mysteries to us and do research.
They study physical objects and observe different processes and phenomena.
Слайд 4Science and its significance
Then they analyze, systematize, classify them.
After that they suggest

new ideas, put forward theories and set out laws.
Scientists make experiments and discover various facts .
Finally, they state(establish) and formulate the principles of these theories.
Слайд 5Science and its significance

Слайд 6Science and its significance
Thus, scientists develop and advance science and science progresses.

some centuries people mostly store, save and preserve information.
But there are centuries that are rich in numerous important discoveries and inventions.
For example, the 19th and the 20th centuries saw the greatest inventions indeed.
Слайд 7Science and its significance
What inventions and discoveries can be regarded as real

There is a legend that they are the fire, the wheel and the alphabet as they gave humanity power over matter, space and symbols relatively.
The other widely spread idea is that the compass, (gun)powder and paper are most influential inventions in the history of mankind.
But in fact there are lots of them.
Слайд 8Science and its significance

Слайд 9Science and its significance
Few people will deny the fact that we can’t

do without science nowadays.
There are 2 major reasons for that.
Apart from those who are keen on receiving knowledge, getting new information just for the fun of it or to broaden their own horizons, we can’t ignore the fact we live in a certain environment.
Слайд 10Science and its significance
No doubt we should know ourselves and everything around

us better. It is essential not to get into trouble, to provide ourselves with a healthy place to live in.
Besides it is a well-known fact that science affects nearly every area of common people’s lives through technology.
Слайд 11Science and its significance
“Science can give us knowledge of our environment. It

sets the scene in which we act. If it couldn’t do that, we’d be blind and ignorant and couldn’t act reasonably at all.”
(Magnus Pyke, a British scientist)
“Science clears the fields on which technology can build.”
(Werner Heisenberg, a German scientist)
Слайд 12Science and its significance
Now we are living at a most exciting time

in the history of science. Modern methods of research enable us to understand many things that were mysterious to our ancestors. We are increasing our understanding of the universe.
But the more we find out the more we realize how much there is still to learn.
Слайд 13Science and its significance
Here are some urgent acute problems scientific minds are

working at, to mention only a few:
Finding alternative sources of energy
Recycling and reusing materials
Creating effective systems of communication