The Tomb of The Unknown Warrior under Triumphal Arch in Paris

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In the center of Paris there is the famous Triumphal Arch (Arc

In the center of Paris there is the famous Triumphal Arch (Arc
de Triomphe). It is the symbol of valour and glory of the French warrior. Under Triumphal Arch there is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. "Here lies the French soldier, who gave his life for his Motherland in 1914-1918" - says the inscription on the tombstone.

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In November 1919, on the first anniversary of the truce, it was

In November 1919, on the first anniversary of the truce, it was
decided to bury the Unknown Soldier in the Pantheon, but under public pressure it was decided to bury under the Triumphal Arch. On the 28th of January in 1921 there was a solemn burial.

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The author of the idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of the deceased

The author of the idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of the deceased
nameless soldiers at the state level is the English chaplain David Raylton, who served in the British army in the First World War. In 1916 in France, a clergyman discovered the burial place of a British unknown soldier who prompted the raising of the question of creating a memorial on the English land. After a short hesitation, and with huge public support, the authorities agreed to install the monument. The ashes of an unknown soldier were taken from France and betrayed to the earth on the 11th of November , 1920 in Westminster.

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In 1920, eight coffins were brought to the neighborhood of Verdun with

In 1920, eight coffins were brought to the neighborhood of Verdun with
the remains of French unidentified soldiers. Honorary mission to choose one of the eight heroes of the Great War was vested in the rank-and-file French army of Auguste Tin. He put some white carnations on the coffin number six, which was soon transported to Paris. Initially, an unknown soldier was to be buried in the Invalides' House or in the Pantheon. But after weighing all the pros and cons, the memorial was decided to be created on the Etoile (Star) Square - under the Arc de Triomphe. The funeral was performed on January 28, 1921, and in 1923 the Eternal Flame was lit here.

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Thousands of tourists every day come here to bow their heads in

Thousands of tourists every day come here to bow their heads in
memory of the victims of the First World War.
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