Слайд 2Technically:
School )exams finished year study referent – new semester
Accomodation )dorms flats

money issues finding new flat
SW prep )notes sales talk/objections self talk list of controllables
Gadgets )phone iPad chargers + adapt. headphones watches
Drugs )alergies, ibalgin, paralen, coldrex, …
Vitamins )magnesium C
Hygiene )antiperspirant! Balsam sun cream 50+ the basics band-aid
Слайд 3Shopping – clothes
T-shirts in Nashville (10$ each)
Shorts – long enough (guys –

Jeans + nice clothes for meetings
Swimming suit
Good running shoes!! 2x
Underwear (sporty even) + socks – more (they are easy to dissapear)
Слайд 4The most important
Passport + DS form 2019 + SEVIS
Driving licence – European

+ international
Copy of the most important documents (visa, passport, DS from, …)
Pocket money
Get something nice for the host family
Слайд 5Emotionally
Leave all the troubles behind – the summer is here!
Get yourself ready

(emotional goals, affirmations, mindset, …)
Throw a « goodbye party » with your friends
Saying goodbye to family
Boyfriend/Girlfriend goodbye
Photos – sth that will help you
Emotional/vision board with quotes
Prepare everybody for the summer so they can help and support you properly
Explain what you gonna be doing
Explain why – what

would you like to gain from the summer
Explain that it is gonna be hard and you know about it
« It‘s outside the comfort zone where we learn the most!“
Explain calls – busy schedule
Explain how to work with you (what to say)