Super Mario Bros


Слайд 3

I have four legs.
I live in Africa.
I am big and grey.
I live

I have four legs. I live in Africa. I am big and
in the river.


Слайд 4

I can fly.
I am not a bird.
I sleep during the day.
I am

I can fly. I am not a bird. I sleep during the


Слайд 5

I wear a uniform.
I often have a gun.
I conduct traffic.
I catch

I wear a uniform. I often have a gun. I conduct traffic.

Police officer

Слайд 6

I am made of wood.
I have four legs.
You can sit on me.

I am made of wood. I have four legs. You can sit
often in the kitchen.


Слайд 7

I’m made of metal.
I often see your teeth.
I’m oval.
You eat soup with

I’m made of metal. I often see your teeth. I’m oval. You


Слайд 8

I live in the desert.
I am dangerous.
I have six legs.
I sting.


I live in the desert. I am dangerous. I have six legs. I sting. Scorpion

Слайд 9

You can ride me.
I don’t drink often.
I live in the desert.
I have

You can ride me. I don’t drink often. I live in the
a hump.


Слайд 10

I live in the sea.
I am not a fish.
You can’t eat me.

I live in the sea. I am not a fish. You can’t
usually have 5 arms.


Слайд 11

I am made of glass.
I hang on the wall.
You often look at

I am made of glass. I hang on the wall. You often
You can see yourself in me.


Слайд 12

I use markers or chalk.
I work in a school.
I have students.
I give

I use markers or chalk. I work in a school. I have


Слайд 13

I have one ear.
I’m made of ceramic or plastic.
You put hot stuff

I have one ear. I’m made of ceramic or plastic. You put
in me.
You drink coffee or tea in me.


Слайд 14

I’m a wild animal.
I howl.
I hunt in packs.
I look like a dog


I’m a wild animal. I howl. I hunt in packs. I look like a dog Wolf

Слайд 15

I live in the garden.
I eat vegetables.
I am very slow.
I carry my

I live in the garden. I eat vegetables. I am very slow.
house on my back


Слайд 16

I work at or near home.
I drive a tractor.
I grow vegetables.
I have

I work at or near home. I drive a tractor. I grow
animals in the field


Слайд 17

I wear a white hat.
I feed people.
I work in a kitchen.
I cook.


I wear a white hat. I feed people. I work in a kitchen. I cook. Chef

Слайд 18

I need electricity.
I have a screen.
I can send email.
You can play games

I need electricity. I have a screen. I can send email. You
on me.


Слайд 19

I can fly.
I have six legs.
I am yellow and black.
I collect honey.


I can fly. I have six legs. I am yellow and black. I collect honey. Bee

Слайд 20

I ran run very fast.
I can’t fly.
I’m a bird.
My eggs are huge


I ran run very fast. I can’t fly. I’m a bird. My eggs are huge Ostrich

Слайд 21

I’m in the kitchen.
I’m usually white.
I’m cold.
I have food and drink in

I’m in the kitchen. I’m usually white. I’m cold. I have food


Слайд 22

I wear a uniform.
I am often a woman.
I work in a hospital.

I wear a uniform. I am often a woman. I work in
help a doctor.


Слайд 23

I am very small.
I bite at night.
I transfer malaria.
I eat blood.


I am very small. I bite at night. I transfer malaria. I eat blood. Mosquito

Слайд 24

I’m a kind of pet.
I am orange.
I live in a bowl.
I can

I’m a kind of pet. I am orange. I live in a


Слайд 25

You can pick me up.
You use me to call people.
I ring.
You can

You can pick me up. You use me to call people. I
speak and listen to me.


Слайд 26

I eat other animals.
I have a big mouth.
I am green.
I live in

I eat other animals. I have a big mouth. I am green.
the water.

Alligator / Crocodile

Слайд 33

Score x 2

Score x 2

Слайд 34

Give all your points to another team!

Give all your points to another team!

Слайд 35

Level up!
7 points!

Level up! 7 points!

Слайд 36

Give all your points to another team!

Give all your points to another team!

Слайд 38

Steal 1 point from every team!

Steal 1 point from every team!

Слайд 39

Change points with the team with the least points.

Change points with the team with the least points.

Слайд 40

Level up!
6 points!

Level up! 6 points!

Слайд 42

Swap points with another team!

Swap points with another team!

Слайд 43

Level up!
6 points!

Level up! 6 points!

Слайд 44

Level up!
7 points!

Level up! 7 points!
Имя файла: Super-Mario-Bros.pptx
Количество просмотров: 68
Количество скачиваний: 0